Seeing Nami happily transforming into lightning and racing, Buggy was extremely envious, but now he still had to obey the captain's arrangement.

If he couldn't get the Flame-Flame Fruit, it seems that the Sand-Sand Fruit would be good too.

""Old Shiki, I know you can't surrender, but your ability of the Float-Float Fruit is very important to me!

So I can only say sorry to you!

I will pass on your will and dominate this world.

And your Lion Double Blade Style will also be carried forward in Zoro's hands!"

Dai Die said lightly. Although the Golden Lion Shiki also taught him a little bit of the Conqueror's Haki, he threatened Shiki more by"transforming into a woman" and"taking pictures" to make Shiki honestly leave the inheritance.

"Hahaha! You are such an evil kid!

I really want to see you turn the world upside down!"

When Shiki the Golden Lion saw Dai Die's killing intent, he was relieved after a moment of silence and began to laugh. This might be the spirit of having a domineering aura.

Bruno and Capone Becky looked at Shiki the Golden Lion laughing like fools. They could not keep a fearless attitude in the face of death.

"Don't worry! The tide of the times has begun, and the old man Whitebeard will be able to accompany you within half a year!"

Dai Die grinned and turned around to take the famous swords Ying Ju and Ku Mu that his men had brought.

"I will let you die under my own double swords!"

Dai Die is now as hard as iron, and will not let Shiki the Golden Lion go just because of his age and courage. With the ability of the Float-Float Fruit, the Big Daddy Pirates must take it down!

Crocodile in the corner heard that Dai Die would take half a year to kill Whitebeard, his face changed again, and his mentality also changed greatly.

"Humph! Let the sword kill the master! Do you want to make them into demon swords?"

Shiki the Golden Lion said angrily. He didn't expect Dai Die to play such a trick. His two famous swords have already reached the level of great swords, but it is still very difficult to reach the level of supreme great swords.

Two old rivals of the same era, the legendary pirate Whitebeard Newgate's Kurogane Kirei and Roger's Ace, have both been promoted to supreme great swords.

Originally, his Yingju and Kumu also had the opportunity to become supreme great swords, but he was nurturing two swords by himself, which would be much slower. As a result, he was seriously injured later and could no longer use domineering to upgrade them.

"It is better to die by your own sword than to die by the hands of others.

And after you die, your reputation will be slowly forgotten by the world, so why not leave behind two notorious demon swords?"

Dai Die said lightly. He even used the death of Golden Lion Shiki to make use of it. Letting this strong man with domineering aura to sacrifice the sword should leave behind two good demon swords.

"Haha! Damn it!! As expected, in the mouth of a bastard like you, all the crappy stuff becomes reasonable!

Forget it, let me sacrifice these two beloved swords with blood!"

Shiki the Golden Lion cursed Dai Die a few times, and Dai Die had already picked up the two swords with a cold face, and the black substance on his body surged, wrapping them up.

With the sound of two swords stabbing, Capone Bege was already cold all over, and a legendary pirate fell just like that.

Is it his turn next?

The darkness dissipated, Dai Die's face was normal, and Shiki the Golden Lion had already lowered his head and knelt, with the two famous swords still stuck in his body

""Fan Oka, this Float-Float Fruit is for you. Develop its ability quickly, we will need it soon!"

Dai Die handed the Float-Float Fruit to his sniper. In fact, he also thought about letting Blackbeard's body take the ability of the Parahuman Float-Float Fruit.

But he has a better choice. The Parahuman type is of course the strongest Tremor-Tremor Fruit, and the Animal type also needs to choose a powerful Mythical Beast ability.

He wants to concentrate the top abilities of the three types on this body.

"Thank you, Captain. I will definitely live up to your expectations."

Even the usually steady Van Oka was very excited at this moment. He really chose the right destiny.

He didn't expect to get the ability of the legendary pirate Shiki the Golden Lion's Float-Float Fruit!

Under the envious eyes of Bajes, Van Oka decisively ate the Float-Float Fruit. Like Nami, he also chose to eat the entire devil fruit.

As he floated up, he no longer needed the flying mount Sanzhang Bird. He himself was a flexible aerial sniper.

"Keep the body of Shiki the Golden Lion in cold storage, and the same goes for Enelu!"

Dai Die drew out his strange double swords and ordered his men. If they could subdue Moonlight Moria, maybe these bodies could be put to good use.


The leaf-man subordinates transformed by Lily Carnation immediately took the bodies of the two men down. This greedy little yellow flower did not dare to eat the bodies that Dai Die had ordered to preserve.

Somewhere in the Grand Line, more than a dozen floating islands fell. The huge impact force caused a tsunami, and even the distant Shifeng Island was flooded by the waves.

Fortunately, Golden Lion Shiki also chose the floating islands in a remote place to avoid being discovered. There are not many islands nearby, so the casualties are not many. The

Navy Headquarters immediately sent people to investigate the situation. It is estimated that within two days, the news of the fall of Golden Lion Shiki may spread.

Inside the Seastone Prison, Dai Die's plundering of devil fruits is still continuing.

""Bajies, let you choose first. Sand-Sand Fruit, Door-Door Fruit, or Castle Fruit. Pick whatever you want!"

Dai Die smiled at the flying Van Oka, then glanced at Bajies before looking at Crocodile. This guy really has such a bad temper that he would rather die than surrender.

""Haha! It's really hard to choose! I actually want the Natural Flame-Flame Fruit more, but the Natural Sand-Sand Fruit is also OK!"

Badges grinned excitedly, looking at Crocodile's body as if he was looking at a treasure.

"Oh, I really envy this guy! If I had known, I wouldn't have eaten the devil fruit so quickly!"

To be honest, the devil sheriff Lafitte really envied the young man, Badgers. This might be the case.

Seeing Nami practicing the natural thunder fruit ability and Van Oka familiarizing himself with the floating fruit ability, both of which are among the top devil fruit abilities, he was really envious.

"This is fate!"

Poison Q also sighed. He actually absorbed the power of the Disease-Disease Fruit quite early, but he felt that this power was very suitable for his sick body.

"Haha! Crocodile, did you hear that? My cadres have already taken a fancy to your Sand-Sand Fruit ability. Are you ready to die?"

Dark Dai Die walked towards the arrogant Sand Crocodile step by step, full of oppression. If he didn't surrender, there was really no need to stay here and waste food. It was annoying to watch.

In the past, they were tough for a few months before they got the ability of the Dark-Dark Fruit. Now there is no need to force him to surrender.


Seeing Dai Die approaching, Crocodile finally shouted out in the face of the horrible pressure of death and thinking of his hatred and dreams.


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