"What's going on!!"

Silver Fox Foxy felt a terrifying pressure on his body, which made him unable to move, and even his thinking was a little stagnant, as if he had been affected by the power of the Slow Fruit.

Next, Foxy also felt a strong sense of dizziness, which made him tremble all over. His face turned pale, and he raised his head to look at the sky. He saw a figure falling rapidly in the sky.

Then, in his shocked eyes, a huge giant appeared out of thin air and slammed heavily to the ground.

The huge sound waves, coupled with the flying soil, caused a small-scale violent vibration on the island.

Foxy was frightened by this horrific scene and almost fell down in the shock.


Silver Fox Foxy was sweating profusely now. He looked at the barrier giant in disbelief. How could such a big man appear here?!! The

Seven Warlords of the Sea, Big Daddy Babaya, this terrifying rookie king who has been making a lot of noise in the news recently, why did he appear from the sky on Long Chain Island?

"Is this the legendary domineering aura?"

Foxy murmured tremblingly. Just a glance at the pressure of the aura made hundreds of his brothers fall down. What a terrifying power.

After the barrier giant appeared briefly and landed successfully, it quickly disappeared. A figure slowly walked out in the smoke and dust of the giant pit and walked straight towards Foxy.

In the sky, a golden spaceship was also landing quickly, preparing to land directly on Changlian Island!

Seeing Dai Die's figure getting closer and closer, Foxy trembled all over. This increasingly strong domineering aura was already unbearable for him.

In At this critical moment, in addition to surrendering, an idea actually flashed through his mind, whether to use slow light waves to sneak attack Big Daddy Babaya and then kill him.

If he really has a 50% chance of successfully ambush and overthrowing this Shichibukai, then he can really become famous in one battle.

Maybe he can even succeed as the new Shichibukai.

Thinking of this, his heart was a little excited, and he was not so afraid of Big Daddy Babaya.

However, before this troublemaker could finish his fantasy, Dai Die had already walked up to him.

"What a waste of such a good ability!"


Foxy saw Dai Die so close, and his face suddenly showed a trace of excitement. He immediately wanted to use the power of the Slow Fruit to imprison him.

However, the moment he raised his hand, a huge black fist of armed color had already hit his stomach.

Foxy instantly bent his body, his eyes bulged, and fell to the ground like a shrimp, then he spit white foam, rolled his eyes, and completely lost consciousness.

"If you hesitate, you will lose! You are not decisive enough even for a sneak attack! You are such a loser!"

Dai Die dispersed his Conqueror's Haki, glanced at Foxy who was lying on the ground, and said lightly.

Dai Die did not expect that this guy could withstand his Conqueror's Haki for so long, and even make a little counterattack. It seems that he still has a little strength, not as unbearable as imagined.

Seeing the pirates who could not withstand the Conqueror's Haki all over the ground, they were too weak.

Dai Die was not interested and was too lazy to care about these weak chickens.

However, there seemed to be a few fishmen in it, maybe they could be brought to the Grosseadi and serve as lower-level soldiers of the underwater force.

Now in the Big Daddy Pirates, there is only one semi-captive fish giant, that is Sebastian who belongs to the World Pirates.

Under his control and threat from Dai Die, he is also guarding Grosseadi, and teach other crew members to learn fish-man karate.

Now there seems to be a trend of integrating into the Big Daddy Pirates, and the same goes for the other remnants of the World Pirates.

Of course, they have not completely given up waiting for Captain Bondi World. However

, they are now unable to escape Dai Die's control, and do not want to leave the Grosseadi, so they can only work and serve Dai Die.

Dai Die plans to pick a few pirate minions of rare species from the Foxy Pirates to supplement the lower-level troops of the island ship.

In fact, over the years, Foxy has robbed many pirate groups through the cruel game of pirates, and he has several fish-men under his command.

Swordfish Fishman Kaboti, Loach Giant Bikupanda, Squid Fishman Jubeye, Knife Fishman Kirarin...

There is even a cheetah fur tribe named Jijijida, who is as fast as a cheetah and has very good racial talents.

However, this guy seems to have never awakened the Moon Lion form, and it is not known whether it is because of the impure bloodline.

This rare race, under the protection of Foxy, was not captured by slave traders and sold for money, and even got along well in the Foxy Pirates.

""Captain, you've already dealt with these guys by yourself, can't you leave a few for us to practice with?"

After the Ark Proverbs landed, Bajies saw the fainted pirates on the ground and couldn't help but complain.

This powerful captain left them, the crew, with no room to play. It was a bit uncomfortable.

"Handcuff this guy with sea stone handcuffs, and after these trash wake up, select a few men of rare species to train."

Dai Die didn't care about the crew's complaints. He threw Foxy to Lafitte and said to all the crew members.

He checked the Long Chain Island to see if there were any good things, and practiced his Conqueror's Haki.

The animals on this island are surprisingly slender, which is not logical at all, and no one knows how they survive.

Their strength is not strong, and they are not even qualified to be food for Lily Carnation.

Dai Die directly used these long animals as his own experimental subjects for practicing Conqueror's Haki.

At this moment, the long animals were shocked by the sudden Conqueror's Haki, rolled their eyes and fell to the ground.

Dai Die is trying to practice the fixed-point release of Conqueror's Haki, instead of indiscriminate shock.

After these minions of the Foxy Pirates woke up, the crew of the Big Daddy Pirates made a warning to the monkeys by killing the chickens. , and completely subdued these pirate minions.

They began to select miscellaneous soldiers for the Grosseadi, and when they saw the fishmen and fur tribes, they were also a little surprised.

Then, these rare races were taken back for training first.

Several cadres who could be called out by name were all subdued, and Lafitte asked them to take the pirate group by themselves, plant the flag of the Big Daddy Pirates, and report to Gaya Island.

I believe these pirates dare not escape halfway, otherwise they will have to face the pursuit of one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

And now they have the support of the Big Daddy Pirates, and unless they have a seizure, they will not think of escaping.

The Foxy Pirates were also announced to be disbanded by the crew of the Big Daddy Pirates, and most of the pirate minions with extremely poor strength were expelled.

When Dai Die came back from practicing the Conqueror's Haki, these reliable crew members had already handled everything, and he didn't need to worry at all.

"Let’s go to the next island!

Dai Die boarded the ship with the crew and headed directly to the next target without stopping for too long.

This expedition and plunder must be fast, accurate and ruthless, just get what you want and leave!


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