Capone Becky sacrificed dozens of his men before he found some advanced ancient mechanical books and submachine gun blueprints in a ruined laboratory occupied by wild animals.

He was very excited after getting these ancient technologies. The next island he was going to land on was a famous island famous for manufacturing machinery.

He wanted to mass-produce these more powerful submachine guns there to enhance his firepower.

The power of this submachine gun is countless times stronger than the current gunpowder flintlock.

If the weapons are successfully upgraded this time, the firepower of his castle army will soar dozens of times. By then, even the pirates of the Grand Line will be crushed by his all-round fierce firepower.

"We will take you down, and everything you have will be our spoils!"

Dai Die has also jumped onto the Flame Tank Pirate Ship. He knows that an ambitious man like Capone Bege will not submit to someone else's command.

Even if this guy becomes the son-in-law of Big Mom Charlotte Linlin, he still wants to kill Big Mom and bring down this Four Emperors.

"You!! Aren’t you afraid that I will destroy the blueprints!!"

Capone Bege looked at Dai Die, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, in disbelief. This bastard actually refused to accept the subordinates and advanced blueprints that were delivered to him, and chose to rob them?

"I'm really not afraid!"

Dai Die grinned, and released his violent domineering aura towards Capone Becky. Even the Snow Girl Monet felt a strong pressure. Capone

Becky was sweating profusely, and the gang members in the small doors and windows of his castle had rolled their eyes and fell down.

""Haowang Haki!!"

Although Capone Becky had never seen it, he had been the boss of the West Sea Mafia for so many years, so he knew a lot of things.

‘The same kingly qualities as the young master! '

The snow girl Monet's forehead also oozes a cold sweat. This domineering aura seems to be no worse than the young master's, and even more terrifying, full of fear.

"Why? Don't you think highly of my surrender?"

Capone Bege gritted his teeth and held on, his eyes fixed on the young man Dai Die. Even the Four Emperors Pirate Group would accept others' surrender, so why wouldn't Dai Die accept it?

"Because I know your hidden ambition, the Godfather of the West Sea Gang, Capone Becky!"

Dai Die smiled lightly, and punched Capone Becky's castle with his dark armed fist. The hard wall suddenly sank and broke.

Becky's eyes bulged and rolled up, and a puff of blood spurted out of the castle's mouth.

In an instant, countless black-suited villains and various supplies flew out and returned to their original size.

Capone Becky lost consciousness, so he was not able to maintain the ability of the Fortified City Fruit, and all the things in his castle fell out.

""Ah, did the captain hit an ant nest?"

Seeing so many things falling out, Lafitte quickly flew into the air and said with a joking smile.

"Didn't we agree not to fight? Why are you fighting again?"

Zoro also jumped onto the mast and said with an unhappy look on his face. Logically, it should be his turn to chop down the castle man.

But now he came again in vain and didn't even have a chance to fight.

If he knew this would happen, he might as well stay on the Glossiadi to practice.

"I couldn't help it for a moment, Lafitte, find the submachine gun design that this guy mentioned!"Daidie grinned, then ordered the devil sheriff, and he carried Capone Becky back to the Ark Proverbs.

When this guy arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago, the bounty was only 138 million Baileys, and he was one of the bottom supernovas.

The attack ability of the superhuman-type Castle Fruit is not much, and he mostly relies on his large number of gangs and intensive firepower to deal damage.

After his men handcuffed Capone Becky with seastone handcuffs, the hunt was over.

The flames of the Flame Tank Pirate Ship had also been extinguished.

Not long after, Lafitte had flown up with the so-called submachine gun design and some ancient books and handed them to Daidie.

However, Nico Robin seemed to be more interested in these ancient books and took them over.

"Lafitte, you have to work harder, take Monet and Daz Bonis, and bring this amphibious ship and these pirates back."

Dai Die said to Lafitte. Those gangster elites, it would be great to take them back as coolies and food for Lily Carnation.

"No problem, my captain!"

Lafitte smiled and agreed without thinking. He was originally a navigator, and this place was not far from the territory of the Big Daddy Pirates. It was only a day or two away, so the mission was not difficult.

But he didn't expect why Dai Die didn't bring the beautiful woman Monet with him to cultivate their relationship.

"Then we'll go first, and we'll practice with any pirate groups we meet along the way, and call me if you run into any difficulties."

After Dai Die finished speaking, he had already asked Nami to activate the Ark Proverbs to return home, leaving Lafitte and a few others to escort the pirates from the Flame Tank Pirates.

Daz Bonis didn't care, as he often hunted pirates when he was at Baroque Works, so this kind of mission was no big deal.

But the Snow Girl Monet looked a little depressed, as Dai Die didn't actually take her on the golden spaceship, but instead asked her to do the escort mission with these grown men?

Even the old ugly Foxy could go back on the Ark Proverbs, so why didn't she, a beautiful woman, have this ride back with her.

This made her doubt the charm of herself as a natural beauty with abilities.

‘Could it be that the women around Dai Die are saying bad things about her? '

The Snow Girl Monet thought for a moment. Her mission is to get close to Dai Die, gain his trust, steal the information of the Big Daddy Pirates, and even find and assassinate Dai Die.

In order to gain Dai Die's trust, she is not afraid to sacrifice her body, and she must complete the task assigned by the young master.

With Dai Die's current attitude, it seems that she is still very far away from gaining Dai Die's trust.

However, as long as she is still a member of the Big Daddy Pirates, she will be able to break into Dai Die's core team.

Now, she can only obey Dai Die's orders and complete these tasks.

On the Ark Proverbs.

Dai Die also looked at the design of the submachine gun with a little surprise. Damn, why does it look so much like a Thompson submachine gun?

In the era when the navy and pirates were still using flintlock rifles, how could there be such a thing?

Is this another technology from 800 years ago?

No wonder the gang members of Capone Bege in the original book all used submachine guns. It turned out that there was such an adventure.

Dai Die also wants to say why the technology tree in this world is so crooked and messed up. The ancient times were more advanced than the modern times.

Laser lasers, robots, cyborgs, clones, steamships, flintlock rifles, wooden sailboats..., it's really weird, there are all kinds of things.

Of course, Dai Die has become more and more accustomed to this illogical life.

For example, now he is on this sailboat, opened an electric refrigerator, took out a bottle of refrigerated drink, and drank a glass with Robin and Nami.


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