Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 287: Half a month

Many people's cultivation has been able to break through the true state of God, but it is difficult to live on the top of the virtual god, that is, waiting for the secret of the dragon to open so that you can fish.

There are a total of three inner gate elders, who descended in front of the palace gate, and then the power of the palm, three powers, knocked on the entrance of the temple.


The door of the temple glowed and rumbled.

However, above the door, there is still a reticle barrier.

"In the mysterious environment of dragons, dragons and keel bones have strong combat effectiveness. If they are weak, they will not be able to obtain beasts and keel bones, but they will drop. Therefore, only snipers can be defeated by those wearing this light curtain People can enter the secret of the dragon, now, let’s go!"

"Remember, you only have three months. After three months, you must return to this place or you will be locked out!"

The inner door elder announced.


Suddenly, a group of disciples outside rushed to the door.

The gate is 100 meters high and tens of meters wide. It can hold hundreds of people and pass without problems.

prosperity! prosperity! .

These foreign disciples each issued a powerful attack force, bombing the cross line of the door, and the cross line vibrated violently.

However, most people were blocked and only a few people attacked through masks and entered it. Once they disappeared, they disappeared.

"Damn, I don't believe it, give it to me!"

Some people yelled with the most powerful force, but they still couldn't open the mask.

"One waste, don't block the way there!"

Later, there were other people running around, shouting loudly, and the power of God was pushed out, blowing up the people ahead.

"You are a waste!"

The person in front was angry and shot, but after moving with the person behind him, he vomited blood and slammed into the mask, his face pale.


The man's face was pale, and the man behind him was Dongfang Hao.

"Waste, get out!"

Dongfang Hao despised cold drinks, waved his hand, broke through the light curtain and entered the hall.

"If you can't break the mask, just let it go, don't stop it!"

The inner door elder's voice sounded. When he waved his hand, a burst of energy was pushed out, and those who couldn't break the mask were pushed out.

Hey! Hey!.

Someone kept advancing, blasting the mask and entering the hall.

"With the virtual power of the virtual state, you can open it!"

At this time, Su Yi had seen the cat tired.

As long as the virtual divine power has no evil power in the virtual world, that layer of light can be broken.

"Su Yi, let's go in!"

A law enforcement elder laughed and handed over the gods and the magical skills to Su Yi.

Lu Ming made a lot of money, and many people blushed.

"Who else, come up!"

After Su Yi put away the spoils, his eyes swept across.

On the court, it quieted down, no one opened it.

The geniuses of the virtual list on the scene, everyone shut up, joking, and the smashing tigers were all defeated. They went up and they must have failed.

Su Yi asked several times, but no one was playing.

Because no one is in the top 50 of the virtual list.

These people, whether they go out to practice, do tasks, or practice retreat, some even know that Su Yi and Dongfang Haosheng will not come to watch.

The first disciple Hao Dongfang could not arouse their curiosity.

Therefore, no one dares to fight now.

"Since there is no one, this is the case today!"

Su Yi waved his hand and took away the spear. Then he thanked the three law enforcement elders and turned it into a rainbow. He left here.

Let a group of people gnash their teeth.

Su Yi did not return to his residence, but flew directly to the inner door area. It is not safe to live in the outer gate area now. It will be remembered. Su Yi will come to the inner gate area.

In the inner door area, Su Yi directly took out 100,000 Jingjing, exchanged 10,000 points, and then entered the Shenmai Tower.

In the Shenmai Tower, Su Yi sat cross-legged, absorbed the spirit of the outer door, and restored his divine power.

The power here is very rich. Soon after, Su Yi will return to the peak.

After returning to his peak state, Su Yi moved, and a scroll appeared.

This book is Huang Chengan Luming's magic method.

Su Yi opened it and looked at it.

"Ice God!"

When you open it, you will see the name of this magical magic.

Su Yi looked at it carefully.

This is a very common divine technique. There are seven weights. When you reach the seventh weight, you can develop the magical power of the gods.

Ice King and Ice Power are very common in the power of Wangpin.

However, Su Yi doesn't matter, as long as it is the power of King Pin, it is useful to Su Yi.

Lu Ming immediately learned this in detail.

A few days later, Su Yi began to practice.

In the blink of an eye, Su Yi stayed in Shen Mai Tower for half a month.

In the past half month, Su Yi has enlightened the "Shen Bing Jue".

After half a month of practice, Su Yi finally cultivated a trace of ice.

A chilling spirit, mixed in the master's power, along the meridian.


Su Yi's heart was very happy, and immediately gave up running the "Frozen God Technique" and began to transport the "Universal Ten Thousand Ways of the Universe". That cold power instantly merged with the power of ruling, regardless of the opponent.

So, in a few days, in Suyi's Dantian, a light was lit near the fire.

Over time, this light spot became brighter and more awkward. There was another sacred fire, and this was the second fire.

In a person's pubic area, there are actually two Vulcans. If they are known to others, they will be scared to death.

In the common sense of the wild universe, people can only ignite, and it is absolutely impossible to ignite a second fire. However, Su Yi has now done it.

"This really ignited the second fire, which is great!"

Su Yi was surprised secretly.

I got a surprise from the ruins of "The Universe Ten Thousand Ways". Even if he doesn't know what to do.

"carry on!"

Su Yi closed his eyes and practiced wholeheartedly.

For Su Yi, "Frozen God Technique" is of little use. He now keeps practicing "The Universe Ten Thousand Ways", and it will grow up slowly.

Time flies so fast, it turns out that a year has passed.

This year, Su Yi practiced wholeheartedly, and an ice and fire finally became as big as the main fire.

In the pubic area, the two gods are burning and mysterious.

At this time, Su Yi ended his cultivation. ..

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