
Muttering, Aokiji fell silent.

Even though he had a premonition, he still felt complicated when the moment came.

"Leaving the navy, can you realize the dreams you firmly believe in and hold in your heart?"


Sighing softly, Aokiji's eyes flickered.

"Then let me see what you're going to do next."

On the battlefield left by Marin Vanduo, figures are in a hurry. Many corpses were moved, the wounded were treated, and the post-war treatment was proceeding rapidly.

At the same time, on a deserted island.

The Red Foss docked slowly, with the red dragon's head in the setting sun, filled with a domineering aura, which made people feel depressed.

"They're coming too!"

Jesus raised his head and watched the huge ship flashing red gold fly overhead.

"Since we're here!"

"Then let's have an upright battle!"

Shanks shouted in a deep voice, and drew out the long knife at his waist.


"Brothers, it's time to fight!"

The pirates on the boat all raised their long knives.

"The opponent is the youngest existence among the four emperors, don't underestimate the enemy!"

"We have gone through brutal battles, exhausted our physical strength and energy, but the other side is at its fullest moment."

"Be careful in this war!"

On the Proverbs, Jiang Liu said in a deep voice.

He doesn't think Shanks is mean and takes advantage of others. War is like this, the enemy never thinks that you are weak and pitiful.

Moments later, the two teams met in the center of the deserted island.

"Stop talking about the extra nonsense, Jiang Liu!"

"Let's fight!"

Shanks said in a deep voice, his eyes sharp.

"Then come on!"

Jiang Liu pulled out the long knife at his waist, showing no sign of weakness.

In the next second, the two figures ran wildly, then waved the long knife in their hands fiercely, and collided with each other with a bang.

The island trembled, and a circle of ripples spread in all directions. Countless trees, flowers and plants swayed violently at this moment, bending over under the impact.


"Get rid of them!"

Then, there was a loud roar, and the two groups of people charged forward and collided fiercely.


The golden lion Shiji's long knife was blocked by Ben Beckman.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!"

"Very good, boy!"

The golden lion grinned.

Feeling the power from the opponent's hand, the golden lion put away his contempt. In his current state, with injuries on his body, fighting against the opponent, if he is not careful, he may suffer serious injuries.

"In this era, and at this point, you can't let the old people look down on you!"

Beckman said in a deep voice.

At the same time, others have also found their own opponents. To their surprise and shock, the result of the test was that the combat power of the two sides was not much different.

Hawkeye Mihawk also joins the fray, blocking Crocodile.

"Many people say that you are the strongest among martial arts!"

"Although it is no longer in that position, I still want to know why you stand in front of us!"

Crocodile said lightly, raised his right hand and slammed it on the ground.


Thousands of meters of ground shook, and the sand rioted, rushing forward.

"See my power, Hawkeye Mihawk!"

On the other side, Shanks collided with Jiang Liu's long knife, and the powerful force poured towards the place, causing the place where the two collided to shoot electric current.

"Losing an arm, you can still have such strength, you are very good, redhead!"

Jiang Liu grinned.

"Strength has never been related to how many arms you have!"

Shanks said in a deep voice, his eyes were sharp and shot a cold light.

"Your life, stay here, Jiang Liu!"

"I will avenge the vice-captain's revenge!"

Chapter 222 Banquet Time


The usually quiet and deserted island was completely boiling at this moment. The shock wave of the battle swept towards the surroundings, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the thunder rumbled, and the strong wind blew.

"Open, start!"

"It actually started fighting!"

"Simply shocking!"

The naval warships that followed, even though they were separated by a long distance, still felt frightened. They were a little far away from the battle on the deserted island, but the movement on it was terrifying and could be clearly felt.

Huge waves surged one after another in the sea. Standing on the warship, they couldn't even stand still. The people on board looked ahead in shock.

"When will this battle be fought?"

Someone swallowed their saliva, horrified in their hearts.


Soon, the deafening sound came out again. They looked up at the sky, and the dark cloud above their heads split into two halves.

"The sky is cracked!"

Someone murmured.

"Look there, what a terrifying sandstorm!"

A moment later, another shocked voice came out.

The marines shifted their sights, and immediately saw a sandstorm covering the sky and the sun, emerging from the southwest of the island, forming a sand curtain like a palm.

"It's Crocodile!"

"In this shocking scene, his strength may not be weaker than the general!"

"Jiang Liu's subordinates are too powerful!"

"The red hair of the four emperors is not an ordinary person. Before the result is decided, no one knows who will win in the end!"

Immediately afterwards, bright electric light probed from the dark clouds, and rumbled down again, turning the entire deserted island into a scene like a thunder prison.

All kinds of horrible scenes can be seen from the deserted island. It can also be inferred from this that the battle between Jiang Liu and the Four Emperors Hongfa was fierce.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and it was the sunset time. After a while, the orange-red sunset completely fell to the sea level, and night fell.

But even so, the huge commotion on the deserted island still hasn't stopped.

"They're still fighting!"

The leading lieutenant general took a deep breath with a serious expression on his face.

The battle on the top is over. This battle on the deserted island is separate from the huge war, but it is equally important and shocking.

This night, on the deserted island, the sound of thunder and roar kept ringing in our ears, and the flickering light sometimes reflected the dark island as if it were daytime.

The naval warships have been parked on the sea, watching the battle nervously and dignifiedly from a distance.

Different from the battle on the top, the scale of the war is small, limited to dozens of people, but it is exciting and exciting.

"The two sides in the war are the most powerful people in the world, and everyone's combat power is frightening."

"How long are they going to fight?"

This night, the fighting continued without a moment's pause.

Until the morning of the second day, the sun rose and the first ray of sunlight shone down.

"Hey, someone drove a small boat towards that island!"

"Who dares to board the battle zone between those two groups at this time!"

The navy on board was puzzled, and the leading lieutenant general raised his binoculars and looked there.

When he saw that figure, his eyes narrowed, revealing a touch of doubt.

"That guy, how does it look like?"

"Pluto Rayleigh?!"

"But, isn't he already dead?"

After that figure landed on the deserted island, the fierce battle calmed down, and the frightening and tense momentum over the island also slowly dissipated.


"what happened?"

"Master Lieutenant General, shall we go up and have a look?"

The navy looked towards the bow of the ship, and asked the lieutenant general, who had been observing through the binoculars.

"Are you crazy? That's where the two groups fought. The truce doesn't mean that we can get along with them!"

"To us, those two guys are enemies!"

The lieutenant general changed his color slightly, and shouted in a deep voice.

Afterwards, he looked at the deserted island again, with a look of doubt on his face.

Even though the battle was fierce just now, everything calmed down in the blink of an eye, which is very strange.

At the same time, on the deserted island.

The cracks all over the ground, the shattered and collapsed rocky mountains, and the cut forest all showed the intensity and cruelty of the battle not long ago.

But at this moment, there were strange bursts of laughter and a strong smell of meat from the center of the island.

"Hahahahaha, Deputy Captain Rayleigh, so you are not dead!"

"Damn Jiang Liu, why didn't you say earlier that the sword just now didn't hurt you?"

Shanks laughed with excitement and excitement on his face.

"Originally I didn't want to show up, I just wanted to live my peaceful life."

"Who would have thought that you guys would start a big fight? With my old bones, I had to go out again."

Raleigh shook his head helplessly.

Sitting cross-legged by the campfire, he glanced at the two people sitting facing each other, seriousness and worry flashed in the depths of his eyes.

He was naturally more worried about Shanks than Jiang Liu.

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