I saw that all the golden light spots hit the body of Marco who was burning with blue flames and spread his wings, making countless holes.

But soon, the flames burned and the hole healed.

Immediately afterwards, Marco flapped his wings, and in a blink of an eye, he was already in front of the yellow ape. He turned around and kicked down with his right foot.

"Phoenix seal!"

Huang Yuan raised his arms to resist, and with a bang, his expression paused slightly, his body was already knocked out by a huge force, and landed not far from the river, breaking a large piece of rock and raising dust.

"I can't let you meet our king like this!"

Marco was in the air, looking down and said lightly.

Then, with a flash of his figure, he swooped down to the battlefield again.

"It's really scary! Block the general!"

"This is the Whitebeard Pirates. Whether it's their captain or captain level, they are all famous guys in the world!"

"Can we win? We!"

The scenes on the battlefield and the powerful combat power of the Whitebeard Pirates shocked the navy.

Only when you really get in touch will you realize what kind of pirate group this is. The terrifying combat power it displayed is enough to make everyone feel terrified.

"Don't be afraid, boy!"

"We have three generals, and Qi Wuhai!"

"And General Jiang Liu!"

"They haven't played yet!"

"And Marin Vanduo is our home field. How can we lose to Pirates in our territory?"

But soon, a general-level officer said in a deep voice.

He glanced around and saw Akainu who was still sitting firmly on the chair, and Jiang Liu who was sitting in front of the recruit group and behind Qiwuhai.


Suddenly, the battlefield shook, and the huge giant lieutenant general moved at this moment, striding forward towards the Moby Dick.

With his huge figure, he reached in front of Whitebeard almost instantly. After a loud roar, the giant lieutenant general brandished his weapon and attacked Whitebeard.


Whitebeard looked up and grinned.

Clenching his right fist, he swung his fist without hesitation, hitting the opponent's weapon heavily.


The sound of void shattering sounded again, the giant lieutenant general was shocked, the weapon in his hand was shattered, his expression was startled, and his eyes showed shock.

Immediately afterwards, Whitebeard's right arm shook the void again.


The face of the giant general changed drastically, and his body tilted to one side uncontrollably.

"It's over, the body has lost its balance!"

With a bang, the giant lieutenant general fell down, and in the blink of an eye, his head was already placed in front of Whitebeard.

"Kula la la la!"

A loud laugh came out, Whitebeard raised his right fist high, and then swung it down.


This punch hit the head of the giant lieutenant general, causing his head to slam into the ice, blood gushing from his mouth, and he lost consciousness instantly.

The battlefield is silent!

It was so easy to deal with a lieutenant admiral of a giant navy, and Whitebeard's combat power could be called terrifying.

"White beard!"

On the execution platform, Zhan Guo clenched his fists and subconsciously looked at the figure still sitting on the chair.

In this battlefield, if anyone can single-handedly block the opponent's king, it is only that man!

"Will he wait until Whitebeard comes out before joining the battle?"

"Or take the initiative to cause a big battle between the two?"

Chapter 170 He Moved Too

"Whirring whirring!"

The strong wind swept over Marin Vanduo, and the stern atmosphere of war shrouded the sky of the world's largest fortress.


The sound of shouting and killing was loud, and the ferocious battle was going on all the time. Every second, someone was splashed with blood, and then fell to the ground screaming.

Both the pirates and the navy are fighting desperately at this moment.

If you want to rescue Ace, you must first break through the Marin Vandone Bay and reach the execution platform in the square.

But this is undoubtedly an extremely difficult thing. The navy has invested a lot of elite troops in this war.

Hundreds of thousands of the Hundred Battles Navy, Qiwuhai, and the three generals almost came out in full force, in order not to hesitate to fight the Whitebeard Pirates, but also to carry out this execution to the end.

This is a kind of boldness, and it is also an epoch-making war that will break the balance of the future.


Taking a deep breath, the white beard standing at the bow of the ship looked down at the battlefield ahead, and his eyes became slightly sharper.

He could clearly see the situation on the battlefield at this moment. The men under his command, like sharp knives, were rapidly breaking through and tearing open the navy's blockade.

But in this process, there is no doubt that great sacrifices have to be made. After all, the navy is not made of mud.


