"But they still exist, and even their current scale and strength are no different from when Whitebeard was there."

"This means that Fire Fist Ace has stabilized the Whitebeard Pirates, which were originally slack and on the verge of destruction."

Van Oka said in a deep voice, his eyes were serious.

The goal of their trip is also Ace. One is the old hatred, and the other is to look at the right time to pick the other party's fruit ability.

Natural fruits are absolutely rare and powerful.

"Don't worry, no matter how strong he becomes, facing the current situation, as long as we make a move, we will definitely not be able to escape from my palm."

Marshall Teach sneered, slowly clenched his right hand.

"With the dark fruit and the shocking fruit, I, who have two ultimate moves, can defeat a capable person like him!"

"As long as I don't meet that guy Jiang Liu, there is no one I fear in this sea!"

The confident words spit out from Marshall Teach's mouth and echoed in everyone's ears.

But no one objected to such words. Marshall Teach, who has the ability to control the two terrifying fruits, is absolutely qualified to say such words.

In fact, this fact has been proven in countless battles over the past year.

Marshall Teach's current strength is definitely at the top level in the world, and even if he faces the Four Emperors, he will not be afraid.

The pirate ship was moving forward, and the skeleton was violently fluttering and swaying in the strong wind.

Suddenly, the complexions of Fan Oka and others changed slightly, and they looked at the strange figure riding in the waves not far away.

"That guy seems to be an admiral, Aokiji?"

Lafitte said suspiciously.

Not far away, amidst the flickering lightning, a figure was riding a bicycle across the sea, leaving behind a clear silver-white frozen track.

"It's a former general! That guy seems to have been kicked out of the navy!"

Van Oka said with flickering eyes.

"Interesting, it seems that he can't bear the loneliness and came to watch this battle!"

Marshall Teach laughed.

Facing the former admiral, everyone on board did not panic.

But after a while, the two sides were already facing each other, and the distance was only tens of meters away.


The bell of the bicycle is very crisp, and it is still very clear in this bad weather with constant thunder.

Then, Aokiji stopped, and slowly raised his eyes to look at the big ship in front of him.


"I met a very dangerous person!"

Muttering, Qingzhi's eyes became icy cold, and a cold white mist wrapped around him.

"Crack, wipe!"

In between breaths, a layer of white frost has already adhered to the surface of the sea with a radius of one kilometer.

"Thief ha ha ha ha ha!"

"General Aokiji, don't be so hostile!"

"You're out of the Navy, haven't you?"

Marshall Teach laughed loudly, lying on the bow, looking down, staring at Aokiji.

"Maybe we can work together?"

"Join my pirate group, let's do something big together!"

Such words stunned Fan Oka and the others, and Aokiji below fell silent for a moment after being slightly startled.

The other party is actually recruiting himself?

Moreover, this matter seems to be indeed feasible.

He really has nowhere else to go.

Now, it's like a world where homeless ghosts drift aimlessly on the sea, dazed and empty.

Suddenly, Qingzhi's eyes sharpened, and his head slowly turned behind him.

"Perhaps, you should consider your own safety first."

"Blackbeard, Marshall Teach!"

At the same time, on the pirate ship, the faces of the Blackbeards also changed suddenly, and they looked closely at the ship on the sea ahead, which was still shining with golden light under the dark sky.

"It's Jiang Liu!!"

Fan Oka looked ugly and shouted in a deep voice.

Chapter 266


Black clouds rolled in the sky, golden lightning intersected, and an invisible oppressive aura permeated the air. The sea water rippled layer by layer, and the fish fled in all directions.

The atmosphere of the Blackbeard Pirates changed drastically at this moment. They wanted to get rid of Ace, and get a glimpse of some benefits and opportunities in the upcoming war.

But he didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, he would meet his mortal enemy, and it was the most difficult mortal enemy to deal with.

The golden ark motto, the huge propeller rotating, and the electric current flickering all over it, arrived at an extremely fast speed, and it was already in front of them in a blink of an eye.

"Jiang Liu, Doflamingo is here."

"There is also a blind swordsman whose identity is unknown, but it cannot be ignored."

"Those who can stand beside Jiang Liu today must not be simple people."

Van Oka said with sharp eyes.

