Then, his hands reached out to the falling meteorite.


The void shook, and a circle of ripples swept out, but immediately after, the speed of the falling meteorite also slowed down.


Sweat dripped from Onoki's forehead, and he let out a long breath.

In any case, the speed of this huge meteorite has slowed down, and even if it falls on the ground, it will not cause such terrible destructive power as before.

"Now, the big question is."

Looking down, Onoki's expression became solemn again on the ground that was rapidly closing in.

He reduced the weight of the meteorite, but its falling speed still did not slow down.

Afterwards, Onogi shook violently, increasing the weight of his body.

Immediately afterwards, he looked up at the meteorite that was about to accelerate again after breaking away from his ninjutsu.

"Dust Escape · Boundary Stripping Technique!"

A transparent, shimmering cube rapidly expanded and expanded, and it enveloped the top of the head in the blink of an eye, covering half of the huge meteorite.

"This is the limit of the old man!"

Onoki gritted his teeth and shook his hands.


Chen Dun radiated light in an instant, bursting out into the sky, and then exploded with a bang.

Half of the huge meteorite suspended in the sky disappeared in an instant.

Watching this scene, the ninjas below were shocked and jumped up excitedly.

"Dust Dun! This is the Dust Dun of the third generation Tukage-sama!"

"It's too powerful, Mr. Tuying, blocked the meteorite!"

On the ground, in Konoha's camp, many ninjas' expressions changed slightly.

In their eyes, the blind swordsman in front of him was exaggerated enough, and he chopped off the meteorite from the sky with a single stroke.

At this moment, the enemy's third generation of Tukage actually has the means to deal with it.

The eyes of everyone couldn't help looking at the blind swordsman ahead.

"What will he do next?"

Many people were wondering that this mysterious foreign aid definitely didn't just have that one-knife trick.

In the front, the blind swordsman Fujitora raised his head slowly.

Although his eyes were blind, his vision was not affected in any way, and he could clearly see everything that happened in front of him.

"People from another world really have something unique!"

"The only pity is that this war seems to have nothing to do with justice."

Sighing and shaking his head, Fujitora walked forward slowly.

At the same time, Onoki also fell slowly, floating in the forefront, his eyes fixed on the burly figure for a moment, and became extremely dignified.

"Ready to fight!"

The old voice spread, shaking the spirits of the ninjas in the land of land.

As a strong man of the older generation, he is very experienced, and he knows very well that this moment is the most morale and the best time to take the initiative to attack.


"Get rid of them!"

Sure enough, as he expected, the voice behind him was thunderous and deafening.

Then Onoki rushed forward.

On the other side, Fujitora's figure flickered and disappeared before his eyes.

At almost the same moment, Ohnoki keenly sensed something rushing in front of him, like a flash of lightning.

He quickly sealed his hands and shouted loudly.

"Earth Dungeon Earthquake Core!"

Five meters ahead, the ground cracked instantly, and a square piece of land rushed upwards.

The moment he activated his ninjutsu, a figure also appeared in front of him, holding a long knife and swiping it down suddenly.


The stone pillar in the direction of the sudden impact hummed, and the moment it was touched by the long knife, it trembled suddenly, and then quickly collapsed downward, as if being crushed by an extremely heavy object.


Onogi's pupils contracted and he reacted.

At the same time, he felt even more horrified in his heart.

The sword hero in front of him was actually able to use gravity to pull down all the meteorites from the sky, what an exaggerated combat power this is.

Then, almost instantly, he saw the figure in front of him disappear again.


The void was trembling, and a long knife roared towards him, covering his head.

"Earth Dungeon: Super Light and Heavy Rock Technique!"

Ohnoki shouted loudly, and clapped his hands towards the top of his head in the posture of winning a hundred days with his bare hands.


In the next second, Fujitora's long knife fell.

Terrifying gravity invaded and crushed Onoki's body, making him tremble heavily, and then flew backward like a meteorite.

