Pirate’s Hell

Vol 13 Chapter 39: Qiongqi (Part 2)

"What the chief said is that we will keep this matter absolutely confidential, and no one will know."

"Okay, take the deity to see the ruins." Qiongqi said, waving his sleeves, and went straight to the door.

Behind Qiongqi, a group of masters followed.

After Su Yi waited for the whole hall to be quiet, he slowly poked his head out, looked around, and after confirming that there was no one, he walked out cautiously.

Su Yi looked at the wide open door and he was relieved. Fortunately, they didn't close the door when they left, otherwise Su Yi would not be able to get out.

Su Yi walked to the door and peered his head to observe the outside. Only then did he discover that the outside was a very large square, which gave people a kind of imperial city of which dynasty, very spectacular.

The only fly in the ointment is that the buildings here are very dilapidated, and at first glance they are the products of many years ago.

Su Yi cautiously walked out of the main hall, and then asked the burning bird: "Huoque, can you feel the Qiongqi breath?"

Fire Sparrow sensed for a long time, and then said: "Master, they went to the right."

Su Yi nodded and followed carefully.

This place has been occupied by the wolf demon, and there are patrolling wolf demon everywhere, and the guard is very strict.

Su Yi cautiously bypassed the patrolling troops, but was afraid of losing Qiongqi, so he could only bite the bullet and rush forward.

"Huoque, did I make a mistake?" Su Yi asked Huoque as he walked.

Fire Sparrow shook his head and said, "There is no mistake, but there are many wolf monsters ahead, so the master must be careful."

Su Yi nodded, carefully climbed up a pile of waste rocks, poked his head out a little to observe the movement in front of the observer.

I saw a lot of wolf demons gathered in front of them, some of them became their original forms, while others still maintained their human forms, and they didn't know what they were doing.

"Where is Qiongqi?" Su Yi asked the fire bird in the Huang Demon banner.

Huoque searched for a long time but couldn't find Qiongqi, so he said, "Master, the subordinates have not found Qiongqi's whereabouts, but there is a hole there, and there are many people holding hands. My spiritual power can't get in. It is quite possible that Qi entered from there."

Su Yi turned his eyes around and finally landed at the entrance of a heavily guarded cave. He nodded and said, "I see, so many people are guarding, it seems that there is really a heavenly crystal in it."

"Master, along the way, the subordinates found that the buildings here are very weird. Some things are obviously made in modern times, but they are very dilapidated. They seem to be at least three thousand years old."

Hearing Huoque's words, Su Yi frowned, and then said with a smile: "The God Prison has existed for a long time. If you can be caught by the God Prison, it means that you are also very old. What is the modern age in your eyes?"

Fire Sparrow hesitated for a while, and then said: "The subordinates are indeed derailed from real life. Perhaps the subordinates have miscalculated, but it is still very weird here, and the master must be careful.

"I see, can a world in a formation be weird?" Su Yi shook his head helplessly, and was shocked at Qiongqi again in his heart. He didn't expect that he could actually make such a powerful formation. The research is already quite thorough.

"Huoque, is there any way for me to enter the cave?" Su Yi asked the Huoque in the Huang Demon banner. ..

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