"Are the other people on that ship from the Germa Legion?"

Marshall Teach suddenly narrowed his eyes and asked.

As the distance between the two sides narrowed, the people on each other's boats could see clearly.

"Yes, it's even more troublesome now!"

"Did Jiang Liu actually convince the Vinsmoke family to cooperate with them?"

Lafitte's complexion changed slightly.

The Germa Legion, which once traversed the North Sea and possessed unique high-tech, is absolutely extraordinary and a very powerful mercenary army.

Soon, the golden Ark Proverbs slowly docked in front of them.

Leaning on a golden scepter, Jiang Liu slowly looked forward, the broken hair on his forehead was blown by the sea breeze, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's good luck to meet you here, Tiqi!"

He obviously had a smile on his face, but the coldness and coldness in his words made people tremble.

"Thief ha ha ha ha!"

Marshall Teach stared at him for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

"What a coincidence, Jiang Liu, I have no intention of being your enemy."

"How about we pass each other friendly and do our own things?"

Standing at the bow of the boat, Jiang Liu locked his eyes on the other party, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared: "Then, let's ask a question, Tiqi."

"What are you doing here?"

After the words fell, Fujitora took a step forward, and beside him Cavendish slowly pulled out the long knife from his waist, his eyes were cold, and Doflamingo let out a low smile.

Behind him, Reiju, Yuji, Iji and others changed their shapes and put on combat uniforms.

The obvious fighting atmosphere in the air made the atmosphere even heavier.

Blackbeard's eyes moved slightly, Van Oka, Lafitte, and the newly joined crew all held their weapons and were ready to fight.

"For Ace!"

"He's going to fight Kaido, and I'm trying to use this opportunity to collect his body."

Marshall Teach grinned, completely undisguised, and said loudly.


Jiang Liu fell silent, and the expression on his face was gloomy as if water was dripping out.

A cold, icy, oppressive aura emanated from him, and the killing intent was already extremely awe-inspiring at this moment.

"Congratulations, Teach, then."

"From today onwards, I really can't keep you anymore!"

"Right here, kill you!"

"Go to hell, you will have enough time to confess your life!"

Jiang Liu opened his mouth, and the cold voice spread out.

"Thief ha ha ha ha ha!"

When Marshall Teach heard this, he laughed out loud.

Behind him, in the dark sky, lightning suddenly flickered, followed by thunder and thunder, reflecting half of the sky.

"It seems that there is no choice."

"Between you and me, only one person can fall down!"

Looking up again, on Marshall Teach's face, the habitual concealment and harmless, simple and honest smile dissipated, replaced by an ambitious, unruly, crazy, ferocious, ferocious smile.

His right hand was raised suddenly, a vortex emerged and enlarged in an instant.


The void fluctuated, and the air flow trembled at this moment.

"On this sea, I am invincible, Jiang Liu!"

Jiang Liu was expressionless, feeling the vibration in the air, the stronger wind howling, and his hands were still on crutches.

"It's the power of the shaking fruit."

Doflamingo squinted his eyes and said, his heart was serious.

In the next second, Marshall Teach swung his right fist forward.


The majestic force bombarded the void, and the cracking sound spread to everyone's ears, and cracks like glass shattering emerged.

An unparalleled, violent, and violent shock wave swept over in an instant, and the sea water boiled, sweeping up chaotic ripples, and then waved towards the Proverb.

At this moment, Jiang Liu raised the crutch in his hand and stopped suddenly.


This sound resounded from the sky and the earth, and spread out in all directions.

Shaking, shaking, everything is shaking, humming and trembling.

Wei An, the violent power swept across, Reiju and others behind him trembled, their pupils shrank, and the battle suits on their bodies were shaken.

Then, they saw that the surrounding space of the ship they were in, including the sea water, was shattered with a click.

The two shock waves collided at the next moment, followed by.


Larger cracks appeared, the sea surface was tilting, tsunamis were forming, and the wind was howling. It seemed that the doomsday disaster was coming at this moment, and everything became extremely terrifying.


Reiju, Iji, Yuji and others were trembling, unable to imagine the scene they were facing.

At the center of the storm and fragmentation, only the two ships, although they were ups and downs with the sea, were safe and sound, without any damage.

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