Pirate’s Hell

Vol 13 Chapter 39: Qiongqi (Part 1)

"A bunch of rubbish, such a small thing can't be handled well, don't hurry up to find out!" The black-robed man yelled at the subordinates behind him, scared they dare not take a breath.

The man nodded immediately, and quickly ordered someone to do it.

Su Yi looked at the black-robed man, rubbed his chin and guessed: "The leader? Is he just Qiongqi?"

"Boss, even though that little loli is a demon king, she is only the reincarnation of the demon king. The strength is not enough to be afraid of. There are twelve heavenly kings on our side, and any one is enough to contain her."

The black-robed man snorted when he heard the words, and said, "You know how to fart, why did the Yushi of Bozhou suddenly appear in Yuehu City? One thing is that they found something that made them come to this place, and Bozhou The city’s princes don’t want to be like Yuehu City. One of them is Ye Yan, who plays the Eight Banners, which is rare in the people’s clan in a century. These wizards will threaten us in the future. ."

"In addition, there is a tomb-keeper named Ximen Guanren. The people of the Ximen family have been low-key for long enough. The tomb-keeper who came out this time is not small and should not be underestimated." Hei Pao Man touched his chin, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and continued: "As for these two demon kings, I didn't take it to heart. What I care most about is the fairy."

Hearing this, his subordinates rushed over and guessed: "Is that Huang Xiaoyan that the leader said?"

The black-robed man nodded and said, "Yes, it's him."

The subordinate nodded hurriedly and said: "The leader was in Bozhou, should he have fought against her?"

The black-robed man sighed and said helplessly: "That Sanxian is very unusual, and Immortal Heart has been cultivated to the point of perfection. It is not an exaggeration to say that she can inherit the position of the honor of the immortal world."

"So awesome..." The man fell into silence.

The black robe man waved his sleeves, turned and walked to the temple head, bent and sat on the dragon chair.

Su Yi squatted behind the dragon chair, the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath, for fear of being discovered by Qiongqi.

He hasn't grown up yet. As the saying goes, it's awkward to grow up. Now is not the time to be a wave. With his current strength in the face of Qiongqi, I am afraid that he can't even pick his teeth.

The black-robed man asked while drinking the tea he handed over, "How's it doing over there?"

"Looking back to the leader, the progress is gratifying. I believe it won't be long before the passage can be successfully opened. By then, Tongtian Hejing will be the leader's possession."

Su Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, "Tongtian Hejing?"

Su Yi quickly pricked his ears and listened carefully.

The black-robed man nodded, sighed and said: "This deity has worked hard for ten years for this heavenly crystal, but fortunately, I finally let the deity find the whereabouts of the alloy in this place where the bird does not shit, and wait for the deity to get the alloy. Later, I will definitely not treat you badly."

Hearing this, he was overjoyed and quickly kowtow to thank: "Thank you, leader, I will swear allegiance to leader Qiongqi!"

Hearing this, Su Yi was absolutely sure that this person was Qiongqi. As a descendant of the sacred beast clan, the strength is such as terrifying, it is better not to do it directly.

Qiongqi continued: "This place must be absolutely confidential. No one is allowed to leak it out. Once the people in the night department know, they will come to make trouble, and then the Black Quina guy will take advantage of the fire. He has been coveting Tongtian Hejing for a long time. Others don’t know, am I still not sure?"..

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