“Captain Ace, Deputy Captain Luci, look so quickly.”

“What’s wrong! Sark, startled. Ace asked lightly.

“You see, both of you have been bounty by the Navy.” Sark said with two wanted warrants.

“Have I been rewarded too?” Luffy said lightly.

Ace ended the bounty list and said with a smile: “Not bad!” Luci, you see, I was offered a reward of 50 million beri on my first reward, and you were also offered a reward of 30 million berry, listen to it! ”

“Is it? But that’s not what I care about, Ace. Luffy didn’t show excitement when he heard about the amount of his bounty.

“Captain Ace, you can see Rogue Town now.”

“Roguetown? It’s already here! Esa said a little sentimentally.

“By the way, Captain Ace, it’s best not to cause anything after we go to the island, I heard that the colonel who is guarding the town above Rogue Town now seems to have been transferred from the Navy headquarters, and after he came to Rogue Town, as long as the pirates went to Rogue Town, there was no way to escape from him.” Sark reminded.

After docking the ship, Luffy said, “Ace, let’s separate here!” I’m going to see One Piece’s place, and then I’m going back. ”

“Is it? All right! Saying that, Ace threw the money bag that had been prepared long ago to Luffy, and said, “Although the money here is not very much, there are more than 1 million berry, which is enough for you to go back, and I am looking forward to your going to sea in three years.” ”

“Captain, what the hell is going on! Deputy Captain Lucy he…” Sack wondered.

“It’s nothing, this guy also has to be a captain, how can he stay on my ship!” Ace smiled indifferently.

“Sark, this time with you is really good, we will definitely see you again in the future.” Luffy smiled.

“Yes, Deputy Captain Luci.”

“Ace, are you going to prepare for the Great Voyage next, where I heard it is very dangerous, then be careful.” Luffy reminded.

“Haha, you don’t have to worry about this.” Ace chuckled, “Moreover, before going to the Great Voyage, I plan to go to the South China Sea first, where I was born and where my mother’s hometown is, I want to go back and see.” ”

“Is it? Well, goodbye, Ace. Luffy waved his hand and jumped straight off the ship.

After seeing off Luffy, Ace also immediately ordered, “Okay, little ones, hurry up and go to town to buy some food and water, and prepare to enter the Great Voyage.” ”


Immediately after the Pirates of Spades, Luffy went to a no-man’s alley early, quickly threw away his clothes and mask, and still didn’t want to be discovered by the navy.

In front of the execution table that came to fight One Piece, he muttered, “Is this where One Piece died?” Speaking of which, One Piece Gorroger is also his half uncle! Well, it should be counted! ”

“There are pirates over there, catch them quickly.” “It’s the hottest spade pirate group in the East China Sea recently, hurry up!”

Luffy slowly walked into the crowd and whispered, “Isn’t it! Ace, since it was discovered so quickly! Forget it, you shouldn’t have anything to do anyway. With that, Luffy walked to the shore and went to buy a small boat.

Anyway, I have seen the place of One Piece, now do you want to see your future crew!

Now Solon should still be in the Taoist temple, it seems that it will be a year before he becomes a pirate hunter! He is in the sea restaurant, Usopp is still playing pirate games in Sirobu Village, Luffy is now a little confused, whether to let Usopp on his ship! Let’s be honest! Because of the anime, Luffy doesn’t like Usopp very much, he has no strength, and he loves to talk big, which is really unpleasant.

“Forget it, Usopp is also the son of Jesus, at least his sniping talent is quite strong.” Luffy muttered.

“As for Nami, do you want to go to Kokoasi Village to find him now!” By the way, I helped him clean up Aaron. Luffy muttered, saying Nami, Luffy liked this character when he arrived, and it was very upset to think that Nami had been played with by Aaron and his gang for 8 years.

But think about Along’s strength, although he will be domineering now, if he faces Aaron alone, he will definitely be able to win, but there are several cadres around Along, and the strength is not weak, if the group surges but, I’m afraid that he will be a little hanging.

What I want is that I haven’t gone to sea yet, forget it, or don’t think about these things.

After entering the island, Luffy was going to eat something first, if he wanted to return to the windmill village, I am afraid it would take several days, he originally planned to go to the place of the future crew to see, but forget it, because there is no need at all, he still needs to improve his strength as soon as possible.

“Pirate ship.” Luffy looked at the passage of the ship docked on the shore and muttered, “That’s, Nami?” It’s better not to provoke now, so as not to get into trouble. Looking at Nami who secretly ran on the boat, just at that moment, Nami saw herself.

But now Luffy doesn’t want to make trouble, Nami in the original book has been relying on stealing and wants to buy the village back from Aaron’s hands, but watching the original anime, you can know that although Nami is constantly stealing, she has also grown a lot and has always been alive.

