Hearing this voice, Zhan Taowan shuddered, and quickly cleared himself: "This is all done by that **** Vegapunk, and these guys also obey his orders."

"I can only order them simply!"

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the pacifists surrounding Jiangliu shone with red light, and then the laser light burst out with a whoosh.

The speed of light is naturally extremely fast, and in just a split second, these rays of light have already reached Jiang Liu, blocking every space he can hide from.

"Iron block!"

Jiang Liu didn't mean to dodge, but just spit out two words lightly.

The muscles and cells of his whole body are suddenly tightened at this moment, and his body becomes as hard as steel.


The sound of the shock came out, and Jiang Liu's figure was submerged in the flames.

After a while, the breeze blew, the smoke cleared, and his figure stepped out. Apart from the clear eight-pack abdominal muscles and the almost perfect line of the strong body, no scars could be seen on the whole body.

"That's all."

"A machine is a machine after all, without being a human being, there are infinite possibilities!"

A faint voice came out, his footsteps stepped on the ground, and his figure suddenly flew out.


In just an instant, he came in front of a pacifist, kicked with his right foot, and with a bang, its head was directly split into the body, and smoke rose.

Immediately afterwards, the dense beeping sounded in his ears again, Jiang Liu's figure flashed, and he came to another one again, and punched out.


The huge Pacifist had a hole punched out directly from its belly, exposing the various circuits that were shining with electric currents inside.

"It's all rubbish!"

Jiang Liu said disdainfully, his figure flickered, and the sound of explosions came out one after another, but in a moment, only the real bear was left in front of him.


"Seeing your current appearance really makes me feel an inexplicable feeling in my heart!"

Sighing softly, Jiang Liu stepped out in three steps, and the man was already in front of Xiong, jumped lightly, and pressed his face.


The next second, the sound of the explosion came out, and the bear fell to the ground and was pushed into the ground.

Chapter 207 Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend

Jiang Liu left, leaving a smoky pacifist behind.

Zhan Taowan couldn't let go of his gripping heart until this moment, and let out a long breath.

"It's not that I don't obey orders, it's really General Jiang Liu, he's not someone I can stop at all!"

"Hey, the Pacifist has become a pile of rotten iron, and now Vegapunk is going to have a headache again."

the other side of the battlefield.

"Karp, you're getting stronger and stronger!"

"I'm really surprised that I can still have such a physique at an early age."

The golden lion Shiji wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth on the broken ground, and grinned as he looked at the man with a square face not far in front of him.

Behind him, the Buddha's light was shining, and the Warring States, whose body was cast like gold, was staring at him aggressively.

"After being treated by that kid Jiang Liu, you are not inferior to White Beard!"


"Otherwise, it is impossible for you who lost your two legs to have the combat power you have at this moment, just like twenty years ago!"

Cap snorted.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!"

"The ambition of this old man has never faded with age!"

The golden lion laughed.

"It's better to use ambition to describe it, it's more accurate!"

"If a guy like you joins forces with Jiang Liu, no one knows what he will do?"

"Do you want to be the new Rocks?"

Sengoku roared.

Jiang Liu, Golden Lion, Crocodile, Doflamingo, and Rob Lucci who is fighting the mysterious man sent by the World Government at the moment.

This team, in terms of potential, may already have the strength to compete with the former Rocks.


"Jie ha ha ha ha!"

"Who wants to be a loser like him?"

"We will surpass him!"

"Sengoku, Garp!"

The golden lion Shiji laughed loudly, and shot out suddenly, waving the two knives in his hands and rushing towards Karp.


In an instant, the long knife collided with Garp's iron fist, causing ripples and shock waves to spread in all directions.

Zhan Guo roared around him, and also rushed over.

The Golden Lion Shiji's right foot was shaken and he stepped on the ground.


The ground rolled up in an instant, forming a solid lion-headed shield behind him.


