The dull sound of thunder and lightning sounded in the sky, followed by an electric arc cutting through the void, and suddenly appeared on the side of the river, revealing his figure.

"Are you going to kill them?"

Enilu sat cross-legged in the void, and shouted in a deep voice.

"Even if you are the red-haired Four Emperors, you'd better be quiet in front of us!"

Breathing out a puff of smoke, Crocodile stepped to the side of the crowd.

"It's not impossible to kill one of the Four Emperors."

A deep voice came out, and a group of people also came over at this moment. The leading man raised his head and stared at the other party. It was the CP9 team headed by Rob Lucci.

Followed by Moria, who looked tense and was seriously injured.

"Red hair!"

He gritted his teeth and spit out these two words, his eyes flickering.

"They are all powerful guys from the past or present in this world!"

"Are you entangled with a group of super masters, intending to subvert the world?"


After scanning around, facing the lineup around Jiang Liu, Shanks shouted in a deep voice, his eyes full of dignity.

The golden lion, Qiwuhai, world criminals, what a terrifying combination of such a group of people gathered together.

"If you want to have a team battle."

"I'm happy to accompany you!"

Jiang Liu smiled faintly.

His state at the moment is indeed not very good, his physical strength and energy have reached the limit, and his eyes are full of exhaustion.

But it is not so easy to defeat him like this. The purpose and meaning of establishing Xu Ye and gathering a group of strong people by his side is also at this moment.

Stronger than Redfield, he was eventually arrested single-handedly.

If you want to stand firm in this sea, your own strength is very important, but the people around you are also indispensable.


Ben Beckman suddenly whispered.

"These guys are extraordinary and will not be weaker than us."

Shanks nodded, he can naturally judge roughly. Everyone standing beside Jiang Liu and behind him is very strong.

This sentence is a reminder that if they want to start a war here, the situation may not be so favorable for them.

At this moment, Warring States, Karp, Yellow Monkey, Aokiji and others also came over, stood hundreds of meters away, and shouted with serious faces.

"If you want to call, please go elsewhere!"

"Marin Fando, it's not your place!"

The devastated and ruined Marin Vanduo really couldn't stand another earth-shattering battle.

Eagle-eyed Mihawk also came from a distance at this time, his sharp eyes fixed on Jiang Liu, and he stood beside Shanks without saying a word.

This is an invisible team, and it also makes many people's eyes move slightly.

"Want to fight me so badly, Shanks."

Jiang Liu opened his mouth with a smile.

"Then change to another place!"

After a pause, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I've also wanted to try you guys for a long time, how capable you are, you can stand on top of this world and become the emperor of the new world!"

Shanks' eyes were sharp, and the long knife was sheathed: "I will accompany you to the end!"

He turned sharply and strode away.

Soon, Red Hair and his party boarded the Red Forth, and Hawkeye followed closely.

"Be careful, Shanks."

"Even if this guy fights one after another, his strength is still terrifying."

Shanks has a dignified face, and he has never underestimated the enemy. Defeating Pluto Rayleigh, a man with a white beard, naturally cannot be weak.

Even, in this battle, he will be more or less fortunate.

"This is also an opportunity. At this time, it should be his weakest moment!"

Hawkeye Mihawk said.

"I was once defeated in a battle with him. Taking advantage of the time to shift the battlefield, I will tell you all the details and experience of that battle."

Shanks was slightly taken aback, then nodded: "Thank you, Mihawk!"

The two were once rivals, but they were also friends, so there was no need to say much about each other.

"Hey, Jiang Liu, do you really want to fight that kid again?"

The golden lion Shiji's eyes flickered slightly, and he asked in a deep voice.

"It's a good opportunity to find out the strength of a Four Emperors."

Jiang Liu smiled.

"In your current state, are you sure you can deal with another young emperor?"

Golden Lion Shiji said suspiciously.

Jiang Liu's exhaustion is visible to the naked eye, and no one can guess that he has reached his limit at this moment.

"rest assured!"

Afterwards, everyone boarded the Ark Proverbs and resorted to Marlin Vanduo.

