"And during this time, I found a training object for you, and that is General Fujitora."

Jiang Liu said with a light smile.

"Why aren't you practicing against me, master?"

Sauron gritted his teeth and roared.

"Don't underestimate General Fujitora, his combat power is by no means weaker than the general!"

"The experience of fighting against him will benefit you a lot in your future kendo!"

Jiang Liu said lightly.

Afterwards, he turned to look at Fujitora, and smiled again: "This kid's training, I have to trouble His Excellency Fujitora."

After becoming a general, Jiang Liu personally gave him a nickname, or Fujitora, after all, this name is very pleasing to the ears.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

"I can see that he has potential."

Fujitora smiled, glanced at Zoro, and nodded to him.

After all, he is His Majesty's apprentice, so he has to give him this face. Of course, he also knew that there would not be too many battles with the opponent.

Because Dressrosa has been on the verge of moving in recent days.

Over time, the national shipyard has built a fleet of twenty ships, and the number of the Royal Navy has been reorganized. After the formation, it has grown to a larger scale. In addition to his old team, the pirates of Golden Lion Shiji, it is barely enough.

Coupled with the number of generals in Dressrosa, Fujitora already has a hunch that war is coming soon.

Of course, this is a good thing. The stronger the kingdom, the more things he can do as a general.

The navy is in the name of justice, but Fujitora is very clear that the navy under the command of the world government cannot do truly righteous and kind actions like the Dressrosa army.

These days, he has held an army in his hand, and personally punished the nobles who threatened the common people and put them in prison.

He also personally captured nobles and pirates from other places. Such a righteous thing is what he yearns for and wants to do in his heart.

I also personally talked with a little girl all the way and dropped her off to school.

He has never seen any country that is full of hope and tomorrow like Dressrosa.

For Fujitora, today's Dressrosa is the ideal land in his mind. He will stick to such a place and hope that it will spread all over the world.

Equality, freedom, and democracy have become Fujitora's beliefs.

"In addition, we may need to go out in the near future."

Jiang Liu said again.

Hearing this, Fujitora narrowed his eyes: "Your Majesty, are you going to do it yourself?"

"No, no, the war in this sea area is Shi Ji's business."

"And we are responsible for the war in another area."

Jiang Liu smiled.

Chapter 239 Target Golden Emperor

Gilder Tezzolo.

You may feel unfamiliar with this name, but if you change it to another title, almost everyone in the world will know it.

Known as the Golden Emperor, he is the head of Gulan Tezolo, the world's largest entertainment city, and controls many industries in the world.

Tezolo owns 20% of Bailey in the world. Using the power of money, he can do both black and white, and he can even manipulate the Celestial Dragons.

And his own ability is a golden fruit. Of course, being able to own such a huge wealth is not only due to his ability, but also because of his outstanding economic wisdom. He is a leading business wizard.

If he could control the Golden Emperor Tezuolo, then the power in Jiang Liu's hands would make a qualitative leap.

The huge fleet and large areas that need to spend money will be replenished in an instant and become stronger.

He is different from the other three emperors who have been standing for decades in this new world, he has a lot of territory and accumulation.

All that is in his hands now is a group of strong men and the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

But this kingdom, to put it bluntly, is nothing more than an island.

However, Bigum's territory covers an entire sea area and more than 30 islands. The warships, combat power, and financial resources accumulated over a long period of time are an unimaginable number.

Reality is not anime, and war is a cruel, cold scene. Countless people fought desperately and shed blood for it, let alone relying on the strong to change the situation.

"So, Your Majesty's next goal is the Golden Emperor?"

Fujitora asked in a low voice.


Jiang Liu nodded.

"His name, I have often heard it on this sea, is a very unique existence in the new world."

"Even the world government has recognized his entertainment city as an independent country."

"It can be said that the wrist and strength are quite good."

Fujitora said.

"How many warships does His Majesty plan to send to subdue him?"

Jiang Liu shook his head, grinned and said, "It's just the two of us, at most one more him."

As he said that, his eyes flicked aside to the freckle-faced man who was walking towards here.

"Ayes the fire fist?!"

Fujitora was startled, and looked at the person coming.

"I've been here too long."

Ace said quietly.

Then, he greeted the green algae head on the side again, and Sauron grinned in response, but accidentally, the long knife almost fell and cut his toe, causing a lot of cold sweat to break out on his forehead.

