The famous shipbuilding island of the Grand Line, the Seven Waters.

Today, Franky's dismantling house, as always, dismantles these scrapped ships that are recycled at low prices and recycles the waste.

However, this little income is not enough to support the entire Franky family. They often go out to rob the new pirates.

Two huge emperor blues, carrying the Franky family, look for those rookie pirates who look easy to bully in the waterway of the Seven Waters.

The leader Iron Man Franky needs a lot of money to build his own good ship and continue to transform his body, so he doesn't mind robbing these hateful pirates.

At the Carrera Company under Iceberg, the five major shipbuilders are working hard to build the ships in their orders, whether they are merchant ships or pirate ships, they build them.

And among the many shipbuilding orders of Carrera Company, the number of pirate ships is actually not less than the number of other ships.

A boatman wearing a black hat was knocking on the keel of the boat. His muscles were very solid and his eyes were very focused, just like a peerless craftsman.

Suddenly, he looked up at the sky, his face changed slightly, and his pupils shrank suddenly. A white dove fluttered and flew onto his shoulder, imitating its master and looking up at the sky seriously.

Not far away, a long-nosed man wearing a black peaked cap noticed his companion's abnormality, and he also looked up at the sky, and his eyes began to change.

"What's wrong? Luchi, Kaku!"

As one of the five foremen of the No. 1 dock of Carrera Shipbuilding Company, Barry also noticed the abnormality of these two foremen.

"A flying pirate ship!!! Is it Shiki the Golden Lion?!"

Talston, one of the five foremen, looked up at the sky and screamed in fear. Who hasn't heard of the name of the Flying Pirates?

"It's bad! Quickly notify the mayor of Iceberg and organize the citizens to evacuate! Notify the navy for support!!"

The last foreman, Biple, immediately started shouting, quickly dropped the work in his hands, and began to pack up various tools to evacuate.

The ship can be rebuilt, but if the life is gone, it is really gone!

"It's not Shiki the Golden Lion! It's the Big Daddy Pirates!!!"

Rob Lucci's pupils turned into cat-like ones when he looked up at the sky, but when he looked down at Barry and the others, they had returned to normal.

"What! The Shichibukai who defeated Shiki the Golden Lion? ?"

Barry also shouted in shock. If one of the Shichibukai came to rob Water City, they didn't know whether the Navy Headquarters and the World Government would help them recover their losses.

After all, the Shichibukai had the legal right to plunder, and the most important thing was that the Shichibukai would pay a proportion of the stolen money to the World Government. They were really in cahoots with the corrupt.

"Saving lives is important, call Mayor Iceberg to evacuate quickly!!"

Taleston has already pulled Barry and Bipley out of Dock No. 1, and at the same time, he did not forget to call Rob Lucci and Kaku, the two foremen.

After Lucci and Kaku looked at each other, they immediately followed the evacuation, but they soon evacuated separately from Barry and the other three foremen.

Rob Lucci immediately took out a Den Den Mushi and told the intelligence middleman at Bruno's bar about the special situation here. The

Seven Warlords of the Sea, Big Daddy Babaya, may soon launch an invasion and plunder of the Seven Waters, and they need to ensure the safety of the target person, Iceberg.

Because the clue to the design of Pluto is on Tom's disciple Iceberg.

For this design, they, CP9, have been lurking in the Seven Waters for several years.

So c P9 must not let this Shichibukai interfere with their mission, especially not let Daidi Babaya capture or kill Bingshan.

Otherwise, years of lurking will be in vain.

You know, Rob Lucci and Yamakaze Kaku, the two CP agents, have been around for several years and learned a lot of shipbuilding knowledge before they gradually became one of the five foremen and became an important subordinate of President Bingshan.

Even Kalifa lurked for several years before she gained a little trust from Bingshan and became a secretary in Bingshan's office.

But until now, CP9 still has no news about Pluto's design drawings.

Soon, under the news from Rob Lucci, CP members such as Bruno and Kalifa also quickly learned this information.

Inside the office of Carrera Company

"President Iceberg, there is a pirate invasion in the Seven Water Capital, we must move to a safe place!"

Kalifa pretended to be panicked, rushed into the office in a hurry, and shouted to Iceberg in panic.

Her panicked eyes were always observing Iceberg's reaction. If suddenly encountered such a serious danger, the target person should think of the safety of the Pluto design drawings first.

As long as Iceberg wanted to move the design drawings, Kalifa would be sure to snatch the Pluto design drawings from this old fox.

"What!! Why don't you call the navy here!! Hurry up and let the citizens take the sea train to take shelter!!"

When Bingshan heard what Kalifa said, he immediately rushed out of the office and ran towards the port dock, without any other unnecessary movements or micro-expression changes.

Seeing Bingshan's running back, Kalifa frowned slightly. This didn't seem to match her guess. Could it be that the Pluto design was not in Bingshan's hands?

But she quickly caught up with him. Before getting the Pluto design, Bingshan must not die.

The entire Seven Waters City soon rang with sharp alarms that only appeared when the"Water Gods" tsunami hit, which scared many citizens and they hurriedly ran to high places for shelter.

But soon, they didn't seem to see any shadow of the tsunami, and the weather was very good, which didn't seem to be a sign of the heavy rain of the"Water Gods".

The Franky family, who was looking for a target to rob, had to give up the plan of robbing the Seven Waters City, which suddenly became chaotic, and prepared to follow the mainstream to avoid the tsunami.

But soon, they were attracted by an airship.

""Boss Franky, it's a flying pirate ship, and it seems there's a lot of gold on it!!"

Franky's family captain, Zanbai, shouted in shock, with half fear and half greed in his eyes.

He could only think of the legendary pirate Shiki the Golden Lion when thinking of a flying pirate ship, but the gold on it was really attractive.

Franky also looked up at the sky solemnly. A pirate like Shiki the Golden Lion is not easy to mess with, and the Seven Waters City may face a huge disaster today.

"Brother Franky, they seem to be flying towards us."

The two girls with square hair said in panic. It doesn't matter if they bully the new pirate group, but when facing the legendary pirates like the Flying Pirates, they should run as fast as possible.

Otherwise, they will die without knowing how.

They are not good enough to be slapped away by others.


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