Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 288: integral


Su Yi waved his hand, Bing and Bing were running. In his hand, there is a long shot of ice and ice, releasing the chill of ice.

"Haha, now I don't have to worry about others discovering my dominant power!"

Su Yi smiled.

Now, Su Yi can use ice and ice power alone. Although the power is far less powerful than the dominant power, it is very practical.

Moreover, once Su Yi uses the power of ruling, this ice and ice power will explode as the dominant force, and Su Yi's power is 20% stronger than before.

Don't underestimate 20%, this is already awesome.

You must know that Su Yi can continue to cultivate other supernatural powers in the future. After the divine power increases, the power is amazing.

Su Yi is very satisfied.

"Now I have just cultivated two divine powers. It is impossible to continue to attack this area, or to consolidate and polish it, and then come to Shen Mai Tower to practice!"

Su Yisi

In Shennaita, one day's planting requires one point, which is equivalent to Wanshen God. Su Yi now has more than 2 million Shenjing, but he doesn't want to waste it.

In the past year, he has consumed nearly four hundred points, but that is four million gods. If it was before, Lu Ming could not afford it.

"It is said that the Tibetan Classical Pavilion in the inner courtyard has many magical skills, magical skills, and even secret skills. You can redeem your points and see!"

Thinking of this, Su Yi suddenly had a bright eye.

He plans to redeem some more magical techniques to practice.

Sharpening a knife will not mistake woodworking. Although it takes some time to cultivate magical methods, it will not be wasted.

As long as the fire burns, these magical fires will escalate as Su Yixiu improves.

If Su Yixiu grows up and then cultivates other magical techniques, other supernatural powers, and wants to cultivate the fire that he has just cultivated as big as the fire, it will take more time. Since maintenance is still very small, the time spent is still very small. After successful training, this is the best strategy to improve repair.

Lu Ming immediately spoke of the Tower of the Gods and headed towards the Tibetan classics.

Soon, Su Yi came to the classical court of Tibet.

The Tibet Classical Pavilion is a huge pavilion with five floors and wide.

In Tibetan Buddhist scriptures, people with nature guards are very terrifying strong men. However, Su Yi took out the gold coin and went to the Tibetan Classical Court.

"very much."

On the first floor, Su Yi blinked.

The one-to-one shelf comes into view. At first glance, there are at least a few hundred shelves, and each shelf is equipped with magical skills.

Either in the form of jade, or in the form of scrolls, but there is a protection formed, and only the Tibetan elite guards agree to come out.

There is an introduction under the shelf.

Su Yi looked at them one by one.

They are all magic skills, but they are relatively low, most of them are between one and three.

Su Yi glanced, but didn't see four or more.

Then Su Yi boarded the second floor.

The second layer is also a magical skill, but it must be advanced. Many of them have four times, five times the magic skills. Su Yi has already seen a circle. In addition to magical techniques, he has not discovered magical techniques and secret techniques.

Su Yi turned around and came to the third floor.

On the third floor, the number of magic skills is much less, and it is six and seven times the number of magic skills.

The value of these magical skills is amazing. Generally speaking, they are high-level gods or gods, and they are cultivated in order to exert their power.

Similarly, there are no secrets and magical technologies on this layer.

Su Yi's goal is not a magical skill. He shook his head, and Su Yi came to the fourth floor.

The fourth layer of the collection is missing, but it is eight-seventh of the magic skills, and there are only dozens of them.

"Great God!"

Su Yi's eyes lit up suddenly, and he finally saw a magic trick.

This kind of magic is called the great **** of God, and it is also the magic method of the king's spirit. This is a mysterious view, not an ice god, and the powerful force cultivated is stronger than ice and ice.

"Finally has magical power!"

Su Yi was very happy, he looked at it one by one. Next, he saw a dozen of Wang Shen's magical skills, and he was able to cultivate the power of Wang Pin, each with its own sense of mystery.

However, the number of redemption points is very high, and at least one thousand points are required, and high points require five thousand points.

One thousand points, but equivalent to ten thousand gods.

If that great god, you need three thousand points.

"The value is very high, even if I use all the crystals, I cannot exchange some!"

Su Yi sighed.

After watching for a while, Su Yi was not in a hurry to shoot, he looked at the fifth floor.

On the fourth floor, there are kings and gods. What kind of treasure will appear on the fifth floor?

Will there be sacred magic?

Su Yi's eyes lit up, and he stepped on the fifth floor.

"Nine skills, mysterious!"

The fifth level of magic skills is less, only more than ten, and the points redeemed at each step are very high, amazing. 300,000 points!

The cheapest of the nine gods requires 300,000 points, which is equivalent to 3 billion gods.

Don't talk about the true god, even if it is a god, it is not easy to come up with so many crystals.

Su Yi sighed, so many points, he can only look at it.

Then, Su Yi looked at a few secret techniques.

"It's great, great!"

At first glance, Su Yi sighed, his eyes were hot.

Mystery is different from magic.

There are various mysteries in this mystery. Once the training is successful, it will last a lifetime and will improve as the practitioners progress.

For example, once some secret technology is planted, once it breaks out, its combat effectiveness will increase exponentially, which is somewhat similar to the term war.

However, the words of war are more mysterious.

Some mysteries after cultivation will produce various effects, and the power is even more amazing than magic.

However, there is too little mystery, and many wizards have very harsh training conditions, so few people practice wizards.

On the fifth floor, there are a few mysteries, but few introductions, only a few pens.

However, the price tag made Su Yi breathless.

One of the cheapest mystics needs to redeem 100,000 points. The most expensive secret technology is actually marked with 2 million points.

Su Yi was completely speechless.

Initially, he made a lot of money this time and thought he became a rich man. Now he found that he was still a poor man.

"Unfortunately, there is no magic!"

Su Yi looked at all this and did not see the magical work of sacred products. Some regrets shook his head. ..

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