Because Jiang Liu stood there, without moving a step, he just stretched out his hand, and firmly blocked the heavy knife in front of him.


At this time, Fujitora looked serious.

Although his eyes were blind, his perception was stronger, and he could clearly see that his knife was caught by the opponent with just his hands.

Moreover, those five fingers seemed to be stuck to the blade, trying to pull the blade away, but couldn't.

This scene made him dignified and amazed.

As expected of the strongest man in the world, he stopped his attack with just the pure power of physical cultivation.

It's so strong!

But it was precisely this that made Fujitora's competitive spirit even more vigorous.

"Let me see how far we are from number one in the world!"

This is the idea that almost every strong person has, whether it is Hawkeye Mihawk or Roronoa Zoro.

Only how bad you are will determine how strong you will become in the future.

"You already have the strength of an admiral."

Jiang Liu let go of the blade in his hand, looked down at the white mark on his palm, and said with a smile.

At this moment, he is not in a state of exhaustion in the late stage of the war, but in all indicators, reaching the perfect peak moment.

Fujitora didn't say anything, but with a flash, he attacked again from another angle, and swung the long knife out.


This time the void was twisted even more seriously, and the majestic gravity impacted the river horizontally.

Doflamingo's pupils contracted. He had faced this blow before, so he naturally knew how powerful it was.

After a short fight, he knew that this blind swordsman with a square face would not be weaker than him in the slightest.

On the field, facing Fujitora's blow, Jiang Liu raised his hand again.

This time, his expression was a little more dignified and serious.

With five fingers open, there was a touch of golden flame between the palms, and there was a faint purple aura entangled on it.

In the next second, there was a bang, the air flow surged, and the sand grains around Jiang Liu's body were crushed, forming a strange depression.

But this knife was also caught.

Fujitora's face became more solemn, and he was sincerely shocked by the strength of the man in front of him. There was absolutely nothing fancy about this knife, it was a true manifestation of his strength.

However, it still had no effect.

powerful! Very strong! It was even so strong that he couldn't understand it.


After taking a deep breath, Fujitora took two steps back, and slowly put the long knife back into the scabbard.

"Hell Brigade!"

A deep voice spit out from his mouth, accompanied by the overwhelming terrifying gravity, superimposed ten times, a hundred times in front of him.


At this moment, the grains of sand under his feet were whining, and the air was twisting. The inexplicable pressure swept out, causing Doflamingo to change color, and the footsteps walking here stopped.

Jiang Liu, on the other hand, looked down at his body, feeling the terrifying weight that increased geometrically on top of his body.


Finally, when Fujitora's long knife was about to close, his bones wailed.

"Very powerful ability!"

Jiang Liu sighed softly.

At this time, the grains of sand around his body had collapsed by ten meters. Only the area where his feet were was left as if unaffected.

Fujitora's face was extremely serious, and the long knife in his hand, the only remaining part, suddenly closed.


At this moment, the gravity increased exponentially, and it suddenly pressed down.

The green flames on Jiang Liu's body rolled up, and the void was layered at this moment, with countless twisted ripples surrounding it.

Gravity has reached an unparalleled level at this moment.

Put it on an ordinary person, and it will be crushed into a pulp in an instant. Even with Jiang Liu's tough body, he was in a state of Bamen Dunjia.

It was not until a while later that Fujitora looked at the deep pit in front of him that had been pressed out by gravity, and the unscathed Jiang Liu, and silently took two steps back.

"Your Majesty is indeed powerful, and I admire him all my life!"

Although he hadn't fought with all his strength, but at this point, the opponent still didn't have any injuries, and he still looked calm, showing invincible strength.

He knew very well that even if he tried his best, he might not be the opponent of the king in front of him.


Jiang Liu laughed.

"Very strong, Your Excellency."

"With your joining, our ideal will definitely be realized faster and better."

The serious expression on Fujitora's face also dissipated, and then he solemnly knelt down on one knee, bowing his head to express his submission.

"I am willing to give my all for your ideal of justice in my life!"

Jiang Liu hurried forward and helped him up with both hands.

"They are all fellow travelers, and they are also for the sake of making this world a better place."

"I just hope that we can stick to our hearts and go to the best together."

In just a few words, Fujitora couldn't help but smile when he thought of the scenes he saw in Dressrosa Kingdom in recent days.

"Under your leadership, it will definitely be achieved."

"You are a merciful king."