As the sun set, half a round of orange-red sun reflected on the ice surface of the inner bay, accompanied by the dilapidated Gate of Justice, revealing a bleak atmosphere.

Jiang Liu stood at the bow of the boat, looking down at the dilapidated fortress, and sighed softly.

"Rebuild the light from the ruins, rebuild the truth from the decay!"

Yes, next, he will go to the new world. To explore the unknowable secrets, to change this dilapidated era.

The future is unknown, but it is also full of passion.

Marlin Vandeau.

"Are we just going to watch them leave?"

Some navy said hesitantly.

"Otherwise? There are already enough dead people!"

A sigh came out, and the words were full of exhaustion and sadness.

Tired, many people are tired.

They didn't even bother to pay attention to the battle between the four emperors.

Chapter 221 Showdown on the Deserted Island

"Hoo hoo!"

The wind is howling, and the temperature in Marin Fando seems to be unable to drop. White snowflakes fell one after another.

In the square, on the ice, there is burning magma that cannot retreat. There are also some grounds that continuously emit slight tremors and roars, as if a ferocious beast was buried in the ground.

"In this war, what have we gained? What have we lost?"

Looking down at the silent sailors who were cleaning up the mess in the battlefield ahead, Garp sighed softly, feeling very complicated.

Ace was rescued and Luffy was safe, which was a good thing for him, but Garp couldn't be happy anyway.

"History will judge this war, Cap."

"There are successes and failures. There is nothing good in the world."

Sengoku opened his mouth softly.

He is the Admiral of the Navy, and it is in his hands that this war was personally formulated and participated in.

"Calculate the losses of this war."

"In addition, what is going on in the advancing city, we should investigate as soon as possible."

Warring States said in a deep voice.

When it comes to advancing the city, his face is solemn. It is conceivable that at the moment when the top battle is going on, the advancing city must have been turned upside down.

And the criminals held there are equally important.

"Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period!"

The colonel standing in front of him immediately replied.

"About the battle between Jiang Liu and Shanks."

Warring States is another thoughtful way.

"I have already sent someone to follow."

Lieutenant General He said.

"We have no time to pay attention to other people's wars. This chaotic battlefield is what we should pay attention to at this moment!"

Sengoku sighed.

The fact is indeed the case. In the chaotic battlefield, screams and wailing are constantly heard. After the blood and war, the battlefield was filled with a sad atmosphere.

Under the ice abyss, the cold ice blocks are piled up like a mountain. This place is close to the bottom of the sea, and the distance from the ice surface is nearly hundreds of meters, or even kilometers.

A team of navy came down from the ice and was carefully investigating. Because, this is the place where General Akainu fell.

Whether it is life or death, there must always be a result.


Suddenly, the broken ice trembled, and the marines looked up, with a touch of joy on their faces.

"There is a change there, go and have a look!"

They were about to step forward when suddenly there was a strong smell of sulfur and magma, followed by a bang, the ice cube exploded, revealing a broken body covered with blood.

"General Red Dog!"

"Quickly, notify the higher-ups that Admiral Akainu is found!"

"Where's the military medical officer? Hurry up!"

Immediately, the naval squadron yelled and rushed forward.

At this moment, Akainu was completely unconscious. He was lying there quietly, and even the sky in his eyes was shaking, distorted, and he couldn't see clearly.


Yes, the battle with Jiang Liu was an unimaginable defeat. The shadow of twenty years ago did not wash away, but made him almost die.

"Damn it!!"

An angry growl came out, and then fell into silence, and Akainu passed out completely.

"Come on, come on!"

"General Akainu can't hold on anymore!"

"He bled so much that his bones almost shattered and his internal organs exploded!"

"Is it still breathing? Is your heart still beating?"

Disorderly voices sounded, anxious and tense, and the marines were shocked to the extreme when they saw the appearance of Akainu.

It's unimaginable that a powerful admiral would have such a weak and tragic appearance.


Somewhere on the battlefield, Aokiji let out a breath slowly, looking down at the entire battlefield with complicated emotions.

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