At this moment, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky again, followed by torrential rain, and large areas of rain covered the sea area.


Bean-sized raindrops fell on the surface of the sea, and immediately splashed large pieces of water, rippled, and the entire sea was boiling at this moment.

"Wait, Captain, I seem to see a dragon!"

Suddenly, the crew on the observation deck yelled tremblingly again.

"It's a dragon! It's really a dragon!"

Looking up at the dark clouds in the sky, the crew members stared wide-eyed, feeling that everything within their field of vision was filled with great shock.

On the deck, the captain and a group of crew members suddenly raised their heads, and then stood there blankly.

I saw two blood-red eyes looking down from the clouds where the lightning was flickering. The huge dragon's head and long beards were filled with golden lightning.

It is really a huge, ferocious, terrifying dragon.

The long body appeared and disappeared between the clouds. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared, and when I looked again, I could only see its tail.

Another breath, its dragon tail disappeared, only its sharp dragon claws exposed under the clouds can be seen.


Suddenly, the sky-shattering dragon chant sounded, and the giant dragon's body suddenly swayed a few times, and when it reappeared, it had already reached the top of their heads.

"Come, come!"

The crew yelled, tense and stiff.

Facing such an incredible and huge creature, while they were shocked, they also felt fear and tension.

The instinctive suppression at the biological level made them unable to move at this moment, and their whole bodies were weakening.


Then, they saw the dragon head that had reached the sky above their heads, slowly looking down, as if they had finally noticed them.

A pair of blood-red dragon eyes locked onto their bodies.

All of a sudden, including the captain, all the crew on the pirate ship froze.

The immense dragon's power permeated the world at this moment, calming down the entire sea.


The dragon head opened its mouth, and around its mouth, a hurricane appeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. When a certain moment is reached, its dragon mouth suddenly spits out downwards.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

The hurricane roared overhead, and countless wind blades rushed down at this moment, reaching the pirates in the blink of an eye.


The captain yelled in horror.

In the next second, the pirate ship under his feet disintegrated suddenly, and all the pirates on the ship were swept up into the sky, flying farther and farther.


The sound of thunder shook, and golden lightning flashed among the clouds. When he looked up again, the huge dragon had disappeared.

He could only faintly hear a low, cold roar.

"Whitebeard Pirates, from today, it's time to end!"

"Things that do not belong to this era should disappear."

On the sea surface below, the sea water was rolling, the waves were crashing, and huge pirate warships were advancing side by side in a dense formation.

The Kaido Pirates of the Four Emperors almost came out at this moment, heading towards their enemies.

A world-shattering battle is about to begin.

At the same time, there was also a gloomy atmosphere on the sea not far from here.

"Ace, the Kaido Pirates are heading towards us with a large number of warships!"

Marco said loudly.

Above their heads, there are also dark clouds, but it hasn't rained yet. The sea also seemed quite calm.

"Are you guys ready?"

Ace stood on the bow of Moby Dick, looked ahead, and asked in a deep voice.

"It's all ready!"

"A total of 120 warships, all crews are here."

"This battle has crushed everything in the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Marco gritted his teeth.


Ace nodded, his eyes sharpened.

In front of him, several ships belonging to the Whitebeard Pirates were rushing towards the outpost.

As soon as the Kaido Pirates step into this sea area, they will get news immediately.

"Today is also the first battle we have faced since Dad stopped appearing!"

"The battle to establish the position of the Four Emperors of our Whitebeard Pirates!"

Ace said quietly.

"Are you really okay with Kaido, Ace?"

Marco said worriedly.

"rest assured!"

"All along, I have never shown my full strength."

"This time, facing Kaido, I can finally let go and fight!"

Ace had a smile on his face.

The power he got from Uncle Jiang Liu, after more than half a year of familiarization, he finally mastered it and made all the power his own.

He is also eager to fight a battle to verify his strength.

And the Four Emperors like Kaido are the best opponents.

Time passed, and thunder roared in the sky.

Finally, when the moment comes.

On the Moby Dick, the phone bug in Marco's hand suddenly rang.

His face changed slightly, and then he connected.

"They are coming!"

"Kaido Pirates, here we come!"

A nervous, trembling, and hasty voice came from the phone number.

Hearing this, Marco raised his head immediately, and Ace also looked towards the sea ahead.

In the next second, the pupils of both of them suddenly shrank.

I saw black dots one by one, in the heavy rain, storm, and lightning, suddenly broke into the sight of each of them.

On the mast, the flying skeleton flag represents the Kaido Pirates.


Ace grinned, his eyes sharp to the extreme.

Four Emperor Kaido Pirates VS Whitebeard Pirates.

War is about to break out.

Chapter 265 Another Battlefield


Thunder resounded in the sky, and lightning kept flashing. The strong wind whistled overhead, and ripples appeared on the sea.

The two fleets, which are huge in number, are approaching slowly like black dots.

The solemn and dignified atmosphere permeated the entire sea area, causing the boiling sea water to fall into calm, as if they dared not touch the majesty of both sides.

"Brothers, cheer up!"

"The opponent is the Kaido Pirates, mention our fighting spirit!"

"Let us win the next war!"

In the Whitebeard Pirates, all the cadres were shouting at this moment, with hideous and terrifying expressions.

In the face of a powerful enemy, the adrenaline in the body can't help but start to secrete at this moment, making many people excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

"During this time, they haven't done anything to make us angry!"

"Today, Kaido finally came."

"Right here, right now, kill him, this is the best chance!"

The roar was so deafening that it even suppressed the thunder in the sky.

The pirates' eyes flickered, their breathing gradually increased, they clenched their weapons tightly, and their expressions became angry, hateful, and excited.

Yes, they have fought each other quite a few times recently. Since Whitebeard left, the Pirates have been caught in an endless war, and there is no peace.

But their power, their territory, has not weakened. Under the leadership of the new captain, they fought back and forth with the other two Four Emperors.

This means that they still have the confidence to fight the Four Emperors.

Fear, fear, that's impossible!


"Get rid of them!"

"Kill Kaido!"

The roar soon rang out. All warships and every squadron were cheering up at this moment, and they were all mobilizing before the battle.

Morale is a key factor in winning or losing a war.

"It seems that the morale of the brothers is very good!"

When Marco heard the thundering voice, a smile appeared on his face.

"We are the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco!"

"Just Kaido, how can you be afraid?"

Ace laughed.

He slowly raised his head, staring at the cloudy sky, his keen perception has already made him aware that in the void in front of him, there is a huge shadow, a huge aura, which is slowly moving.

"So, is that Kaido?"

Muttering, Ace's eyes were extremely sharp at this moment.

At the same time, on the sea not far from here.

A huge pirate ship is also moving forward, judging from its route, the goal is also the war zone that is about to collide.

"Thief ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Is it on the sea not far away?"

"Kaido the Four Emperors, a battle with the former Whitebeard Pirates is about to take place!"

"I heard that the captain of the current Whitebeard Pirates is Ace. My old captain, I really have the courage to declare war on Kaido!"

Marshall Teach stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the gloomy sky ahead, his eyes flickered, and he laughed loudly.

"Captain, don't underestimate Fire Fist Ace. His strength has grown rapidly in the year since the top war ended."

"Otherwise, the Whitebeard Pirates would have disappeared long ago in the face of the alternate attacks of Kaido and Bigumamu, the four emperors' regiments."

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