Dauberman yelled.

After the words fell, he suddenly pulled out his weapon and started to run wildly.

"Everyone, charge!"

"Even if we try our best, we must delay his pace and create opportunities for the Marshal and Lieutenant General Garp!"

Hearing this, the marines immediately abandoned all other thoughts, drew out their weapons and yelled.


"Come on!"

Immediately, thousands of victorious and defeated navies charged towards the river at this moment.

"Even though the camps are now opposing, your momentum still deserves my admiration."

Jiang Liu stepped forward and said calmly.

After three steps, his eyes widened sharply.


The void trembled, twisted, and the domineering aura rushed forward in a mighty way, and the ice surface cracked continuously, and it was rapidly cracking.

The high-spirited sailors came to a standstill, except for Lieutenant Admiral Dauberman, who was rushing forward, and the sailors behind were all white-eyed at this moment, opened their mouths wide, and fell to the ground with a plop.

"But unfortunately, you can't stop me!"

With a flash of Jiang Liu's figure, he drew an arc and was already in front of Dauberman.

"As a nostalgia for the friendship of former colleagues."

Dauberman swung his knife, and there was such a voice in his ears. At the same time, the river flickering in front of him suddenly disappeared.

The opponent's speed is so fast that he can't see clearly at all, and it's hard to perceive.

This brief touch made Dauberman realize that the gap between the two sides was at the dimensional level.

"I will spare your life."

The sound came from behind, and Dauberman was shocked all over, and then felt a pain in the back of his head, dizzy in front of his eyes, fell to the ground with a thud, and lost consciousness.


A quick and quick kill, a meeting, a lieutenant general, lost his fighting power in Jiang Liu's hands.

Immediately afterwards, his figure flickered, he shuttled between the battlefields, and rushed towards the place where the three Golden Lions fought.

Wherever its figure went, a large piece of navy was rushed into the sky, losing its fighting power, and it was simply invincible.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a sharp slash roared over.

On the side of Jiang Liu's figure, a green slash brushed his nose and rushed into the distance, flashing brilliantly all over the sky.

"I never thought that I would have the chance to fight you again so soon, Jiang Liu!"

An indifferent voice came, and a figure with eagle eyes in front of him blocked the way with a black knife in his hand.


Jiang Liu narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice.

This man is absolutely impossible to ignore, maybe in the previous wars, he has been letting water. But showing up and stopping him at this moment could indeed cause him trouble.

"The number one throne in the world, I said it!"

Eagle-eyed Mihawk clenched Hei Daoya tightly, his eyes became extremely sharp, burning with a fiery fighting spirit.

"I'll take it back with my own hands!"

As soon as the words fell, his figure suddenly sprinted forward, and the fierce aura and surging sword intent all bloomed at this moment.

In just an instant, the distance between the two sides was shortened.

Jiang Liu looked up and saw Hawkeye Mihawk jumping high, holding black knives in both hands, and swung down suddenly.

At this moment, a figure pierced from one side, and the long knife stopped in front of Mihawk, firmly blocking him.

"Since we are in an alliance, we will be in the same camp for the time being!"

"This man, let me help you block it!"

"Go do your own thing, Jiang Liu!"

Mihawk's knife was firmly held, Foil Vista grinned.

"Then thank you very much!"

Jiang Liu was stunned for a moment, then turned around abruptly and left the place.

"Newgate died at his hands."

Mihawk stared at Vista and said in a deep voice.

"But Ace was able to escape, and it was indeed thanks to him!"

Bista said sharply.

What's more, whether the father is alive or dead is still a mystery now! They have a reason to help Jiang Liu!

On the other side of the battlefield, Marco is also quickly approaching Ace, Luffy and others.

As long as Ace is rescued, this operation can declare victory. The only person who made the white beard group feel confused and heartbroken was that man.

"Father, are you alive or dead?"

"Still alive?"

The familiar voice that echoed in everyone's ears not long ago made Marco and the others puzzled and excited.

They don't want anything, they just hope that the man can come back and live in this world.

At this moment, in front of Jiang Liu, a tall figure shrouded in shadow came, blocking his way.


Letting out a breath slowly, Jiang Liu stared at the huge figure in front of him.

"It seems that you have completely lost consciousness!"


Chapter 206 The Pacifist

A tall shadow loomed over, and the icy aura of steel itself spread quietly. The figure standing in front of Jiang Liu at this moment was none other than Bartholomew Xiong.

