Dark Dai Die led his men into the Seastone Prison and looked at these guys with a faint smile.

There was the ambitious Capone Bege who wanted to surrender but was not accepted, and there were also Crocodile and Enel who were always unwilling to surrender.

As for the big man like Shiki the Golden Lion who had the domineering color domineering and was old, Dai Die did not need him to surrender. Dai Die only wanted his Float-Float Fruit ability!

Among them was a CP agent, the Door-Door Fruit Bruno

"Today is my last attempt to persuade someone to surrender, but only one target is qualified.

Old Sand, I'll give you one last chance to join us."

Dark Dai Die said with a smile. As for the others, they have all been sentenced to death by Dai Die, and even the devil fruit abilities have been chosen by their owners.


Sand Crocodile Crocodile still had an arrogant look on his face, showing no intention of surrendering, and looked like he was ready to kill anyone he wanted.

""Damn Dai Die! Damn Qinghai people! I will kill you!"

Thunder God Enelu gnashed his teeth and said with murderous intent in his eyes.

But just as he finished speaking, he was sucked by the dark energy in Dai Die's right hand and flew towards Dai Die.

"Then I will kill you today!"

Dai Die pinched Enel's neck, his tone was icy cold, his killing intent was stronger and fiercer than Enel's.

Enel's face was flushed, and blood began to flow from all seven orifices.

Seeing this scene, Shiki the Golden Lion and Capone Becky both widened their eyes.

"Dai Die, you killed him like that, you little brat?"

Shiki the Golden Lion was a little surprised. He thought Dai Die had been holding them captive just to persuade them to surrender, otherwise he would have killed them or sold them to the Navy Headquarters.

"Captain Dai Die, I surrender sincerely, please accept me."

Capone Becky had already understood what Dai Die meant. Today, only Crocodile had a chance to survive, but this former Shichibukai had obviously refused.

The underworld godfather did not want to die, and he shouted, even if his body was tied with seastone chains, he would desperately crawl towards Dai Die.

"Don't worry, I have found a better owner for the Thunder Fruit, including your Floating Fruit ability, old ghost Ski!!

As for Crocodile, you gave up the chance to live, so I will let you see with your own eyes how I deal with you stinky stones in the toilet!

Oh, I forgot to tell you that the design drawings of Pluto are also in my hands. Your planning for Pluto for more than ten or twenty years is simply a joke!"

Dai Die showed a playful expression, and the strength in his hands became stronger and stronger. The dark matter on his body began to wrap up the Thunder God Enelu, and a box of fruit was moved to Dai Die's side by Badges.

Hearing Dai Die's words, the CP spy Bruno's pupils shrank suddenly. The design drawings of Pluto were really obtained by Dai Die!

It's a pity that he could no longer pass on this message.


Crocodile immediately looked at Dai Die and shouted in disbelief. The Pluto battleship he had been planning for more than ten years was found by this guy who had been out to sea for a year?

"Did Nico Robin tell you the secret of Alabasta?"

Sand Crocodile was extremely angry now, as if he had planted a peach tree with great effort, and then Dai Die picked the peaches.

"You are also planning to get the ancient weapons of Pluto?

Damn it! If Roger had given me the information about the ancient weapons, I would have dominated the world!"

Shiki the Golden Lion also interrupted angrily. It was because he had heard the news that Roger had obtained the ancient weapons that he led the Flying Pirates fleet to encircle and suppress the Roger Pirates and launched the Battle of Etwal.

Capone Becky was also very shocked when he heard these secrets, but more fear burst out in his heart the next moment.

Because Dai Die revealed this shocking secret, do these prisoners still have a chance to survive?

As a godfather of the underworld, he has also done this kind of thing, that is, before the enemy dies, he reveals a big secret so that the enemy will die with regret.

And now Dai Die refuses to accept his surrender, and Capone Becky knows that he is almost dead today.

This made his face extremely pale, and he rolled towards Dai Die desperately, seeking a chance to survive.

"Hahaha! I snatched this Pluto design from under the nose of the World Government's CP organization. What does it have to do with Alabasta?

Crocodile, Shiki, your fate will end today!"

Dark Daidi laughed loudly, and the dark matter on his body wrapped him and Enelu into a dark ball, forming a dark ball


With the sound of bones cracking, Bruno and Capone Becky's eyes shrank. Dai Die really killed this natural thunder fruit ability user.

The eyes of Shiki the Golden Lion and Crocodile were also very solemn.

"This doesn't look like the breath of that brat Dai Die! He is not Dai Die!!"

Shiki the Golden Lion suddenly said, looking at these dark substances, his face changed drastically, as if he thought of some terrible devil fruit ability, and the sand crocodile also widened his eyes.

""Haha! This is our captain, old man!"

Fighting champion Badgers laughed, his eyes full of excitement. Captain Dai Die had imprisoned Ace with the Fire Fist in another place, but now he could choose the devil fruit abilities of these prisoners at will.

As the darkness dissipated, Enel's body was thrown out by Dai Die, and he held a devil fruit covered with lightning patterns in his hand.

This scene made Ski, Crocodile, Capone Becky and Bruno stare with their eyes wide open, completely stunned, and then came endless fear.

Dai Die could actually plunder the devil fruit abilities directly?

"Nami! Eat it and show them what a surprise is!"

Dark Dai Die grinned and handed the Thunder Fruit to his woman.

""Thank you, Big Daddy!"

Nami jumped up excitedly, and under the envious gaze of Bugles and the others, she took a bite of the Thunder Fruit, and even endured the nausea, she ate the whole devil fruit.

As the lightning on Nami's body surged, the Big Daddy Pirates were all excited, and the prisoners felt their Death Stars beating wildly!

"It's over! It's really over this time!"

Capone Bege had a look of despair, he didn't expect that there was someone who could deprive him of his Devil Fruit ability.

He finally understood why Dai Die didn't accept his surrender, it turned out that he had already prepared to receive his Castle Fruit.

If he could do it again, he would choose to be a gangster boss in the West Sea. Why the hell did he come to the Grand Line to join in the fun?

"Wow~, so cool!"

Lightning burst out from the body of the female thunder goddess Nami, and her whole body suddenly turned into lightning. The next moment, she flashed to the other side and appeared on the other side again, having a lot of fun.

"Nami! From now on, the Ark's Proverbs will be handed over to you!"

Dark Daidi smiled softly. The first goal was completed, and the second one would begin next.

"Got it! Captain, I'll repay you well tonight.~!"

Nami gave Dai Die a wink, then excitedly turned into thunder and raced. The ability of the Thunder Fruit seemed to suit her very well. She could transform into an element so quickly. It seemed that her talent was also very strong.


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