Warring States slapped down with his right palm, and with a bang, it exploded on the lion's head shield, blasting a large cloud of dust into the sky.

"Crack, wipe!"

The destructive power of the shock wave was beyond imagination, and the short-formed shield could not defend at all, and it shattered immediately.

But also at this time, the golden lion Shiji turned around and let out a long laugh.

"One against two, this is the spirit of Shiji!"

"Damn it, the old man with white beard can't see Lao Tzu's domineering appearance!"

Another long knife in his hand swung out, and collided with Warring States, another circle of ripples spread, and the ground under his feet collapsed and shattered.


Warring States roared, the right hand increased strength, and the power of the shock wave became stronger.

"Shiji, why do you compare with Whitebeard!"

Garp also roared.

"Even if we are in a hostile camp, we still respect that old man!"

"But what about you? You're just a brutal and domineering careerist!"

The golden lion Shiji's eyes turned cold, and he grinned coldly.

"Two old guys, such an evaluation doesn't make me happy at all!"

He suddenly exerted force with his two sabers, and the powerful force instantly sent the two of them flying, dragging them on the ground for a certain distance.

"Wait until I defeat you, let this Marine Vanduo sink."

"In the future, you will know what kind of person I am, the Golden Lion Shiji!"

"However, no matter what, they are far better than you two, guys who abide by the so-called hypocritical justice!"

The two knives in his hands trembled, and then they swung out suddenly.


The long, narrow and sharp slash roared towards the two who were running towards him again in an instant.


After a breath, Garp punched, and Sengoku clapped his hands. The sharp slashes were sent flying into the sky without affecting them at all.

"You have no future, Shiki!"

"Today, just stay here!"

Warring States roared.

The huge Buddha's body leaps up high, condescending, and the Buddha's palm is slapped downward.


Garp's body disappeared, and he appeared in front of Shiji in an instant, with cold eyes and a serious face, and swung his fist down.

In the face of the joint attack of two world-class powerhouses, Shiji's pressure can be said to be enormous. His pupils shrank, and he raised his arm to block Karp's punch.


The dull sound made the air tremble, and his body shook even more violently, moving dozens of meters horizontally.

When I raised my head again, what I saw was the shock wave of the Warring States period that slapped down, glowing with golden light.

"Boy Jiangliu, haven't you come here yet?"

Shiki gritted his teeth.

No matter how much wild words came out of his mouth, it still couldn't change the reality that he was besieged.

Although the two guys are old, their explosive power is not inferior to that of twenty years ago.

"Ski, admit defeat!"

"Marin Fando, this is not the place for you to run wild!"

The roar of the Warring States came from overhead.

As soon as Shi Ji gritted his teeth, he raised his arms to block in front of him, ready to resist the shock wave head-on.

But at this moment, a figure flickered past from the corner of his eyes, pulled out a ray of light, and instantly reached the top of his head.


Garp's face changed suddenly, and he shouted a reminder.

But it was already too late. Zhan Guo, who clapped his hands, was taken aback, and a fist had already hit him **** the cheek.


The blow of huge force made Zhan Guo's head shake, his eyes became slack for a moment, the shock wave in his hand disappeared, and the huge golden Buddha body crashed to the ground.


Dust flew up, and Sengoku fell to the ground with a blow.

The golden lion raised his head and grinned after seeing the figure above his head clearly.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!"

"You're finally here, Jiang Liu!"

Garp's face was also ugly at the moment, extremely dignified: "Jiang Liu!"

Zhan Guo shook his head and got up from the ground. There was a clear purple mark on his golden cheek, and blood oozes from the corner of his mouth.


The person who came suddenly was Jiang Liu. He fell from the sky, stood beside the golden lion, stared at the two people in front of him, and suddenly grinned.

"This scene really makes people feel complicated!"

Zhan Guo's face was cold and ugly, and he shouted in a deep voice: "What do you want to do?"

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