Standing in a certain corner, with a huge pitch-black fort above her head, Momotu, who was dressed in a navy costume, also narrowed her eyes slightly when she saw the long queue that gathered.

"Are they finally here?"

Muttering, Momotu looked at the Navy Headquarters building again, but still didn't see that person.

Obviously, whether it is the Marshal of the Warring States Period, the three generals, or Jiang Liu, they are all very calm.

After an unknown amount of time, the ground of the Navy Headquarters suddenly shook.

Nearly 100 meters tall, the huge giant lieutenant general stepped on the ground, shaking up a large cloud of dust, and walked into the arena, which was particularly conspicuous in the densely packed ant-like navy.

"It's the giant lieutenant general!"

"It's so safe!"

"Such a huge body, even if the opponent is the Whitebeard Pirates, they must be able to compete with one or two, right?"

"What are you kidding? This is Marin Vandor. There are so many powerful navy men. Even Whitebeard may not be able to take advantage of it!"

Voices erupted in the navy.

Standing on a high place and looking down, the densely packed navies from all over the world can indeed give each other a very strong sense of security.

The powerful navy is stationed here, with a total of 100,000 elites. No matter who the enemy is, I am afraid that they will not be able to shake this fortress.

Time continued to pass slowly, and everyone was staring ahead, the closed door of justice.

The navy has laid a net in the entire Marin Vanduo, and no matter who the enemy is trapped in, they cannot leave easily.

"Time, only three hours left!"

"Be prepared, as soon as the enemy comes, it will end soon!"

"The Whitebeard Pirates will become a thing of the past today!"

The voices of admirals reverberated and echoed in Marin Fando.

It was deafening, and the loud roars resounded almost non-stop, like waves after waves, endlessly.

The enemy has not yet arrived, but this kind of morale-boosting and cheering roar will not stop.

In the face of a huge war that has never been seen before, no matter who it is, the mood at the moment is tense and suffocating. Although the mobilization and cheering before the war are old-fashioned, they are simple and effective.

In such an occasion, the secretion of human hormones will be more vigorous, the heart will be beating non-stop, and the adrenaline will also be constantly changing.

Passion and excitement permeated the 100,000 elite navy at this moment.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were attracted by the person at the front walking out of the headquarters building at this moment.

"One of the Seven Martial Seas, Jorakor Mihawk!"

"Behind him are Doflamingo and the others!"

"Qiwuhai has also entered the arena!"

With the appearance of Qiwuhai, walking towards here, the emotions of all the navy were once again excited and cheered up.

The world government has selected pirates with great strength, great reputation, and high status to take the position of Wuhai, in order to use them to deal with other pirates who are also pirates.

Now it seems that the participation of these guys in the war must be of great help to the navy.

The camera turned, and in the blink of an eye, Qiwuhai was already standing at the forefront of the navy, overlooking the undulating inner bay.

The projection phone bugs placed in various places in Marin Fando also transmit the scenes in it to all parts of the world at this moment.

"Even through the screen, I can still feel the suffocating, scorching oppression in the arena!"

"Countless heads, countless figures."

"Is this war?"

"The smell of gunpowder smoke blowing towards my face made my scalp feel numb, and I couldn't even breathe!"

"The Whitebeard Pirates haven't arrived yet, and the three most powerful generals in the navy, Admiral Sengoku, haven't come out either."

"The execution platform is empty, is it because the time has not come yet?"

Aunt Shao's bar was already full at the moment, and there was a huge screen in the middle.

Raleigh sat in front of a corner table, quietly watching the screen.

"Is it about to start?"

There was a flash of light on the glasses, he murmured.

Chapter 166

Wealth, fame, power.

The man who once owned everything in the world, the One Piece King Gordo Roger, left a sentence before his death, which made many people go to sea to explore.

"Want my treasure? If you want it, I will give it to you. Find it! I put everything there!"

Thus, the era of great navigation began.

Against the backdrop of the magnificent era, the four emperors of the sea established a huge power when they ruled the sea. They are like emperors aloft, standing in the sea area of ​​the new world, and they are awed and worshiped by the world.

In the blink of an eye, nearly twenty years have passed.

The world has finally ushered in a war on the top of an unprecedented scale that shocked the world!

