In fact, Dai Die has always considered giving Enel's natural thunder fruit to Nami in the future. He believes that Nami has the ability and qualifications to develop the thunder fruit and become the next female thunder god.

After all, Nami can play the weather stick and bubble cloud to the effect of the thunder god, and can even electrocute the Four Emperors Big Mom.

"Of course I want to, and I really want to, it would be even better if it was Enel's Thunder Fruit!"

The little thief cat Nami immediately said excitedly, the abilities of natural devil fruits are very powerful, and can easily make a person a big pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions.

Without armed color domineering, there is nothing you can do to natural ability users.

Therefore, every natural ability user is the king of the four seas and the Grand Line.

However, after entering the new world, if natural ability users do not keep up with the times and master domineering, they will be easily defeated.

"Don't worry, there will be one!"

Dai Die said softly while touching Nami's orange hair. In his heart, he couldn't wait to get the latest news about Blackbeard Teach and catch this guy.���

On the fire tank pirate ship below,

Daz Bonis's hands turned into blades, and he kept slashing at Capone Bege who had turned into a castle man. In the dense sword light and shadow, flames flew everywhere, and stone chips flew everywhere.

""Little guys! Fight back!"

Capone Bege, who was constantly being beaten, shouted orders to his subordinates inside his body. His face was now full of anxiety, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Is this the powerful force belonging to the Seven Warlords of the Sea?

So many cadres have such powerful abilities and combat effectiveness.

Whether it is the natural snow girl or the man whose whole body has turned into a blade, each of them is a top existence in the West Sea.

And Capone Bege also knows this blade man. This guy used to be the most famous killer in the West Sea, with great popularity and notoriety.

Capone Bege even hired this famous and famous person. He has a killer who is sent to assassinate the leader of the hostile forces. He has also recruited this powerful killer many times.

However, a few years ago, Daz Bonis had entered the Grand Line and seemed to have joined a certain organization.

Now, I didn't expect that he would appear under the command of the Big Daddy Pirates!

Following Capone Bege's order, the densely packed small doors on his castle were opened again. These underworld members poured out firepower continuously through the small doors or windows.

These bullets hit Daz Bonis, whose body turned into steel blades, and could only splash sparks, and could not stop his fierce attack at all.

""Asshole, another guy who is not afraid of guns and cannons!"

Capone Bege cursed. Since entering the Grand Line, he has encountered many guys who are not afraid of guns and ammunition.

The strength of the pirates in the Grand Line is indeed several levels higher than that of the West Sea.

"What an interesting ability, is it to turn yourself into a solid castle so that others can hide inside and fire?"

The pirate hunter Zoro has his fingers on the hilt of the knife, ready to strike at any time. He now wants to chop open this solid castle man with one knife to test its hardness.

And Otokoshi Van Oka, who was riding a three-foot bird in the air, looked at the castle man through the scope expressionlessly. He had many opportunities to shoot seastone bullets into Capone Bege's castle.

Because there are so many small doors and windows, there are flaws everywhere, and each one is a sniper target.

However, he did not shoot, after all, Capone Bege was Captain Dai Die, and it was a test prepared for these new crew members.

If he or Zoro and other cadres took action, the battle would probably be resolved in a short time.

Especially Van Oka himself, a sniper, can really kill with one shot.

These people with special abilities can be easily sniped to death by this sniper with seastone bullets if they do not deliberately defend against Van Oka.

"Miss Monet, why don't you continue to show the power of a natural ability user?"

The devil sheriff Lafitte flew to the railing and sat down, chuckling to the snow girl Monet. He had noticed that Dai Die's attitude towards Monet seemed a bit strange, which made him very curious.

Logically, Captain Dai Die, an energetic young pervert, should not let go of this green-haired beauty. Why did he throw her down so roughly?

Is he training her? Or is there another hidden story?

"I understand!"

Monet regained her gentle expression. As a spy, she was able to regulate her subtle emotions very well.


‘Snow rabbits! '

A large amount of blizzards surged out of Snow Maiden Monet's body again, wrapping up and imprisoning the poisoned pirates on the ground, and also launched a large number of ice rabbits to hit the castle people transformed by Capone Bege, trying to freeze those small doors and windows to prevent them from pouring firepower.

A large amount of snow also piled up at Capone Bege's feet, limiting his ability to move.

""Wait, I surrender!!"

Capone Bege saw that several powerful crew members of the Big Daddy Pirates had beaten him without any resistance. He was beaten almost the whole time.

He knew that he was going to fail today.

What's more, the big boss, Big Daddy Babaia, has not made a move yet. This attitude made him even more powerless, as if there was no chance of escape at all.

After some crazy thinking, Bege can only choose to pretend to be submissive and temporarily join the Big Daddy Pirates.

He also wants to use the power of this Seven Warlords of the Sea to slowly develop and adapt to the powerful combat power of the Grand Line.

But in the future, he will find a way to leave the Big Daddy Pirates and even replace Big Daddy Babaia, the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

However, Capone Bege's surrender did not stop Daz Bonis and Monet, because Dai Die on the golden spaceship had not ordered to stop the attack. The pirate hunter Zoro was also a little disappointed. The current pirates were not tough enough and did not even have the awareness of fighting to the end, leaving him no chance to make another move.

""Captain Dai Die, we surrender, please stop!

We are willing to join the Big Daddy Pirates, and we will also offer the latest submachine gun blueprints!"

Capone Bege was a little panicked, and could only continue to shout loudly, and the cigar in his mouth fell.

He couldn't figure it out. He had already surrendered, why didn't these guys stop?

What kind of captain is this?

Did they think that he, the user of the Strong Castle Fruit, was a loser, or did they look down on him as the godfather of the West Sea underworld?

This made Capone Bege a little angry.

Surrender and not kill, isn't this the old rule on the sea?

Speaking of this rare blueprint of the submachine gun, his pirate ship encountered an extreme storm, was blown off the route, and encountered a remote ancient island.

Otherwise, his sailing progress might be faster, and now it is estimated that he has reached the fourth or fifth island on the normal route.

But it was a blessing in disguise. On that deserted island, they actually found many ancient ruins that looked both ancient and advanced.


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