Night falls.

Hawaii Island is still brightly lit.

During the day, the sunny beaches are the most lively places on the island, but at night, the bustling commercial streets are the main place for tourists to spend money.

One of the most famous streets is called Happy Street, where the island's largest nightclub Girls' Ship is located.

Get out of the way!

In the middle of the street, Bato and his younger brothers were leading the way in front of them with arrogant steps. It felt like they were domineering in Rogge Town back then.

Soon, the destination is reached.

Girls' Ship!

Bato led three hundred sailors and stormed into the store in a dark manner, immediately attracting the attention of all the guests.

Ignoring the store clerk's obstruction, Barto came to where the band was playing and grabbed the microphone directly from the lead singer's hand.

Hey, hey, hey, listen to me!

We are the 11th formation navy from the G-1 branch!

We've reserved this store tonight!

You guys leave quickly!

The hall immediately fell silent.

The guests looked at Ba Tuo and frowned.

G-1 branch 11 formation?

I have never heard of it at all. By the way, are these gangster-like guys really the navy? They are not pretending, right?


The boss behind this store, no, I should say this street, is the legendary Queen of Happy Street Stussy!

Besides, even if it's really a navy, they can't cause trouble randomly.

Loya came to the store and saw Ba Tuo chasing people on the stage. His face darkened a lot. He was a navy after all, so he could pay attention to his image.

And such a big store doesn’t need to be reserved.

Luo Ya came to the stage helplessly and took the microphone from Ba Tuo: Sorry, this guy is my subordinate and has caused trouble for you. You can play as you want without worrying about us.


The guests looked at Loya, and the more they looked at him, the more familiar he seemed.

It's the navy captain with black hair!

It wasn't until someone called out Loya's identity that the other guests woke up. The black-haired man's reputation has been very famous recently.

It is said that even Iron Skin, who had a bounty of over 100 million, was defeated by Black Hair!

Second floor, private seats.

Caesar was sitting on the sofa, hugging each other, drunk. Hearing the movements in the hall, he poked his head out curiously.

Hey, hey, hey, it seems like a powerful guy is here.

He has also heard of Loya's name. Recently, a rhinoceros man was sent to the institute, which is considered a very good experimental material. He was caught with black hair.

It's him!

Monet's face suddenly turned cold.

Navy Captain Black Hair Loya, he was the one who severely damaged the family!

They're coming up.

Mr. Caesar, please excuse me.

Monet stood up and left quickly.

After a while, under the reception of the clerk, Luo Ya led several subordinates to the second floor lounge and sat down to drink comfortably.

Luo Ya picked up a glass of juice and handed it to the adjutant beside him. He noticed that she was frowning and asked in confusion: Lu Yun, don't you like it here?


Lu Yun shook his head.

This time she came out specifically to play. She would not do anything to spoil the fun. What made her unhappy were other things.

The girl took the juice, bit her straw and explained unhappily: I just saw a super annoying guy!

Super annoying?

Luo Ya became interested. This was the first time he had seen Lu Yun so upset. Even Lu Yun, a sailor from the G-5 branch, did not feel this way.

Where is it? Show me.

Just across the way.

Lu Yun pointed at the horned man opposite and snorted coldly: That guy's name is Caesar. He is a scientific researcher of Punk Hassad. I don't know why he is here.


Loya's smile disappeared and he stared at the sheep-horned man opposite. His appearance quickly overlapped with the one in his memory.

It's him!

Evil scientist Caesar Courant!

Hasn't this guy rebelled yet?

Luo Ya frowned.

He remembered that the destruction of Punk Hassad was caused by Caesar. When the guy was arrested, he detonated the poison gas weapon he developed, causing the research institute to be blown up and the poison gas to spread to the entire island.

Later, after the war, Akainu and Aokiji dueled in Punk Hassad, completely changing the island's climate.

I didn't expect to encounter it here.

Loya looked back.

Before Caesar was arrested, he was still a researcher of the World Government, and he was a very high-level researcher, so he could not take action against him.

I'll find a chance to beat him later!

Then it's agreed!

Lu Yun's eyes lit up and her mood instantly improved. She knew that Luo Ya was not simply comforting her. Since she said so, she would definitely do so in the future.

She has wanted to beat that bastard for a long time!

Girls are here!

Soon, more than a dozen Girls arrived. Without any instructions, the Girls sat down next to the school officials with smiles.

Lu Yun curled his lips, put the juice on his chest, took out a document and looked through it. It had nothing to do with her here.

Luo Ya looked at the woman next to him with a slightly surprised look.

She has long green hair, looks very beautiful, and has a good figure, but the most attractive thing is her skin color, which is as pale as snow.

In addition, there was another thing that concerned him very much.

Loya became interested and raised his hands to wrap his arms around the woman's waist. This was an entertainment venue and physical contact was normal.

The touch of my palm is cold.

May I have your name?


Feeling the big hands caressing her waist, Monet's body became slightly stiff, but she quickly adapted to it and took the initiative to snuggle up to Loya.

The small white hands drew circles on Loya's legs and approached the penalty area, obviously trying to seduce Loya.

It's a pretty good name.

Luo Ya grabbed the woman's hand, leaned slightly and whispered in her ear: Miss Xuenai, your murderous aura is about to overflow.


Monet's body was so frozen that he could not move, and cold sweat instantly fell from his forehead.

Only at this moment did she realize that she was too naive!

The other party was a strong man who had defeated Diamanti and Lord Vergo. With her strength, how could the assassination be successful?

Don't worry, I won't kill you. It's not time to start a war with the Shichibukai yet. If you mess up, I will be punished.

Loya let go of Monet.

This time he was here for fun, and he didn't want to ruin his good mood.

If I guessed correctly, the woman was from the Don Quixote family, and only those guys had such hatred for her, plus Caesar was also here.

The contact was pretty quick.

It seems that Caesar's betrayal will not last long.

Loya looked at the woman.

Long green hair, plus the name Schnee.

Probably Monet.

Natural system·Xuexue fruit ability user!

It's a pity that although he is a noble natural ability user, his strength is completely weak, which is a waste of a good fruit.

Why are you standing there? Pour some wine.

Loya smiled and crossed his legs, signaling Monet to pour wine.

Aren't you here to drink with me?


Monet bit her lip, feeling the unprecedented humiliation. This man didn't take her seriously at all.

How can it be repaired?

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