There is a red light in its eyes, and it has completely lost the vitality of human beings, turning into a cold machine.

"Drip, drop, drop!"

A hurried, dense voice sounded, followed by his eyes locked on Jiang Liu, and almost at the same moment, laser light burst out.

Skimming through the void, ripples appeared in the air, and he came to Jiang Liu in an instant.

"What kind of mission is it that makes you willing to give up your own life?"

Muttering, Jiang Liu raised his right hand and punched the incoming laser light with a punch.


The destructive laser light was immediately sent elsewhere by this punch, causing flames to explode in the sky, and the shock wave swept away towards the surroundings.

"But you can't stop me, bear!"

Jiang Liu said calmly.

Now there is no time to take care of the other party's state, the more important thing is to help the golden lion.

Under the siege of Garp and the two generals of the Warring States Period, even though the Golden Lion Shiji was strong, recovered from his injuries, and was ten years younger than before, he was still at a disadvantage.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Under the attack of the two, the huge earth lion turned into dust flying all over the sky. Immediately afterwards, he was approached by Karp again, and he waved his iron fist again and again.

The shock wave of the Warring States Period caused even more ripples.

"If this continues, Marlin Fando will be completely destroyed!"

"I can't control it now. You have also seen how powerful the enemy is. Even the Marshal of the Warring States Period and Lieutenant General Garp have joined the battle!"

"Marin Fando is destroyed, and it can be rebuilt, but the enemy in front of us, as Marshal Warring States said, we have a reason to win!"

A navy shouted excitedly.

This wave of war has become more intense, even crazy. Whether it is a pirate or a navy, they are all crazy.

More pirates rushed into the Gate of Justice, and they roared and rushed to the battlefield. Every second, every minute, lives were lost in this war.

"Golden Lion's Pirates are here too!"

"Our reinforcements are coming, kill, brothers!"

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates were also excited at this moment and cheered up.


The sky-shattering roar of beasts sounded, and when they turned their heads, they saw densely packed, seemingly endless beasts, with red eyes staring, roaring and rushing towards here.

There is no doubt that this is a grand war of unprecedented scale.

Participants involved the Navy Headquarters, Shichibukai, Whitebeard Pirates, Golden Lion Pirates, and Xu Yegong under Jiang Liu's command.

The live broadcast was broadcast to the whole world, and civilians and countless forces in various countries in the world were shocked and shocked.

"It's really a battle at the top!"

"I have never seen such a war of unprecedented scale and involving a large number of powerful people in my life!"

"I really don't know how many people will die in this war."

"Marin Fando is going to die!"

The people watching this battle took a deep breath, their eyes flickered and they said, feeling agitated and nervous.

"But it is extremely clear that as long as Jiang Liu survives this war, his name will be heard all over the world, and he will have absolutely unprecedented prestige and fame."

"In this world, some people yearn for the freedom of pirates, and some people admire the justice and rectification of the navy, but there are also people who deeply admire men like Jiang Liu, who have the courage to break the prison and desire to change everything!"

"He will become their belief, he will become a god!"

Everyone in the world knows very well that the noise and influence that Jiang Liu caused in the world through this war has also been associated with the chain reaction that will be caused in the future.

Meanwhile, Marin Vandeau.

Messy, distorted smoke rose from all over the battlefield. The once world's largest and most majestic fortress was about to be reduced to ruins and become the world's most tragic battlefield.

"Drip, drop, drop!"

In front of Jiang Liu, on the left, on the right, and behind him, almost every position was covered with bears.

The tall, cold, bear-like machine has surrounded Jiang Liu.

"Is this the pacifist built by the Navy's scientific research department with all the efforts to transform the bear?"

"Zhan Tao Wan!"

Scanning the surrounding scene, Jiang Liu looked indifferently at the man hiding in the distance with an ax in his hand.

"Jiang, General Jiang Liu, I, I'm just following the orders of my superiors, and I don't really want to attack you!"

When Zhan Taowan was discovered, he immediately said tremblingly.

Let him fight this senior in the navy, the monster, he doesn't have the courage.

"Of course I know you won't attack me. Our relationship is very good."

Jiang Liu said with a smile.

Zhan Taowan breathed a sigh of relief, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

Senior Jiang Liu is such a good person, why did he choose to convict the Navy?

"However, I am somewhat interested in the latest scientific research successes of your navy."

"Let me see their abilities!"

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