Tens of millions of tons of yellow sand can't do him any harm.

This unimaginable scene made everyone extremely horrified.

"It doesn't work."

Crocodile let out a puff of smoke.

Standing under the Sharon roll, his aura rose again, giving the surrounding sand ninjas an invisible sense of oppression.

Suddenly, his eyes glared angrily, and he shouted loudly.

"Try Lao Tzu's tricks too!"

With a violent wave of his big hand, the huge tornado around him whizzed and rolled towards Luo Sha in an instant.

All of a sudden, sand and rocks flew away, and the huge tornado carried more and more tornadoes. Above everyone's heads, the sky is gloomy and covered with grains of sand.

"Sha Lan!"

The huge Sharon Roll, accompanied by Crocodile's angry roar, arrived in front of Luo Sha in an instant.

"The power to control Sandstorm?"

"What a formidable enemy!"

Luo Sha said solemnly.

Immediately afterwards, he slapped the sand with both hands, and Citun used all his strength.

In an instant, sand and rocks were flying around him, and a large number of sand grains were controlled by the placer gold, forming a mighty sand wall to block the front.

Sharonjuan encountered a sand wall nearly hundreds of meters high, unable to cross this threshold, and kept colliding with it.

This spectacular scene made countless people stare wide-eyed.

"It's a natural disaster-level collision!"

Crocodile looked at this scene and grinned: "It's quite capable!"

Then, he slowly stretched out his right hand.

Strands of sand quickly surged around his arm, and after a breath, the sand in front of him that was visible in his sight shook with a bang, rolling and rushing to the sky.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

Countless grains of sand were surging, cheering and jumping for joy, forming a surging howl of sand. Then, a roar roared, superimposed at an extremely fast speed, becoming a wave with a height of hundreds of meters.

"Then look at my move!"


Crocodile grinned grimly.

He likes it very much, being able to use his combat power to the limit makes him feel hearty.


When Sha Xiao rushed forward and reached the enemy's eyes, his right hand shook violently again.

"Sandstorm Burial!"


Tens of millions of tons of sand roared down, covering Luosha, and the sand wall composed of sand particles collapsed almost instantly.

A large area of ​​ground was covered and filled with sand grains, making a deafening sound.

Immediately afterwards, the grains of sand shrank suddenly again, becoming even denser.

Luo Sha was caught off guard, wrapped by tens of millions of tons of sand, and fell underground in an instant, protected by a shell composed of golden placer gold.

"He mastered almost all ninjutsu that I know."

"This guy is indeed a difficult enemy."

With a dignified face, he thought silently in his heart.

At the same time, there is a bad feeling.

It was just a tentative attack, and the western front encountered such a strong man, so what about the other three parties?

Where did this group of unknown mysterious people come from?

At the same moment, the Eastern Front.


Thunder rumbled in the sky, and blue electric arcs meandered in the thunderclouds, and the entire sky reflected was sometimes bright and sometimes dark.

The ninjas in Yunyin Village all looked up at the sky, their faces full of horror and shock.

"Is it a god?"

"That figure actually controls Thunder!"

From their eyes, it can be clearly seen that the figure suspended in the void, under the thousands of thunder clouds, is high above, really looking down on all living beings like a life.


The thunder resounded, and blue electric arcs pierced the sky, reflecting uncertain expressions on the faces of everyone.

"I've never seen this guy before, where did Konoha get it from?"

Fourth Raikage Ai looked up at the sky and said in a deep voice.

"Pretending to be a ghost, are you playing a **** here?"

"Let me see how capable he is!"

Then, he turned around again, looking at the third Hokage and Danzo beside him.

"The war has begun."

"Whatever ability you two have, what cards you have, use them all!"

Three generations of Hokage heard the words, some hesitated to speak, but Danzo next to him smiled lightly: "I won't let you down!"

"They have reinforcements, and we have a lot of support!"

After the words fell, Danzo talked about the Third Hokage, and the figures of the two quickly disappeared in place.

