Especially when Yaerbed mentioned human beings as such, he always treats them as inferior creatures and distinguishes them completely.

“Is it a lower-level creature?” If you really want to divide it like this, wouldn’t you also be a lower-level creature? But it feels a bit incredible.

After all, in the past, Chiba Lord was also human, and in human social life, they seem to have not changed much.

Chiba Lord used to be a busy office worker. Parents and parents basically do not take much care of themselves and are a civil servant. Therefore, after myself class has a lot of free time, plus his extreme otaku. There are not many friends in my life, and I once cherished the partners in this game World.

However, letting myself not think about it, fewer and fewer people play this game. In the end, even a player who had fought with him disappeared at this time and was erased from his World.

Now, there is only one of them left.

But even so, I can’t easily abandon the game on the 14th, not to mention that now that I am in this fantastic alien world, I must call my former name and let it reverberate throughout the world.

In the words of the game, to conquer the World, let every place and even each race know their name, and tremble for nature. This is what I want to pursue in my life.

Even if there are many things that cannot be achieved in the real world, they can definitely be done now.

So you must keep it up!

You need to work hard and work hard to survive in this world completely, not to mention that Chiba Lord is not particularly aware of the hostile influence around her, so she must be extremely careful.

Be careful to make a million years ship.

“Forget it, it’s really sad to think about it now, but now that things have become what they are now, then you have to work hard to make a name for yourself in this World.”

Supreme Lord, his face suddenly became particularly serious at this time, and said to Dimikos in front of him.

“And you, my most loyal servant, can play a big role in my hegemony.”

Absolute loyalty is a very good sign for Chiba Lord. At least he will not worry that his servants will rebel against him, so he is absolutely relieved.

But in order to be able to show the strength of formidable in front of them, and to have a mind that leads the ability, so he tends to fall into a passive state, just like this situation.

Dimigos suddenly raised a question to a person, and that was the solution style of the lizard man. After all, that race is quite brutal, and if it is not handled properly, it will be a little troublesome.

“Chiba Lord, I don’t mean to oppose you, nor do I want to oppose the Lord Lord’s proposal, but I think it is so straightforward, targeting the lizard tribe, why not just abolish them directly.”

The warning was indeed issued three days ago, acting unnecessarily, but the reason why Chiba Lord would do it was to be able to show his strength, to put it plainly, to make them fear.



提前三天通知蜥蜴人部落,确实让人觉得有些acting unnecessarily ,完全就没有这个必要。

更何况现在自己的时间比较紧迫,搞不好哪天斯连教国就组织新的Strength ,来到自己的面前也不一定。

所以在这种情况下,自己还是要速战速决的好,为了能够让自己扩大影响力,并且快速的得到fighting strength 量就一定需要蜥蜴人这个部落。

然后用自己的魔法Strength ,创造出大量的不死族,就在这种情况下。


毕竟现在大坟墓里面的Strength 不是特别的formidable ,所以在这种情况下,就只能构筑着寻新的。


贝娜在这个时候,也赶紧来到了Chiba Lord 的面前,而且在昨天的时候,两个人就已经约定好今天要去主城里面领取新的mission ,换句话也有说,在赚取金币的at the same time ,要提高自己的威望。

那是在昨天的消息当中,得知有一个非常比较重要的mission ,今天可能会接到,所以这是一个非常好的机会。

“贝娜,我记得今天这是mission ,貌似是在一片丛林里面消灭357一个叫做,forest 贤王的家伙吧!”


forest 贤王换句话,也就是说这是一个非常极强,并且,特别具有Attack Power 的Monster ,在这种情况下,尤其是在不了解other side 的前提之下,就必须要保持警惕,要不然的话肯定会被这个家伙给打败。

只不过这个rank 的Monster ,为什么会出现在卡恩村的旁边,貌似自己在前段时间一直没有,注意到这里附近有木有很formidable 的Monster ,难道说是这个家伙最近才来到这片林地的吗?总之,不管怎么说,今天这个mission 先接下来之后再说。

貌似这次的Mission Rank 是s,所以相对来说还是有一丁点儿的难度的。


在这个时候Chiba Lord 眉头微微的一皱,然后他轻轻地挥了挥自己的手,打开了时空的传送魔法,对于他来说,这只是一个非常简单的Skill ,只要自己稍微释放一下,就能够将这扇大门完全的打开,并且能够进入到其中。

这是一个相对来说比较简单的Skill ,而且相当的实用。。

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