Endowed with gravity, he, as well as the knife, are heavier than imagined. If he is not careful, he will become crippled.

"After finishing this matter, I will let you go back."

Jiang Liu laughed.

"The Whitebeard Pirates need me very much!"

Ace stared into the other's eyes, gritted his teeth and said.

He has already heard from Marco that the people of Bigumamu and Kaido are all about to move, and there is even a pirate fleet approaching in recent days.

In particular, several islands and territories belonging to the Whitebeard Pirates have been invaded.

The situation is getting worse and worse for the Whitebeard Pirates.

"With your strength, even if you go back, how much can you help?"

"Do you have the power to fix the world like Newgate? Ace?"

Jiang Liu's face darkened slightly, and he said lightly.

"Those of you who have lost your white beard, facing Kaido and Bigum, are you sure you can defeat them?"

Ace's complexion changed slightly, he lowered his head, and clenched his fists tightly.

Of course, he is not sure of defeating the strength of the Four Emperors. To be able to rank among the four emperors, of course, they are all strong men whose strength is not much different from that of the old man.

Otherwise, how can it stand tall in this sea.

"Is Dad still alive? You haven't given me a definite answer yet!"

Ace raised his head sharply and shouted loudly.

"After finishing this matter, I will tell you and let you go."

Jiang Liudao.

"I hope you can keep your promise!"

Ace sighed.

After all, he is his biological uncle, so what can he do? Moreover, in Dressrosa, surrounded by strong people, without the consent of the other party, he wanted to leave by himself, but he couldn't do it.

"Don't worry, Ace."

"Come with me, and I will give you the capital to fight against the Four Emperors."

Jiang Liu smiled again.

"The capital against the Four Emperors?!"

Ace's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly remembered the terrifying and mysterious ability of the man in front of him that he had heard about when chatting with the Thunder Boy recently.

Empower others with great power!

"Otherwise, letting you go back and die at the hands of other people is something that makes me very angry and sad!"

Jiang Liu sighed.

Strictly speaking, the qualification for this kind of ability belongs to the numbered person. But Ace is his own nephew, so he is reluctant.

Ace stopped talking. After experiencing the top battle, he knew very well that without strong strength, he could do nothing.

The words spoken by the other party were so tempting that he couldn't refuse.

Three days later, the three came to the port.

After receiving the document from Freya, Jiang Liu handed it to Ace. He had read these materials and information before, and had communicated with Fujitora next to him.

"So, our target this time is this guy with amazing financial resources?"

The ship sailed away from the port, and Ace, who was sitting cross-legged on the deck, raised his head in shock after a moment.


Jiang Liu laughed.

Fujitora is at the helm, listening to their conversation quietly. On the other side is Kalifa, the former CP9 team and now a high-level member of the kingdom's spy organization, wearing gold-rimmed glasses and stepping on high heels, flipping through the documents in his hand and formulate a plan of action for the next step.

At the same time, Kalifa is also responsible for the logistical supplies of Jiang Liu and others, such as what clothes to wear and what to eat.

"This guy actually owns 20% of Pele, what a huge number."

Ace gasped again.

You never know the full extent of things until you see them. In this world, there are such rich men.

"That's certainly unimaginable. It may exceed thousands of Newgate's bounties."

Jiang Liu laughed.

"Don't make fun of Dad, Uncle!"

Ace glared.

Jiang Liu laughed.

Then, he got up and looked at the sea ahead.

On the horizon in the distance, there are faint black dots undulating, that is the warship belonging to the kingdom, and it is setting off towards the surrounding islands and the country.

The next goal of the Kingdom is to build an island chain defense project of its own, and put the Kingdom's eyes on the sea.

Then take steps to expand your sphere of influence, territory, and population.

"After we come back!"

"Their battle is over!"

Staring at the sea, Jiang Liu said softly.

The ones in charge of this war are naturally the Golden Lion Shiji and other generals.

A moment later, the medium-sized sailboat on which several people were riding rubbed shoulders with the Kingdom fleet,

Jiang Liu got up, looked at the standing on the boat, saluted here, a soldier of the kingdom who was dressed in a blue navy uniform, with a serious face, standing upright, he slightly raised his hand, and then returned the salute.

The posture of the military salute is the salute action of the previous life, simple and grand.

Soon, they were getting farther and farther away from the kingdom's fleet, and Jiang Liu was smiling.

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