Luffy glanced at it a little and left immediately.

“Damn it! Now that he has been discovered, does he want to snitch? That had to move faster. Nami looked at Luffy and found herself, a little annoyed.

After eating, Luffy’s power has recovered, and Luffy’s source of power is meat, at least he can’t starve himself.

As soon as he came out, he saw that Nami was being chased and killed by several pirates behind her with the treasure on her back, “Stop for me, thief.” “Bastard, don’t run.”

Luffy looked at this scene with a wry smile and said, “What is this!” Is the inertia of the plot? Is this for me to save her? Forget it, anyway, their own crew, of course, saved. ”

Walking behind, he easily cleaned up the pirates.

“Blood?” After Luffy solved a few pirates, he looked at the ground and whispered.

“You guy, do you know who we are?” One of the knocked down pirates on the ground groaned bitterly.

“I care who you are!” With that, Luffy stomped him unconscious.

Hiding behind the door, he covered the wound on his arm that was hit by the gun and was surprised: “Who the hell is this guy!” Since it is so powerful. “Nami knows this man, and today she met when she was just about to steal treasure.

Could it be that he also saw the treasure in my hand, damn it! I got this with great difficulty, how can I give it to him!

“So you’re hiding here!”

“Ugh!” After the location was exposed, Nami immediately blocked the money behind her with her body and said, “Damn it! I will definitely not give it to you. ”

Luffy looked at Nami like this, and secretly said: Sure enough! It’s exactly the same as in the original book!

“You better bandage your wounds first! If you don’t care, it will be inflamed. Luffy smiled and said, “Don’t worry! I won’t ask for your treasure. ”

Although Luffy said this, Nami’s vigilance still did not relax, Luffy was a little speechless, and said, “Forget it, I see that you will not relax when I am here, then, goodbye.” ”

With that, Luffy left directly.

Nami wondered, “What kind of person is he!” ”

“Don’t care so much, let’s go quickly!” Nami bandaged her wound and immediately picked up her treasure and left.

Back to the coast, then I saw that there were many pirates in the previous pirate group, and I looked at the situation and should be going to catch Nami!

Dark Passage: No, Nami hasn’t escaped yet! If the plot changes because of her appearance just now, Nami dies, it will not be good.

“Forget it, let’s take her with you!”

Entering the town again, he secretly said: It’s really a thief cat! Since I can hide so much, I can’t find where she is.

Luffy listened to the gunshot and whispered, “Where is it?”

“Smelly girl, run for me! Yes! “A pirate kicked Nami’s wound.

“Bastard, I am a member of the Aaron Pirates, so if you dare to kill me, the Aaron Pirates will definitely not let you go.” Saying that, Nami immediately revealed the coat of arms of the Aaron Pirates.

“This, big brother, this is really the coat of arms of the Aaron Pirates!”

Nami looked at the wound covering her wounds, and looked at the Aaron Pirates as if she had some positive force on the other party, and continued: “If you know the face, it’s best to let me go, or the Aaron Pirates will definitely not let you go.” ”

The pirate, known as Big Brother, immediately took out his pistol and shot Nami: “Hmph, idiot! If I kill you here, the Aaron Pirates will not know. ”

Nami clutched her bulleted chest and stared at each other with dead eyes.

“Forget it, let’s leave him to the captain to deal with! After all, the Aaron Pirates are not so good at each other, take her away for me. Saying that, the two pirates grabbed him.

‘Touch’ Luffy quickly rushed over, kicked the two pirates out, hugged Nami by the way, and said, “Are you okay!” ”

“Are you?” Nami looked at the man in front of her, her eyes full of doubts: “Why did you save me, is it also for my treasure?” ”

Luffy cursed secretly in his heart: It’s really a money fan.

“Now you’re dying, and you’re still worried about your treasure! Really, your life is worth more than treasure, and I won’t allow you to die.” Luffy looked at Nami and smiled slightly evilly.

Nami listened to Luffy’s words like a confession, and her pale face flushed with a hint of redness, but she immediately recovered and gritted her teeth: “Although I don’t know who you are, please help me reclaim my treasure, and then I will divide you half.” ”

“What a money junkie, okay! I’ll grab it for you. Luffy put Nami down and looked at the pirate opposite.

“Little ghost, although I don’t know who you are, you don’t want to get out of here alive today.” Said pointing a gun at Luffy.

“This sentence is also what I want to say, since you dare to beat my people, I will not let you go, shaving.”

Half a minute later, more than a dozen pirates were all easily leveled, carrying Nami’s treasure in front of her and saying, “Nami, are you okay!” ”

Looking at Nami, who had a pale face, she secretly said: I have to go to the doctor quickly!

Nami held the treasure and chuckled, “It’s good that the treasure is fine.” After speaking, his eyes closed and he fainted.

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