New World Dressrosa King's Highland.

Doflamingo looked at the latest newspaper, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, and his eyes under the glasses were full of anger.

How could this bastard Dai Die be so strong?

Even the old guy Shiki the Golden Lion couldn't deal with the new Shichibukai.

If that were the case, his assassination plan would be more difficult, and he might even need to change his strategy.

If Dai Die knew other unimportant secrets, he would definitely choose to cooperate with Dai Die instead of trying to kill Dai Die.

Just like his cooperation with Gild Tesoro.

Tesoro stole his Gold-Gold Fruit, and when he found that he couldn't do anything to Tesoro, they chose to cooperate and develop together, and everyone made money together.

But now Dai Die knows the secret of the Childlike Fruit and the secret of the artificial Devil Fruit.

These two secrets can overturn Doflamingo's power at any time.

The entire Don Quixote family may be destroyed because of Dai Die's words.

With such a big handle in Dai Die's hand, the only way to get rid of him is to turn Dai Die into a close community of interests.

However, if Dai Die can be killed, the cost will undoubtedly be lower.

Otherwise, he can only accept Dai Die's blackmail, and after cooperation, he must continue to make concessions to Dai Die, or give up most of the benefits in unequal cooperation.

As the intermediary emperor who has been traversing the underground dark world for so many years, it is difficult for Doflamingo to swallow this breath.

Unless Dai Die's strength is really strong enough to make him afraid, then it would be fine even if he gave Dai Die 90% of the benefits.

If Dai Die's strength is about the same as his, and he keeps trying to blackmail him, how can he feel comfortable.

Now Monet has returned to the Grand Line as planned, and is looking for an opportunity to join the Big Dad Pirates.

Whether it is cooperation or assassination, let's wait and see the situation.


The news that Dai Die forced Shiki the Golden Lion to retreat was much more explosive than defeating Crocodile.

At least the Four Emperors were paying attention to it. After all, Whitebeard, Big Mom, and Beasts were all old acquaintances of Shiki the Golden Lion, and they knew Shiki the Golden Lion's strength.

Back then, Shiki the Golden Lion, like Whitebeard, was a senior cadre of the Rocks Pirates. Shiki the Golden Lion's status was higher than that of Charlotte Linlin.

Later, the Rocks Pirates were defeated and disbanded, and Shiki and Whitebeard came out to develop on their own, and soon became the three legendary pirates with Roger. Shiki the Golden Lion's flying fleet even forced Roger into a desperate situation.

At that time, Charlotte Linlin was still giving birth to children and developing her power, and Kaido the Beast was captured by the World Government, taken for experiments, and imprisoned for several years.

On the Moby Dick.

Whitebeard Newgate was also a little emotional when he saw this news. Time really doesn't spare anyone.

Back then, Shiki was a peerless strongman who could fight him and Roger on equal terms.

I didn't expect that after having a rudder stuck in his head and his legs broken, his strength would decline so seriously that he was actually bullied by a newcomer.

However, when Whitebeard looked at the drips on his body and the busy nurses, he couldn't help but feel a little sympathy.

He was not much better than the Golden Lion, and he didn't know how many years he could live. As a man who had been going to sea since he was a child, he didn't know how to take care of himself when he was young, which left him with a lot of hidden injuries. Coupled with the recoil force of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, his body collapsed very quickly.

Compared with Garp, a navy, his body was scarred and decayed.

Moreover, Garp was a few years older than him, but he was still alive and well, and full of energy. This might be the difference between the navy's logistics maintenance capabilities and the overdrawn physical fighting of a pirate like him.

The older generation will eventually be eliminated by the pirates of the new era.

The new era no longer has a pirate ship to carry him!

And at the edge of the deck of the pirate ship, a fat black man was also reading a newspaper with a simple smile on his face

‘Barrier Fruit? Not a bad ability. I don't know where the Dark Dark Fruit is now. Is my life just going to pass by like this? '

Marshall·D·Teach said unwillingly in his heart that he had been in the Whitebeard Pirates for more than 20 years, and had not waited for the news of the Dark-Dark Fruit.

Even the red-haired kid who was younger than him had become one of the Four Emperors, which was really very annoying!

Moreover, the domineering aura of Red-haired Shanks was so terrifying that he felt a little bit of fear.

The most important thing was the look in Red-haired Shanks' eyes that wanted to stab him, which made Teach more eager for power.

It was just three claw marks on Red-haired Shanks, so why did he hold a grudge like this?

Rumor has it that you, Red-haired Shanks, are famous for your easy-going personality?

This is simply a stingy guy.

If I get the Dark-Dark Fruit and then get the power of my father's Tremor-Tremor Fruit, I won't be afraid of anything, I can kill the bastard Red-haired Shanks!

Moreover, he also wants the Float-Float Fruit and the Barrier Fruit. Even if he doesn't use them, he can give them to his subordinates, but Teach is just fantasizing now.

On the Totland Cake Island of the Ten Thousand Nations

""Mmmmmm~, Dai Die is a good kid! It's a pity that he became a minion of the World Government, otherwise I would recruit him as my husband, or as my son-in-law!"

Aunt Charlotte Linling laughed loudly. She was even a little happy to hear that Shiki the Golden Lion was bullied by the newcomer.

Back then, except for Captain Rocks, only Whitebeard and Golden Lion had a higher status than her.

But none of these powerful cadres were willing to be one of her husbands, and even refused to vaccinate her. This really pissed off this beautiful woman!

Otherwise, her descendants would definitely be even stronger now!

Therefore, she still had a little resentment towards strong men like Whitebeard and Golden Lion.

The children of the Charlotte family were also curious and shocked about this newcomer. Several girls were also very interested in Dai Die, the young rookie king.

Dai Die, who had been at sea for less than a year, actually forced back the legendary pirate Shiki the Golden Lion. It seems that his strength is very strong and he doesn't look like a rookie pirate at all. On the

Onigashima Island in Wano Country

"Why don't you look for me when you want to fight! Shiki the Golden Lion, you old man, you don't even have the qualifications to lose to me now!

You've been hiding like a mouse for so many years, and now you show up and get slapped in the face by a newcomer, you're simply bringing shame to the Rocks Pirates!"

Kaido, the King of Beasts, looked up to the sky in anger, transformed into a blue dragon and flew into the sky, going to find a Four Emperors-level opponent to vent his anger.

Back then, when he was a trainee crew member in the Rocks Pirates, he was also taught a lesson by cadres such as Whitebeard and the Golden Lion.

Among them, the ones who were beaten the hardest were the Golden Lion and the Silver Axe.

Of course, it was also because he often challenged these cadres that he was beaten so badly.

After he became one of the Four Emperors, he thought about defeating these cadres one by one, but the remnants of the Rocks died or retreated, so he could only often cause trouble for Whitebeard, and he even looked down on Charlotte Linlin, one of the Four Emperors.


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