"Every time I think about it, the exhilaration of fighting with you kid makes my blood boil, and I can't help but boil!"

Jiang Liu also laughed loudly: "Do you want to recall that feeling?"

"It's ready!"

The voices of the two echoed over Marin Fando, making both the pirates and the navy look dignified and nervous.

"Gu la la la la!"

"But unfortunately, the purpose of my coming today is not for you.

As he spoke, White Beard turned his gaze to the execution platform.

"And you, Sengoku!"

"We haven't seen each other for a long time!"

"It's really nostalgic!"

White Beard said again.

Zhan Guo's eyes were serious, he looked down, and said in a cold voice: "Today, I'm not nostalgic with you!"

"Of course the old man knows!"

"Of course it's not that easy to catch my beloved son, so I'll chat and laugh with you!"

"Even if he loses a single hair, I will cry in pain!"

When the words fell, his knees suddenly sank slowly.

Clenching his fists tightly, his two arms slowly moved towards the midline of his body, and placed parallel to his chest. Then, with a grin at the corner of his mouth, he swung suddenly to the sides.


In the void, as if something was broken, everyone heard this crisp voice, and couldn't help but feel their hearts skipping a beat, having a bad premonition.

"Crack, wipe!"

In a blink of an eye, the broken traces appeared in the air, people's hearts.


In the next second, everything vibrated!

Chapter 169 Whitebeard

"Buzz buzz!"

The air, the ground, and the sea water are all buzzing and trembling under the sweep of an unknown force at this moment.

"Crack, wipe!"

In the void, those few cracks are constantly spreading, moving towards the distance.

"Fa, what happened? Sir!"

"Is there an earthquake?"

Freya trembled nervously.

The expressions of Bagu, Promi, Yi Geer and others are still quite calm, they have seen such a scene before.

That was twenty years ago, but even after a long time, when we meet again today, I still feel terrified.

No matter how many times you have seen a man like White Beard, it will make you tremble.

"The shaking fruit that can shatter everything."

"What Whitebeard possesses is the power of this fruit!"

Jiang Liu said softly, his eyes were also staring at the man in the field.

"Compared to the war that broke out later, his attack was just a greeting!"

As soon as the voice fell, with a bang, the sea water suddenly rolled up on both sides of Marin Fando, and in the blink of an eye, a huge wave hundreds of meters high was formed.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The deafening roar of the sea water reached the ears of everyone present, causing countless marines to widen their eyes and feel shocked.


"Whitebeard caused a tsunami."

"My God! How is this possible!?"

"What should we do? Such an attack is simply a natural disaster!"

Eyes wide open, watching the sea water on both sides continue to roll back at a speed visible to the naked eye, quickly forming waves hundreds of meters high, and about to submerge the entire Marin Fando.

This scene can simply leave an unimaginable psychological shadow on people, and it is simply not something that human beings can do.

"Is this the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard, Edward Newgate?"

Countless people yelled in their hearts, fear, shock, and horror kept appearing.

On the execution platform, Zhan Guo looked dignified.

As a former old opponent, he deeply knows how powerful the opponent is.

At this moment, Aokiji, who was sitting under the execution platform, slowly got up, and with a sudden leap, he was already in the air.

His eyes were solemn, and he stretched out his hands, aiming at the huge tsunami rushing from both sides.

The icy cold air suddenly swept out, instantly covering the churning tsunami, and a gust of cold air blew past Marin Fando.

"Crack, wipe!"

The surging, galloping, terrifying tsunami was frozen at this moment, forming two huge icebergs.


After slowly letting out a breath of cold air, Aokiji looked down not far in front of him again, standing at the bow of the boat, looking up at his white beard.

With a pull of his hands, the icy cold air instantly solidified the water molecules in the air, and a row of ice spears emerged.

"Ice Halberd Spear!"

With a low shout, Aokiji waved his hands.

The ice spear swooped down in an instant, heading straight for Whitebeard on the bow.

"Kura la la la la!"

With a loud laugh, the white beard's eyes sharpened suddenly, and he clenched his right hand into a fist, and suddenly punched towards the sky.


The ice halberd spear shattered and turned into ice shards that filled the sky. But the attack was not over yet. Aokiji's expression froze in the air, half of his body turned into ice, and then fell from the sky, landing heavily in the sea below.

This blow actually shattered Aokiji's body.

Standing up slowly, with cold air surging all over his body, Aokiji looked at the white beard on the bow of the ship ahead, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Crack, wipe!"

The cold air surged, and the sea water under his feet froze at an extremely fast speed, turning into solid ice in the blink of an eye.

"It's really dangerous!"

"If you don't pay attention, you will be shaken to pieces."

After a simple confrontation, Qingzhi realized the strength of the old man in front of him.

In the harbor, there are many white military flags, fluttering and shaking in the strong wind.

Suddenly, a loud roar resounded through the audience.

"The war has begun!!"

All the marines were like this at this moment, their expressions suddenly changed, followed by their faces becoming distorted, crazy, and ferocious.


The navy standing in the front row roared and jumped off the high platform of the port first, landing in the frozen inner bay.



Shocking shouts of killing sounded at this moment, and in a blink of an eye, the entire Marin Fando was condensed into one piece, shaking the void.

Like dumplings, a group of figures jumped down with weapons in their hands, and then gathered into white dragons, and launched an impact towards the center of the front, the ship.

"Rescue Ace!"

"Come on!"

On the Moby Dick, Marco's eyes were sharp and he roared.


Similarly, the pirates also roared, jumped off the ship, launched a charge, and charged towards Marin Vanduo Square.

War, begin!

Almost in an instant, it entered a white heat.

The navy and the pirates, like two roaring angry dragons, quickly charged towards each other, and finally collided.


The sound of artillery fire was loud, and the flames were dazzling for a moment.

Those who can participate in this war are all elites, but being in such a situation still means endless crisis.

With just one touch, no matter if it was a navy or a pirate, blood spurted from someone's body and they fell limply to the ground.

The bright red blood spilled out, dripped on the blue ice surface, and gathered into a **** river in a short period of time.


Immediately afterwards, there was another sound of footsteps, and a big foot stepped on it, splashing blood pools.


"They must not be allowed near the square!"

"Destroy the incoming enemy!"

"For justice!"

The sound of shouting and killing comes one after another, converging into an exciting background music that makes the scalp tingle and adrenaline soars.

This is a solemn war occasion!

Tragic, ruthless, blood, severed limbs can be seen almost everywhere here.

The battlefield is like a meat grinder, ruthlessly collecting the lives of both pirates and navy. Here, no matter what your status is, you are just a number overwhelmed by the crowd.

Every moment, someone falls.

On the execution platform, Zhan Guo looked down, his face became more and more dignified.

At the beginning of the war, it was just a confrontation between soldiers at this time, but as time goes by, when the strong come on stage, it will inevitably become more intense.

The soldiers and horses of both sides are densely packed, and the scale is huge, surpassing any war experienced in the past, and the elites invested are unprecedented.

This war is really a world-class war, and it can be called the top battle!

"The strongest man in the world, Edward Newgate!"

On the general's seat, Huang Yuan suddenly got up.

His figure suddenly turned into a golden light, but he was already in the air in an instant, and with his hands opened, countless golden particles emerged.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

With a low shout, Huang Yuan waved his hands.

Countless golden laser rays rushed towards Whitebeard in an instant.

But at this moment, a bird-like figure with blue flames burning all over its body flapped its wings and flew up, blocking the front of the yellow ape.

"It's the captain of the first team, Phoenix Marco!"

A navy shouted loudly.

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