The main city has a certain distance from the Nasarik’s Great Tomb, so in this case, it can only be reached immediately through the transmission of magic.

After entering the magic portal, the figures of the two people disappeared quickly at this time. When they saw the object again, they had arrived in the town of Lantill. Compared to a few days ago, the current Chiba Lord is very possess Popularity.

And the popularity is very high. When he walked on this street, many people knew that this guy was wearing a black armor Kinoe, and it was very powerful, especially the waistband on his waist, everyone was Saw the level of Jing Gang.

Although this guy has reached the highest rank now, as an adventurer, many people know that its Strength is far more than this elite level, even the elite level.

Like Elite in Elite, it exists.

In its Strength, the special formidable, and these missions recently accepted by this guy, consume a particularly short time, but I do not know why, he has been alone, that is, he will not join other adventurer unions.

Compared to his partner, he prefers to fight alone. I don’t know what purpose this guy has?

But this person feels quite mysterious, especially when walking on the street, many people know his appearance, so he has a lot of respect for him, but more envy, and As those adventurers, it’s only envy.

And some adventurers are jealous, especially strong, seeing other people are particularly powerful, and they are anxious to step over him under his feet, but no one in this person thinks about it.

It is exactly the existence of a heaven defying. Even in the larger cities of King, they can rank in the top few experts.

“Look, it’s Chiba Lord.”

Just then, several of these little boys suddenly saw the black armor Kinoe of Chiba Lord. The people who saw him walked among the crowd, and it is clear that now he has the very name Lord last down to child.

In short, in the corners of these towns, it is basically impossible for no one to know this black Hero, and it is just so famous overnight.

“Everything was expected.”

Chiba Lord said lightly, it seems that he is quite confident in this matter of himself, and in this case, his instinctive mood as a soldier broke out.

However, my purpose is still very obvious, not only to increase prestige, but also to gather more information about hostile influence from these missions.

“Bena, let’s get out of the mission now.”

“Yes, Chiba Lord.”

In this adventurer’s guild, a lot of people gathered, and today seems to be quite lively, but just after Chiba Lord entered the guild.

The atmosphere in the entire room became completely different, but the originally lively shops suddenly suddenly quieted down, all of them were very surprised, because after the appearance of Chiba Lord, this group of people instantly dim. .

不过随后立刻就爆发出一阵热议的声音,这种突然的宁静再到这种,无比的热闹,感觉确实让人有些奇怪,不过Chiba Lord 早就已经习惯。

这群人刚才之所以沉默,是因为自己出现在这个地方,让他们at the same time 受到了惊吓,然而议论是特别的羡慕自己。

总之,现在的情况还算比较不错,来到这个店里面之后,Chiba 的人直接二话没说,也没有打算在这里继续跟他们浪费口舌。

来到了那个bounty ,也就是发布,各种rank mission 的bounty 榜上面,看了一下里面最high-level 的mission ,如果自己对文字也不太熟悉,所以在这个时候就只能够让老板one by one 的为自己解释。


要知道公会member 是怎样进行运作的,其实很简单,像是这样一个比较小的地方,在接收到mission 之后,就会向冒险者进行发布,而这个店的老板是这样赚取佣金的,每当这些冒险者完成一个mission 之后,自己将会获得一部分的分成。

虽然说这部分的分成不是很多,但是冒险者完成的次数多,而且Mission Reward 高,那自己获得的金币也就最多。


说白了,像是Chiba Lord 这种级别的,那简直就是自己的摇钱树一般。

所以说店主对于Chiba Lord 的态度,那完全就不一样。这个家伙可是自己的摇钱树,自己怎么可能就这般轻易的放过他。



大(王王赵)大小小的工会还是比较多的,但是一般形成一定规模的比较少,都只是一些稍微比较没有任何规模的公会,不过冒险者来这里人数还是比较多的,但是大多数都只是来看看而已,真正领取mission 的人非常少。



难免稍微有些觉得不愉快,毕竟mission 已经发布出去。

但是对于个人的佣金来说,那就完全不一样,就好像是Chiba Lord 接下了一个S-Rank 的mission 之后,这个店主在完成reward ,会获得一个金币。

而在这个World 上,一个金币的价格还是比较高的。。

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