"Your purpose is based on killing the enemy!"

"Work hard for me to survive!"

"Do you understand everything?"

When he said the last sentence, Jiang Liu had already roared.

Hearing such words, the entire recruit group immediately cheered up, raised their weapons in unison, and roared loudly.


Afterwards, Freya moved a chair from the side, and Jiang Liu sat down, looking forward.

At this moment, Marin Fando was very windy, blowing head-on, and behind him was a large number of elite recruits.

In front, are the Wu Hais with their backs to him.

"Day Tiger River is here too!"

"It seems that we will witness a world-class duel!"

"Eh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

"Although the old man with the white beard hasn't arrived yet, I'm already shaking with excitement!"

Brother Doflaming laughed lowly, his eyes sharpened at this moment.

He is clear, very clear about certain things.

Will be completely detonated in this war!

Chapter 167 The World's Most Evil Bloodline

All over the world, on almost every small island, there are huge screens, which are simultaneously broadcasting this large-scale war live.

Countless people are nervous, suspicious, and excited.

"Execute Fire Fist Ace, does the navy know what they will face this time?"

"Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates. What's even more frightening is that this pirate team is led by that man!"

"Known as the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard, Edward Newgate, one of the three legendary pirates!"

People have panic and fear on their faces.

"I saw that man once, hundreds of meters away, but just one glance made me tremble all over."

"He is the most terrifying demon in the sea, how could the navy be his opponent."

"Have you heard of it? That man, Whitebeard, he can set off a huge tsunami that will submerge the entire world."

"He will definitely come, even if there is still no sign of the Whitebeard Pirates in the entire Marin Fando at this moment."

All kinds of chaotic voices are appearing at this moment, echoing all over the world.

The world's impression of White Beard is also exactly the same. The words to describe him are nothing more than terrifying, powerful, strongest and so on.

But at this moment, there is no doubt that the whole world is extremely tense.

The Navy has no way of controlling the whereabouts of the Whitebeard Pirates, nor does it know where and when they will appear, which makes the atmosphere even more tense.

There was only about an hour and a half left before the execution.

The location is at the Navy Headquarters, Marine Fondo.

When a little light came on and then became dazzling, Ace, who was walking with the jailer with his hands and feet shackled by sea tower stones, couldn't help squinting his eyes.


With the sound of chains colliding as he walked, the light in front of Ace's eyes became more and more dazzling.

When stepping on the steps and walking out of the gate, everything in front of him suddenly became bright, and the loud roar and shouting sound came to his ears.

Ace froze there. What he saw was that the entire Marin Vandor was filled with densely packed naval elites.

The stern, iron-blooded, thick, and suppressed terrifying atmosphere came like a mountain, and fell heavily on his heart, making him feel that his breathing almost stopped at this moment.

"time to go!"

"Ayes the fire fist!"

The cold voice came from the left side, which also woke up the slightly stupefied Ace and made him take a deep breath.

Keep walking in silence, at this moment, he is like a marionette, he can only let the other party guide him around.

The only difference from the puppet is that he is heading towards, perhaps, death.

Soon, he came to the execution platform.

With a slight pause in his footsteps, Ace lowered his head.

But soon, he raised his foot again and climbed onto the high execution platform.

"Da da da da da!"

The footsteps sounded rhythmically and clearly, resounding throughout Marin Vanduo, and seemed to step on everyone's heart, making them even more nervous.


Garp clenched his fists, looked at the figure on the execution platform, and gritted his teeth.


On the other side, seeing Ace on the stage, Bagu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a low voice.

"I see it."

Jiang Liu was also staring at the figure who lowered his head and stepped onto the execution platform.

It seems to be carrying an unimaginable weight. Although the shackles on the hands and feet are heavy, they are not as heavy as the pressure on the mind.

No one can understand the heaviness and complex feelings in Ace's heart facing the whole world at this moment.

Neither does Jiangliu.

"Yiger, in a moment, if those two jailers really use the knife, you can kill them with one shot!"

Garyro growled angrily.

Yi Geer was startled and looked at Jiang Liu.

Of course he has to listen to the general about this kind of thing. After all, that was not their original plan.

Jiang Liu just smiled lightly, and looked at Jialiluo: "It's been so many years, it's time for you to change your impulsive temper."

"Just go ahead with the original plan."

"As for Ace.


"I have other arrangements."

Then he continued to sit there quietly.

On the execution platform, Ace knelt on his knees, and two floodlights, sharp long knives were pressed on both sides of his neck, crossing each other.

"Da da da da!"

The sound of heavy footsteps rang in his ears, and Ace's body moved slightly, but his head was still lowered.

"You all get out of the way!"

Deep words sounded, and Sengoku stepped onto the execution platform.

The two jailers obeyed, took back the long knives in their hands, and stood on both sides.

Sengoku with a serious face came to Ace's side, after giving him a slight glance.

"Bring the phone bug!"

After saying to the person next to him, someone sent it immediately.

Warring States took over, and then turned to the many navies in Marin Vanduo at this moment, and also faced the countless people who were watching the war.

"There is something I want to convey to you in advance."

The voice echoed in Marin Vanduo, and countless marines looked up at this moment.

"Portgas D Ace!"

"About the great significance of this man dying here today!"

Under the execution platform, Karp, who heard these words, looked gloomy.

"It's not your fault."

Lieutenant General Crane next to him said.

Karp suddenly laughed when he heard this.

"A woman at this time is really gentle, Xiaohe!"

On the execution platform, Warring States spoke again.

"Ace, report your father's name."

This sudden remark made many people startled and confused. Everyone knows that Ace's father is Whitebeard.

Sure enough, the next second, Ace was silent for a while, then raised his head and replied lightly.

"My father is Whitebeard!"


Warring States said coldly.

"Nothing wrong, only Whitebeard, no one else!"

Ace closed his eyes and said loudly.

"Hoo hoo!"

At this moment, the wind suddenly picked up.

Jiang Liu, who was sitting in front of Bagu, grinned at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the voice of the Warring States came again.

"We used to search for it painstakingly, and guessed that maybe that man's child would be left behind on a certain island!"

"But in the end."

Having said that, Zhan Guo paused, and glanced at a man sitting on a chair below.

Taking a deep breath, he spoke again.

"We found nothing, but without a doubt, relying on the CP organization and some information, we can confirm that the man's evil bloodline still exists in this world!"

"And you. Portgas D. Ace."

"Shouldn't it be called this name?"


His voice was lowered, and Sengoku's expression became more serious and deep.

"You should be called Brother D Ace, that's right!"

"That's right, that man's blood flows in your body! The most evil blood in the world still exists!"

Sengoku took a sudden breath and roared.

"You are the son of Roger the Pirate King!"

"Ayes the fire fist!"

"Your real father is that man!"

"One Piece Roger!"

The huge voice echoed over Marin Fando, and also echoed in the ears of everyone in the world.

At this moment, the complexions of countless people changed drastically.


But at this moment, a loud laughter echoed in Marin Fando.

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