Seeing the two of them leave, Fourth Raikage Ai let out a cold snort, and looked at the sky again.

"The more you look at this guy, the more unhappy you are. Do you really regard yourself as a god?"

His words seemed to be heard by the other party, and the man floating in the sky with a golden stick turned his eyes and locked on him instantly.

"It's not polite to talk about gods in private!"


The majestic words came to the ears of the fourth generation of Lei Yingai clearly, which made him startled slightly, a little surprised and surprised.

"Across such a long distance, can you even hear it?"

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, he heard the word majestic.

"God's punishment!"

High in the sky, Enilu sputtered majestically, and swiped the golden stick with his right hand downwards.

Accompanied by his actions, there was a roar, and the dazzling thunder light whizzed down, sweeping towards the fourth generation of Raikage in an instant.


Almost instantly, with no time for everyone to react, the fourth generation of Lei Yingai was enveloped and hit by this thunder pillar.

Lei Guang lasted for seven or eight breaths before he stopped.

The ground was already scorched black, and Ai stood there blankly, his body wrapped in lightning, and he seemed a little dazed.

"Master Raikage?"

The ninja next to him trembled a little.

The guy who can control thunder and lightning is really frightening and frightening, not something ordinary people can fight against.


In the next second, Ai spit out a mouthful of black smoke, and looked at the sky with sharp and solemn eyes.


"It seems that you guys who don't know where you come from can't be underestimated!"

Chapter 464

Facing the man standing above the void like a **** of thunder, the fourth generation of Raikage Ai's eyes became sharp and dignified.

Undoubtedly, people on the entire eastern front felt a lot of pressure.

Whether it's the majestic figure above the head controlling the thunder, or the uniform and imposing warriors looming in front of them from the forest.

Judging from the various auras, the enemies are not easy to deal with.

"This is a battle that determines the life and death of the entire ninja world!"

"Show your courage, ninjas, fight with me!"

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai's voice was heavy, and his eyes were murderous.

The ninjas leaned over slowly, their breath became thicker, and their faces were distorted, looking a little hideous.

In the next second, the strong wind above everyone's heads suddenly became urgent.


Deep roars came from the people's mouths, and countless figures leaped out from the jungle, and the icy blades bloomed with icy colors under the reflection of the sunlight.


Fourth Raikage roared first and rushed towards the figure in the sky.

After a few breaths, everyone's heads were in the sky, and the sound of rumbling was heard endlessly, and thunder and lightning spread wantonly towards the surroundings.

The two figures kept colliding, and behind them was thunder and lightning roaring, tearing apart the sky.

At the same time, the Northern Front.

Onogi's pupils shrank, and behind him, countless ninjas were shaking violently as they watched the growing shadow enveloping the earth.

"Then, what is that?!"

Someone yelled in fear.

"Go, what are you kidding?"

"That man summoned a meteorite!!"

This is the thought in the minds of countless people at this moment. It is unimaginable that what gradually catches their eyes is an unimaginable huge meteorite.

They saw with their own eyes that after the blind swordsman who was not far away from them swung his sword, the entire land was shrouded in terrifying pressure.


The wind pressure pressed down, and it seemed that there was an invisible barrier crushing down on the top of everyone's heads, making them want to bend down.

The shadow above the head is getting bigger and bigger, and the huge meteorite is surrounded by countless ripples of dust, bringing a huge gust of wind and swooping down.

"Master Tukage!"

Behind Onoki, a trembling voice came.

This made Sandai Tukage's eyes narrow and he came to his senses.

Facing such a colossal object, he had to think of a solution immediately, otherwise, if such a huge meteorite really fell, everyone present would probably die on the spot.

"Stop it!"


Ohnoki's heart was heavy. His old and short figure was levitating at an extremely fast speed at this moment, rushing towards the falling meteorite.

The sound of the wind whistling beside the ear was getting closer and closer to the falling meteorite.

His eyes suddenly became fierce, and his hands quickly sealed.

"Earth Dungeon: Super Light and Heavy Rock Technique!"

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