After hearing the strange viewpoint of Iron Fist Garp, Buddha Sengoku and Chief of Staff Crane pondered for a while.

What this guy said seemed to make sense, but why did it seem to have a strange sense of fallacy?

Moreover, the original intention of the Seven Warlords of the Sea was to summon the seven powerful pirates to fight against the Four Emperors together.

By the way, help to eliminate the pirate groups that have been flooding since the Great Pirate Era. While the Seven Warlords of the Sea enjoy the legal right to plunder, they also have to work. Every year, they have to strangle some pirate groups as a routine task.

When Crocodile Crocodile was a hero of the Kingdom in Alabasta, he cleaned up a lot of pirate groups.

In the Devil's Triangle where Gekko Moriah is in charge, many pirate groups have also fallen. A large number of pirates have become Moriah's zombies or shadow providers.

In addition to becoming toys, the remaining pirates of the pirate groups that made trouble in Dressrosa will also be taken away by Doflamingo to give a token of respect.

Even Hawkeye Mihawk will chop up the pirate groups he encounters when he strolls around, just to show his respect and complete his own small target.


"In this case, let Dai Die wipe out all the affiliated pirate groups of the Pirates Leader Association first, and then give them the intelligence.

Or let Dai Die exchange the pirates of those affiliated pirate groups for intelligence, and give the intelligence to the Four Seas Pirates in batches, anyway, it can't be given unconditionally for free!"

Buddha Sengoku said after thinking about it again. Garp was right. There are so many rookie pirates from all over the world, but not many pirates are willing to be inferior to others.

Most of them may be killed by Dai Die, and the Big Daddy Pirates can only subdue a small number of pirates at most.

In general, the number of pirates destroyed by Dai Die should be more than those subdued.

If the Big Daddy Pirates develop too fast, their navy will also suppress them. Anyway, they will not let the Big Daddy Pirates develop into the fifth sea emperor.

Even Doflamingo, the owner of the three-color domineering, with a smart mind, has not become the capital of the pirate emperor after more than ten years of development.

Buddha Sengoku also does not believe that Dai Die can surpass the Don Quixote family after a few years of development.

Kaido, the Beast, and Red-haired Shanks have developed for more than ten years and are qualified to become sea emperors when they are in their thirties or forties.

As long as the Big Daddy Pirates are still developing in the Grand Line, even if Dai Die is given three to five years of development, there will be no threat to the Navy Headquarters.

Maybe sending a fleet of admirals can wipe out the Big Daddy Pirates.

"Then let Dai Die encircle and suppress the remaining pirate leaders who will join the pirate group. For every five pirate groups captured, they can exchange for most of the intelligence of one of the four seas. If they capture the remaining twenty or so pirate groups, they can give him the intelligence of the four seas and the Grand Line.

We will also pay the bounties of those pirates to appease Dai Die."

The chief of staff, Vice Admiral Tsuru, said softly. Although she didn't want to do this intuitively, she felt that Dai Die's evilness was no worse than Doflamingo, but rationally, this choice was undoubtedly the best.

This way neither angered Dai Die, nor let Dai Di get the intelligence of his girlfriend's navy for nothing, and he could also use Dai Di to do work.

"That's it,"

Buddha's Warring States finally decided. After all, he could suppress a tyrant like Doflamingo, so he wasn't afraid of Dai Die's growth.

"By the way, Xiaohe, how is the formation of the SWORD team going?"

Buddha's Warring States suddenly asked in a low voice. Before, they established a team that belonged to the navy but not to the navy.

These SWORD team members are the navy who have returned the navy code. They can directly attack the forces of the four emperors without the orders of the navy headquarters and the world government.

The navy will not be responsible for any actions of the SWORD team. This is a completely free special force. Even if they take action against the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the navy headquarters and the world government can't do anything.

"The first batch of members included Drake, Prince Grus, and Peacock, with Drake as the captain.

Lieutenant General He also showed a little helplessness, because her granddaughter had also joined this special team without any rules.

"Xiaohe, sure. When my grandson becomes a marine, I will let him join this team. I think he will like to be a strong marine who does not have to follow the rules!"

When he heard Vice Admiral Tsuru sent his granddaughter Peacock to the SWORD team, Garp immediately spoke excitedly.

In this way, his grandson can become teammates with Xiaohe's granddaughter.

Xiaohe ignored Garp's shouting. Fortunately, this is the Marshal's office, otherwise these secrets that have not been made public would have been exposed by Garp, the loudspeaker.

"After the discussion among these little guys, Captain Drake plans to rebel against the Navy and go undercover under the command of the Four Emperors!"

Vice Admiral Tsuru said, covering his head. The SWORD team had just been established not long ago, and this captain wanted to go out and have fun.

As expected, without the rules, the ideas of these young people began to run wild.

Drake can be regarded as half student and half adopted son of Vice Admiral Tsuru, and their relationship is not much worse than that of Sengoku Buddha and his adopted son Rosinante.

In the battle to seize the surgery fruit and ambush Doflamingo on Shuangyan Island, she rescued Drake and kept him by her side to train him.

Drake and his granddaughter Peacock are like siblings and have a close relationship.

There is also Taotu Gion. In short, the people around Vice Admiral Tsuru can support each other and grow up under her education, and their relationship is very harmonious.

""Has Drake made up his mind?"

Buddha's Warring States said solemnly. Defection from the navy means endless infamy and pressure, and even attacks from other navy commanders. This reminds him of his dead adopted son.

"He is ready to go to sea!"

Vice Admiral Tsuru sighed and said, with a little worry in his tone. He thought about the adopted son of the Warring States, Rosinante, who was undercover beside Doflamingo and finally paid with his life. He was beaten to death by Doflamingo, his own brother.

When the navy found Rosinante, codenamed Xiao Xiaoguo, there were more than a dozen musket holes on his body, which was very tragic.

Now Drake plans to be an undercover under the Four Emperors. If he is exposed, his death may be more tragic than Rosinante.

Especially Big Mom Charlotte Linlin and Kaido, the two Four Emperors, are famous for their cruelty.

"The students I will train in the future and my grandson will also join the SWORD team!"

Iron Fist Garp's heartless jokes broke the solemn atmosphere of Buddha Sengoku and Vice Admiral Crane.

Since Drake was ready to defect from the navy and become a pirate, they did not intend to force Drake to give up this undercover plan.

Moreover, they already had undercover agents in the forces of the Four Emperors, but those secret spies had never revealed their identities.

Now that Drake has defected from the navy as a major general, they don't know whether the Four Emperors can accept this very suspicious traitor.

Therefore, Drake's undercover journey is actually very dangerous.


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