Chapter 465 Cross-Century War


Its old body hit the ground with its head and feet, and then rolled quickly, pulling out a series of long traces, kicking up a large cloud of dust, and then slowly stopped.

At this time, the other ninjas just reacted. Looking at the three generations of Tukage who fell nearly a thousand meters away, their pupils shrank and their hearts were shocked.

"Master Tukage!"

This scene was too shocking, just a single blow, and Onoki, who was at the Kage level, was sent flying.

"Everyone in another world, let me open your eyes."

"This war has nothing to do with justice!"

Fujitora stood with a knife in his hand, and said in a deep voice.

In the next second, the entire battlefield erupted.

Between the two camps, countless figures were running fast, and their faces became distorted and hideous at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, dense figures collided, bright blood stained the ground, and screams sounded instantly.

Southern battlefield.

Terumi Mei, who was the fifth Mizukage at the time, looked forward with a solemn expression, and slowly raised his head.

I saw huge ships above the sky, with the oars shaking below, they were slowly approaching.

Among them, on the big ship in the front, a figure stood with his arms around him, looking down.

That long golden hair shawls his shoulders, and his face is majestic, like an old lion, which makes people tremble, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!"

"Is my opponent just a young girl?"

"And, it's really boring!"

The golden lion Shiji stepped forward, stepping on the void.

In the void within a kilometer radius, a strong wind blows, passing over the heads of the enemies in front.

"Unknown enemy, is this Konoha's foreign aid?"

Terumi Mei said with a solemn expression.

Then, her eyes froze.

"It seems that our enemy is no longer Konoha, but a more mysterious and powerful unknown existence!"

Immediately afterwards, she saw the enemy in front of her, a huge fleet suspended in the air, slowly approaching, and the blond old man who could fly in the air also landed on the ground.

"Among the four fronts, I should be the most boring!"

Golden Lion Shiji grinned.

His eyes glanced at the woman in front of him, and the contempt on his face did not hide at all.

"Too underestimated people!"

"You old fellow!"

Terumi Mei was obviously very angry, and the other party's contemptuous expression was undoubtedly a great contempt for her. Especially when she just took over the position of the Fifth Mizukage, her position is not stable.

As soon as she moved, she rushed forward.

However, the next second.


"Young people are impulsive, and they dare to step forward without even knowing the strength of the enemy."

The golden lion Shiji grinned, the long knife in his hand suddenly came out of its sheath, and slashed forward fiercely.


When the knife was drawn, the void was shaken.

The ground cracked and shattered, and the powerful chopping wave cut everything, and went straight to Terumi Mei's figure in front of him.

The latter's pupils contracted, and he dodged to one side like a conditioned reflex.

The strong wind chopped off a few strands of his black hair, followed by a loud sound behind him, and a deep ravine came into his eyes along with the flying dust.


Seeing this scene, the other ninjas also took a deep breath.

I saw a deep trace, extending to an unknown distance along the direction of the Konoha forest.

This simple knife cut the entire forest in half.

Terumi Mei's pace also completely stopped at this moment, looking at the old man in front of him with more serious eyes.

"Who are you guys?"

The golden lion laughed loudly when he heard the words, put away the long knife in his hand: "Who is it?"

"Maybe, it's someone you can't imagine!"

He glanced around and took a deep breath.

"This world is really quite different from where we are."

"Even the air smells different."

When Terumi Mei heard this sentence, she was puzzled at first, and then her face changed drastically.

Soon, the enemy on the opposite side launched an attack.

At this moment, the four camps in the south, east, and north began to fight, and the huge Konoha Forest kept shaking.

At the same time, in the very center of the forest.

Jiang Liu, Uchiha Fugaku and others are gathering here, looking at the battle map on the table, and the four marked plans are being studied.

"The four manifestations, according to Mr. Shuiliu, can perfectly resist the pace of the enemy's attack."

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