Nico Robin and Nami also looked at this"suicidal" captain with a bit of complicated expressions on their faces.

They couldn't understand why Dai Die would take such a risk?

Now they obviously had enough time to evacuate, or choose to deal with Golden Lion Shiki together.

Even join forces with the Navy Headquarters to ambush Golden Lion Shiki.

"You must come back alive! Don't forget our agreement!"

Nami shouted at Dai Die and threw a gold coin to Dai Die, while Nico Robin also threw a red apple to Dai Die with an expressionless face, and then silently got on the boat without saying a word.

This can be regarded as an encouragement.

Seeing the White Iron King dive under the sea, Dai Die's cold face twitched slightly.

These cadres and women actually set so many death flags for Dai Die. Are they going to stack several layers of negative buffs for him?

Hearing these words from them, if he were a supporting role, Dai Die felt that he would have no chance of leaving the island alive.

He stood in the ruins of Shifeng Island, ignoring the corpses of pirates all over the ground and the river of blood flowing across the ground. He took a bite of the red apple and put the gold coin in his pocket.

He began to silently adjust his mental state, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Golden Lion Shiki.

He still had purple grapes and oranges to eat, how could he fall here!

At this moment, Dai Die slowly abandoned other Distracting thoughts, until only one thought remained in his mind.

Defeat Golden Lion and awaken the Conqueror's Haki!

His ambition is no less than anyone else's.

When the natives such as Big Mom, Kaido, and Blackbeard were still fighting for the title of Pirate King, Dai Die's dream was to conquer the entire world and march towards the sea of stars!

Even the Golden Lion Shiki's ambition to dominate the world is stronger than that of Whitebeard, Red Hair, Beasts, and Big Mom!

But fate is like this, some people are destined to be stepping stones, and Golden Lion happens to be such a loser.

Not only did he achieve the reputation of Pirate King Roger, but he was also unlucky enough to have a life-threatening rudder stuck in his head, causing a significant drop in combat power, and he also lost his legs in Impel Down.

In the future, he may even be dragged into the theater version by the next Pirate King Straw Hat Luffy and beaten up, and be defeated again by the D clan from the East China Sea, becoming the sacrifice of the second son of the era.

But now, Dai Die has come to this world, and his ambition is greater than Roger and Luffy

""It's better to be defeated by me, a time traveler, than to be defeated by a rookie like Straw Hat Luffy!"

Seeing the Lionhead Island ship approaching quickly, Dai Die murmured with sharp eyes, and his aura began to expand. The remnants of those times are destined to become the nourishment of the new era.

The Kirin lion scale tattoo and the seven-star demon pattern on Dai Die's body began to become active, and his spirit reached its peak.

As if excited for the next battle

"Haha! Kid, you have great momentum! Where are your men? What? Do you want to fight me in single combat?"

Shiki the Golden Lion flew down directly from the ship of Lionhead Island. Seeing the corpses all over the ground, he did not care too much. Anyway, there were as many of these rubbish as he wanted.

He saw that Dai Die, the kid, dared to wait for them alone, and he admired the courage of this new-age kid.

However, Dai Die became the watchdog of the World Government, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, which made him very unhappy.

This kind of pirate is not a real pirate at all!

"I just want to kill you, or be killed by you!"

Dai Die didn't say anything to Shi Ji, the Golden Lion, and started to fight. In one word, just do it!

He opened his right hand and swung it upwards. Five dark green sword energies whistled and chopped directly towards Shi Ji, the Golden Lion, in the air.

"The little brat is looking for death!"

‘Chop the waves! '

Golden Lion Shiki kicked with his right foot, and a huge golden sword energy swung out, which immediately dispersed Dai Die's five sword energies, and also chopped towards Dai Die.

The power of the great swordsman is so terrifying!

A barrier blade appeared in Dai Die's hand, directly resisting the golden sword energy of the golden lion and chopped it apart.

On the Lion's Head Island, Dr. Indigo didn't know whether to release the dozen or so evolved monsters he brought, because the crew of the Big Daddy Pirates seemed to have abandoned their captain and evacuated.

Now there is only Dai Die, and it is estimated that Captain Shiki alone is enough to deal with him!

Without Shiki's order, it would be difficult for him to release the monsters to harass the two people's battle.

"Haha! I didn't expect that your barrier fruit ability could develop into this form. This is much stronger than that guy Kurozumi Chanmaru!"

Shiki the Golden Lion looked at the barrier blade in Dai Die's hand and couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

Thinking back to the time when he and Miss Bakin were still in the Rocks Pirates, they had met the two siblings, Kurozumi Murasaki and Kurozumi Chanmaru.

He and Miss Bakin were also touched by the old woman Kurozumi Murasaki, and her ability to imitate their appearance was used to imitate their appearance.

He also remembered Kurozumi Chanmaru's barrier fruit very clearly, because when he was at his peak, he couldn't break Kurozumi Chanmaru's protective barrier.

This made him very concerned, and for this reason he even thought about how to deal with this old guy's protective barrier.

Later, I heard that the Kurozumi siblings were killed by this guy Kaido.

I don't know if Kaido broke Kurozumi Chanmaru's barrier, or killed him by other methods.

Shiki the Golden Lion didn't have the opportunity to verify whether he could kill the barrier fruit ability user who was said to have invincible defense!

These barrier fruit ability users of Dai Die came to the door, just in time to experiment with the tricks he developed back then.

In the eyes of the Golden Lion, the little guy Dai Die was simply here to die.

"Don't compare me with a rubbish idiot like Kurozumi Chanmaru from Wano Country!"

Dai Die said with a cold face. He even looked down on rubbish like Kozuki Oden who had been to the final island, so how could he look down on Kurozumi Chanmaru, a 'native illiterate' who came from the closed-off Wano Country!

The loser of Wano Country called the devil fruit ability sorcery, and the development of devil fruit was very low-level. Kurozumi Chanmaru was not even as good as Bartolomeo, the illiterate ogre.

"Haha! You actually know Kurozumi Chanmaru? But don't think that the barrier fruit is an invincible ability. I will kill you today and break the title of the strongest defense ability!"

Golden Lion Shiki laughed. His Floating Fruit is the most unstoppable.

He quickly landed on Shifeng Island and slapped the ground with one palm. The power of the Floating Fruit surged out instantly, and instantly controlled the land in this area.

‘Lion's Might - Earth Scroll!

Four giant mud lions appeared, with the momentum of a lion swallowing the world, and quickly rushed towards Dai Die, aiming their bloody mouths at the little guy.

The Barrier Fruit ability user has invincible defense?

Then completely trap him in the earth and suppress him until he runs out of strength, or even starve him to death, suffocate him to death, and bury him in the earth!


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