The ear-piercing whistling sound of cannonballs piercing the void sounded, and the giant cannons of the fortress erected around them also roared, shaking everyone's eardrums.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

When it accurately landed in the center of the Whitebeard Pirates, a large flame exploded and a large number of pirates were blown away.

The screams were continuous in an instant.


Muttering, White Beard looked at the execution platform with sharp eyes.

Compared with the navy, they are undoubtedly the passive side, and they need to take the initiative to gain an advantage.

Turning his eyes, White Beard looked straight ahead again, the man sitting not far behind Qiwuhai.

"Jiang Liu, it's best not to affect me!"

Said softly, White Beard's expression turned serious.

In this war, the only thing he can't ignore is Jiang Liu. The combat power of the opponent can pose a great threat to him.

If the three generals are added, it is almost impossible to rescue Ace under such a situation.

Suddenly, one of the Qi Wuhai who formed a row moved.

"What? Are you going to make a move?"

Doflamingo squinted his eyes, looked at Hawkeye Mihawk who was stepping forward, and said in a low voice.

"I also think about how far I am from being the strongest in the world."

Mihawk said in a low voice.

The battle with Jiang Liu caused him to lose his title as the world's number one swordsman, but his strength improved again, and he gained a new understanding of the way of swordsmanship.

In this war, he naturally couldn't take action against Jiang Liu. But Whitebeard's reputation is so loud that it is undoubtedly a new target.

Hawkeye Mihawk leaped high, and arrived at the battlefield in a blink of an eye.

He raised his right hand and grasped Hei Daoya behind his back.


Whitebeard also noticed this, his eyes narrowed slightly, he held the naginata Cong Yunqie in his right hand, and did not act rashly.

Hawkeye Mihawk walked quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he was not far in front of Whitebeard. With a twist of his wrist, Hei Daoya pierced the void.

A ray of light flickered on the blade, covered by an inexplicable aura, and then it was shocked again, and it swung towards the place where the white beard was.


The cyan-blue slash split the ice surface in an instant, shining endless rays of light, and quickly moved forward.

"It's Hawkeye Mihawk!"

"Quickly dodge his slash!"

"Damn it, he even joined the battle!"

The pirates exclaimed, fear in their eyes.

This fierce flying slash went straight to Whitebeard, and no one else could resist it.

Everyone looked at Slash and moved forward at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, they were already in front of White Beard, and they were about to strike him.

At this moment, a huge figure leaped high, landed in front of Zhan Shi, and roared loudly.

"It's the captain of the third team, Diamond Joz!"

The pirates yelled.

The silver light shone, and Joz's body was covered with hard diamonds. The sharp slash also hit him in an instant, and after a pause, he was ejected into the sky.

"Don't think about it, let our king take action so easily!"

Joz yelled.

His footsteps moved, and his huge body rushed forward.

"Gu la la la la!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly, the naginata Cong Yunqie in his right hand shook, the handle was lifted from the ice, and then pointed forward sharply.


"Follow me to rescue Ace!"

With a loud roar, White Beard bent his knees slightly, jumped off the boat, landed heavily on the ice, turned the blade of the Cong Yuncutter in his hand, and assumed a posture of swinging the knife.


This appearance immediately made many marines startle with fear.

"The strongest man in the world, White Beard, is about to end!"

Standing in front of the execution platform, Warring States changed color and shouted.

Immediately after the next second.

White Beard's eyes suddenly sharpened, a ray of light flashed past Cong Yun's cutting blade, and a shock wave swept across.

"Gu la la la la la la!"

Amidst the loud laughter, the white beard suddenly waved out.

"Buzz!" "Crack!"

The void shattered, and a violent vibration mixed with a shock wave crushed forward. When it touched this wave of waves of the navy, it instantly vomited blood and was hit high into the sky.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

There were screams again and again, and the exclamation was endless.

With just a simple swing of the knife, hundreds of navies were swept up.

This scene made countless people lose their voices and feel trembling.

Immediately afterwards, Whitebeard's other arm shook again, clenched into a fist, and with a popping shock wave rippled and wrapped around the fist.

"Ace, wait a little longer!"

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