Looking at the huge lions rushing towards them, each of them was thirty or forty meters tall. When they ran, the ground was shaking, and the wind was howling, as if the end of the world was coming, full of oppression.

At this time, even the sky and the earth seemed to become gray. In front of these mud and stone giant lions, people felt extremely small and depressed.

Dai Die's eyes were full of murderous intent, the unicorn scales on his body were beating, the seven-star demon pattern was shining, and the barrier power on his body was constantly surging.

"Kill me? I'm also going to dye your blonde hair red, pluck out your rudder comb, and steal your cherry blossoms and wood!"

‘Barrier: Susanoo!

Dai Die grinned, a red light flashed in his eyes, and his fighting spirit reached its peak. A sixty-meter-tall translucent light green giant suddenly appeared, with a forty-meter-long sword in his hand. The barrier giant held the long sword and chopped the two mudstone lions into several pieces with one stroke.

"How could it be possible! How could the Barrier Fruit have such a form!"

Shiki the Golden Lion looked at the Barrier Giant that Dai Die had transformed into in disbelief, his eyes filled with shock.

The defensive ability of the Barrier Fruit itself was invincible, and now it could develop a giant form that was both offensive and defensive.

How could it be beaten?

It must be said that Dai Die, this kid, was really smart.

"Everything is possible! You never thought that even with an absolute advantage, you would still lose to Roger and the storm!"

Dai Die ruthlessly exposed the greatest humiliation of Golden Lion Shi Ji's life. He did not lose to Roger, he just lost to luck.

""Little brat, you're looking for death!"

Thinking of the Battle of Etwal, Shiki the Golden Lion was furious. It was that damn battle that almost wiped out his elite flying fleet.

A rudder was inserted into his head, causing his three-color domineering to regress until it is almost unusable now.

When he attacked the Navy Headquarters, Marinford, his three-color domineering was still usable, and was no less than Sengoku of Buddha and Garp of Iron Fist.

But after being captured in Impel Down and escaping from prison with his legs broken, his physical strength was greatly weakened, and he could no longer suppress the injuries caused by the rudder.

Once the domineering is used excessively, it will cause the blood to surge, and the rudder that penetrates deep into the brain may endanger his life, causing him to fall into mental disorder and memory disorder, and he will not even know who he is, let alone his subordinates.

From then on, he knew that he could no longer dominate the world with his own strength, so he began to place his hopes on these evolved monsters.

As he grew older, his physical condition became weaker and weaker, and various old injuries broke out. , he dared not use Haki, fearing that the injury to the rudder would suddenly take his life.

Even if he does not use Haki now and tries to reduce the fighting as much as possible, his memory is still disordered from time to time. It is normal to recognize the wrong person, and it is not uncommon for him to chop his subordinates as enemies.

Shiki the Golden Lion is now relying on the awakened ability of the Float-Float Fruit and the swordsmanship experience and skills of the great swordsman level to continue to run rampant in the Grand Line.

Although his sword energy is very strong now, it is less than one-tenth of that in his peak period.

Before Hawkeye Mihawk became the world's number one swordsman, Shiki the Golden Lion was a well-known top double-sword swordsman.

However, I don't know what stupid conventions it is that if you eat the devil fruit, you are not worthy of the title of the world's number one swordsman.

Otherwise, he would have grabbed the title of the world's number one swordsman in the last era!

Even Roger, Rayleigh, Newgate, Linlin and other strong swordsmen, he is not afraid at all


Stimulated by Dai Die's words, Shiki the Golden Lion entered a violent state, and his aura became a little unstable. On the Lionhead Island ship,

Dr. Indigo saw Shiki the Golden Lion who was a little out of control on the monitoring screen, and felt something was wrong.

If Shiki the Golden Lion got sick now and had memory disorder, he might use the three-color domineering recklessly, causing his body to deteriorate further, or even death.

""Captain Shiki, calm down, I'm going to release the third stage of the experimental monster!"

Dr. Indigo shouted in the radio Den Den Mushi. He wanted to use the monster's matter to divert the attention of Shiki the Golden Lion and calm him down.

Dr. Indigo immediately released a fire-breathing beetle and a lightning yellow bird, and the gorilla Scaredo immediately ordered the two monsters to attack Daidi and attract the attention of Shiki the Golden Lion.

At this time, the four mud and stone giant lions had been smashed by Daidi's Susanoo Titan, making Shiki the Golden Lion's plan to directly suppress Daidi fail.

‘Lion Chikiri! '

The golden lion Shiki, with his twin swords Yingju and Muku under his feet, kept swinging golden sword energy at Dai Die, slashing at the barrier giant densely, and he waved his hand again to restore the mud and stone giant lion, continuing to flood Dai Die.

""Haha! Little ghost! It takes a lot of physical strength to maintain such a huge barrier giant!"

Seeing the fire-breathing beetle and the lightning yellow bird in the sky, Shiki the Golden Lion also remembered the main purpose of this operation, and his furious and confused memory also became clear again.

"Why are you only playing with a few little lions? Where's your Haki? Where's your Conqueror's Haki? You can't even use Conqueror's Haki?"

Dai Die continued to taunt. His Susanoo giant had been chopped by countless sword energies and was unable to move forward. Although these dense sword energies could not break Dai Die's barrier defense, the terrifying shock force hindered Dai Die's attack.

The four giant mud and stone lions also began to rush over, trying to surround Dai Die in the middle and completely imprison Dai Die's Susanoo.

The giant beetle in the air was spraying pillars of fire, and the four-winged yellow bird was firing lightning, attacking the Susanoo that was suppressed by the golden lion Shiki.

"These things are useless to me, show me your true abilities!"

Susanoo held the sword with both hands, ignoring the attack of the golden lion Shiki, and slashed out again. He didn't care about the fire pillars and lightning at all. The 40-meter-long sword cut the approaching mud and stone giant lion in half again. The terrifying force chopped it apart.

"These garbage cannot be called monsters!"

‘Barrier piercing! '

Several armor shoulder corners on Susanoo's body suddenly extended at high speed and shot straight at the two ferocious flying monsters in the air.

Two puffs of blood splashed, and the two monsters that were pierced struggled desperately on the barrier piercing. Uncontrolled flames and lightning splashed and exploded in crazy roars.

Dr. Indigo on the ship of Lion Head Island immediately dropped all the monsters he brought to Lion Peak Island.

The strength of this new Shichibukai seemed to have exceeded their expectations.

"Kid, so you want to awaken Conqueror's Haki through me!"

Feeling that Dai Die's momentum was constantly expanding, as if it had reached a critical point, and he also mentioned Conqueror's Haki, Shiki the Golden Lion finally understood why this kid wanted to fight him alone.

This kind of courage and boldness reminded him of Kaido, the kid who dared to break into Beehive Island at the age of 15, shouting that he wanted to challenge the strongest pirate!

Dai Die, the kid, has already become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, but he didn't expect that he still has such ambitions. It seems that he is also an extraordinary hero!


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