Pirate: Trying 200 times harder, but too arrogant

Chapter 141 The secret of managing G5

After three days of playing in Hawaii Island, it was not until all the bonuses were squandered that Formation 11 returned with unfulfilled interest.

Seeing his satisfied subordinates, Luo Ya also felt relieved. It was indeed quite hard to follow him.

Half a day later, G-5 Fortress.

Major General Loya is back!

There was a roar of thunder on the ground, and the entire G-5 branch immediately became lively, and all the sailors rushed to the port excitedly.

Base Chief's Office.

what happened?

Maynard, who was dozing off, suddenly woke up from his sleep. Hearing the movement outside, he quickly leaned to the window and took a peek.

What kind of trouble are these ancestors going to cause?

At the port, I stood in a messy formation with my subordinates over my head, holding my head high and chest high, as if trying to perform better.

Even more positive than welcoming Maynard.

When Loya got off the warship, the sailors immediately shouted at the top of their lungs.

Major General Loya, welcome back!

Okay, very energetic!

Loya smiled and nodded.

Yes, he originally thought that these idiots would be lost for a long time because of Vergo's rebellion, but now it seems that they have adjusted well.


The guard dog general also rushed out and licked Loya.

Okay, okay, I know you miss me.

Loya quickly pushed the general away. The little guy was a pug, quite cute. The problem was that he was too big, comparable to a bull.

There was a fuss for a while.

Loya walked side by side with Brigadier Overhead and walked towards the interior of the fortress.

What happened in the past few days?

Absolutely the same as usual.

Too much has already adapted to getting along with Luo Ya. Now that Luo Ya has become a major general, he simply treats Luo Ya as the boss.

After losing Vergo, the G-5 branch needed a new spiritual leader, and in their knowledge, no one was more suitable than Loya.

There are not many superiors who are willing to protect scum like them!

Hey, it seems that the new base director has taken office.

what do you say that is?

I scratched my head and thought for a while but couldn't remember the name of the new base commander, so I simply gave up thinking.

By the way, Major General Loya, the new base commander of G-5 is here. Do you want to meet him?

Well, I'll go say hello.

Loya nodded.

When a new base director takes office, he will naturally greet him. This is the most basic respect, and he still understands etiquette.

Smog, Tina, Bato!

With several generals, Loya quickly arrived at the base director's office. After tidying up his clothes, Loya raised his hand and knocked on the door.


come in.

A feeble voice came out.

Loya and his subordinates looked at each other. The voice sounded wrong, as if they hadn't slept in several days.

Entering the office and seeing the man sitting on the sofa in a thinker's pose, Tina reminded him in a low voice: It's Lieutenant General Maynard.


Luo Ya nodded imperceptibly.

Lieutenant General Maynard, G-1 branch 11 formation is here to report!

G-1 Branch

Maynard looked up.

His eyes were darkened, his cheeks were dry, and his haggard appearance shocked everyone.

Lieutenant General Maynard, are you okay?

Can't die.

Maynard waved his hand and lit a cigarette melancholy.

He has been in the G-5 branch for three days, and he hasn't slept for three days. He has only lost a dozen pounds, which is not a big problem.

Maynard handed Loya the cigarette.



Loya didn't refuse.

This Lieutenant General looks very distressing.

Maynard smoked a cigarette and looked sad.

It has been three days since he came to the G-5 branch, three full days, but so far, no sailor can remember his name!

Every time I explain something, the sailors here will ask questions with doubts on their faces.

Uncle, who are you?

Is his name so hard to remember?

There were countless other questions. He wanted to check the details of the G-5 branch, such as the list of sailors, branch funds, weapons inventory and other issues.

I do not know!

How about you ask someone else?

Lieutenant General Maybad, this kind of problem is too complicated for me.

Even several army commanders didn't know anything about it.

He doesn’t know, okay, he can check it himself!

However, the database was full of mice that were bigger than cats. Everything they could chew had been eaten away. Not even a complete piece of paper could be found.

There was also a safe that stored the branch's activity funds. After opening it, it was empty and cleaner than his face.


Of course it cost!

Isn't it a waste to keep it?

The confident look of his subordinates is still fresh in my memory.

The huge G-5 branch has nearly 2,000 people in six combat units, and there is not even a single available talent who can help.

Not only that, they are all adding to the chaos.

Every day he is either abusing pirates or making troubles, and he seems to feel uncomfortable unless he does something amazing.

train? nonexistent!

As a serious and responsible person, he just wants to fulfill his duties as base commander and make the G-5 branch better.

Why is it so difficult?

Maynard held his head, with some tears in his eyes.

Tell me, is it easy for me?

It's not easy, it's not easy!

Loya patted Maynard on the shoulder, fully understanding Maynard's feelings.

When he first came to the G-5 branch, he also considered whether to be more serious and train these bastards.

But the idea only lasted ten minutes.

He realized that it was actually very simple to be a good base commander of the G-5 branch.

Don't worry about anything. Just do whatever your subordinates like. As long as you focus on corruption, you will be a perfect G-5 branch base commander!

The more serious you are, the worse the situation will be.

As long as the sailors down there don't starve to death.

If you are too good to them, they may even treat you as an enemy.

You know, every sailor in the G-5 branch was thrown here by other branches. If they could be easily transformed, they wouldn't be like this.

Just like Ba Tuo and the others, they didn't have enough food or clothing to keep them warm. They grew up by cheating and picking up garbage. They didn't even know a few Chinese characters. How could they be expected to have good knowledge and morals?

The law of the jungle is the only truth they believe in. It is the bad environment of this world that has shaped them into what they are now.

Empathized for a while.

Maynard wiped the corners of his eyes, took a long breath, looked at Loya and Smoker, and asked in confusion: You are from the G-1 branch, right? What are you doing in G-5?

That's a good question!

Loya spread his hands.

It's like this. Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel may have thought that we ruined the atmosphere of the G-1 branch, so he kicked us out. It just so happened that we got along very well with the friends in the G-5 branch, so he planned to come to G- 5 branches have settled permanently.”

Long-term settlement?

Maynard's eyes glazed over.

He remembered that the black-haired sailor was a famous problem sailor in the navy. Not only did he cause trouble during the training, but the subsequent Mohawk incident shocked the entire navy, and even the Warring States Marshal was furious about it.

He has a hard enough time managing G-5.

Why did this terrible plague come to harm him!

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