In the past few days, he has fully seen what a world without nobles and injustice is like. Children can happily run and play on the streets, civilians live and work in peace and contentment, and greet people in the army friendly.

Even if there is any injustice, you can report and give feedback, and the government affairs department will quickly send people to deal with it.

And this is impossible in the world government, and even in the navy.

Such a scene is also the reason why Fujitora came to look for Jiang Liu without hesitation and asked to join.

Has strength, influence, ambition, means, and ideals.

Such a man has a chance of success!

"Welcome to join, Your Excellency."

Jiang Liu smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Chapter 238 Unifying the New World

Jiang Liu certainly welcomes this blind swordsman to join him.

It is naturally something to be happy for such a powerful master to be included in his pocket like this.

Brother Doflaming, who had suffered a small loss in the fight, came over, took a good look at Fujitora, and laughed twice, but didn't say anything else.

The three walked towards the palace, Jiang Liu smiled and spoke on the road.

"Your Majesty is powerful and has justice in his heart, so how about granting you the position of General of the Kingdom?"

Fujitora was stunned, and quickly said solemnly: "Thank you for your kindness."

"Of course, Dressrosa's power and strength are temporarily unable to compare with the navy or the world government."

"But as time goes by, one day, they may not be inferior to them."

Jiang Liu smiled faintly.

"What is your next goal?"

Fujitora asked curiously.

"Let's take the entire new world into our hands first, otherwise, we will not be able to confront the entire world government in terms of power, strength, and scale."

Jiang Liu paused, looked at Fujitora, and said with a light smile.

"Unify the new world?"

Fujitora froze, then murmured.

"Your Majesty, you really have a lot of courage!"

Compared with the four seas, the New World is a place where fish and dragons are mixed, and there are four emperors everywhere. It is a place where the entire strong gather. It is too difficult to unify this place.

However, if such a feat can really be accomplished, Jiang Liu's forces will surely be able to reach the peak in one fell swoop, and the grand ideal of changing the world will also have a great possibility.

"This is the next stage, the task we have to complete may take some time."

"But the benefits and results will definitely surprise us."

Jiang Liu laughed.

Today's Dressrosa is just a starting point, and its end is not yet in sight, but it can be said to have unlimited potential.

As long as the domestic funds, food, and ammunition are ready, the generals of the kingdom headed by the golden lion will launch a war on the surrounding islands to expand the territory of the kingdom.

Erosion step by step, step by step growth, this is the road to the kingdom.

Unlike pirates, in the vast sea, only a fleet and some top powerhouses are needed to run rampant.

From that day on, besides the female secretary Freya, Jiang Liu also followed a burly blind swordsman.

Many people don't know him, but this seemingly quiet guy is a real general of the kingdom, on the same level as Crocodile, Enilo and other generals.

Time passed by gradually, and in the blink of an eye, three months had passed since the battle on the top.

In the palace, above an open space.

"High-strength swordsmanship requires a strong body and a strong will. Your foundation is still far behind, Sauron."

"Here, you will have the best and most excellent conditions, and practice hard."

"According to the method I taught you, work hard to temper your body and sharpen your will, and with the help of Fujitora, you will further surpass yourself."

"When you really break through the limit, you will see a new world and a wider road!"

Looking at the man ahead, holding a long knife and slashing down again and again, the man dripping with sweat, Jiang Liu said with a faint smile.

"When will I be able to truly enter that state, the state when I was dueling with you Chambord Islands!"

Zoro said loudly, sweat dripping down his chin to the ground.

It has been three months since he came to this country. Of course, he has not been abandoned. He is practicing desperately every day. Of course, he understands Luffy's actions in front of the whole world.

That is a unique agreement, and now is the moment to charge forward, work hard, and make progress for that day.

He didn't care about what Jiang Liu was doing, what kind of progress the kingdom had made, and he didn't want to care about it. He just wanted to push that man to become the king of pirates.

Then become the crew of One Piece and board the position of the world's number one swordsman.

"That's knowledgeable arrogance, Sauron!"

"Awaken him, your perception, your instinct will go a step further."

"But it requires more rigorous training and more hard work."

Jiang Liu shouted.

"Informative and domineering!"

Zoro chanted this brand-new noun again, then his eyes sharpened, and he swung the long knife in his hand desperately again.

His body, limbs, and long knife were all increased by the blind swordsman beside his master. Every time he swung it, he had to do his best.

It's a pain, but it works.

"When you awaken the domineering, I will continue to teach you swordsmanship."

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