Yes, the world has named this war that has not yet started, but is destined to happen, as the top war.

"Since the beginning of the era of great pirates, it has involved the largest war!"

"Marin Vandor, the headquarters of the Navy, brings together 100,000 elites, and the Whitebeard Pirates also have a terrifying force of 43 pirates!"

"This war, no matter who wins or loses, will attract the attention of the whole world and shock it!"

In the bar, there was a lot of discussion.

Such an unprecedented event, naturally countless people are paying attention.

Pirates, civilians, and passing merchants are all gathered in it at this moment.

Marlin Vanduo Middle.

"Whirring whirring!"

The strong wind blew, and the naval flags standing on countless flagpoles fluttered violently with the wind.


The high-pitched roars kept ringing one after another.

The projection phone bug keeps turning, sending all the projections from every place in the battlefield to every place in the world.

The scene on the screen is changing almost all the time.

Suddenly, the voices of people in Marin Fando fell silent.


"The generals are here!"

Someone shouted excitedly.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes turned to look at the three chairs placed on a high platform in the square.

"Da da da da da da!"

Footsteps sounded, dust swirled on the ground, and three figures had entered the arena at some unknown time, stepping over the steps.

Afterwards, the three figures sat down one by one.

From left to right, it is Polu Salino, code-named Kizaru, Sakaski, code-named Red Dog, and Kuzan, code-named Aokiji.

After sitting down on the seat, the yellow monkey moved his right foot and put it on his left leg, and the red dog did the same, and Kuzan sat upright, looking down.

The invisible oppression and heavy aura swept across the entire naval headquarters at this moment, and it also made countless marines excited and even more excited.

Admirals have always been the symbol of the navy's highest combat power, and their presence will also mean that this war is about to start.

"The three generals are all in place!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhan Guo's face was solemn, and he stepped onto the execution platform solemnly.

Naval hero Garp and Vice Admiral Crane appeared one after the other, and everyone's expressions were solemn and serious.

"Sir, are you still going out?"

"The war may start at any time, and there are only two hours left before Fire Fist Ace's execution!"

Looking at Jiang Liu who was still sitting on the seat with tea in his hands, Freya said nervously.

Even in the office, the tense atmosphere in the Navy Headquarters can still be clearly felt.


Jiang Liu raised his head and murmured.

Then, he looked at the phone bug in front of him.

After waiting for a while, I heard the loud roar coming from outside the window.

He grinned suddenly, and then dialed the phone bug in front of him.

"It's time to act!"

Said a word to the phone bug with a calm face, Jiang Liu stood up slowly, holding the phone bug in his hand.


When he heard the reply from the cold male voice, Jiang Liu's eyes flashed, he crushed it, then walked to the window, stretched out his right hand, and scattered the crumbs down.

"Then let's go!"


Jiang Liu grinned, and the deepness in his eyes disappeared.

"Yes, sir!"

Taking a deep breath, Freya replied loudly.

Her expression at this moment was extremely tense and dignified.

No one can be at ease and calm in the face of this war.

When the two walked out of the headquarters building one after the other and arrived at Marin Vanduo Square, countless lines of sight also came from them, and the projection phone bug did not let go of this scene.

"Day Tiger General Jiang Liu!"

"The man who once chased Roger, the Pirate King, and ran around!"

"I heard that a few days ago, he also killed the vice-captain of One Piece, Raleigh the Hades!"

"In the navy, the most powerful person!"

No matter in the headquarters or anywhere in the world, there were discussions about Jiang Liu at this moment.

On the execution platform, Zhan Guo's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Jiang Liu who walked out.

"As long as General Jiang Liu is around, even if Whitebeard comes, he won't be able to make waves in this execution!"

There was a loud roar, and the navy, whose eyes were hot and excited, was staring at Jiang Liu at this moment, extremely excited.

"The big future is here!"

In the camp of the recruits, Bagu said in a deep voice, his eyes flickering.

After exchanging glances with Yi Geer next to him, both of them understood each other's meaning.

This war has absolutely different meanings to the navy, to Admiral Jiang Liu, and to them.

With the entry of Jiang Liu, the morale of the navy has been extremely high. Regardless of the previous rumors, but at this moment, Jiang Liu's joining will undoubtedly make the Navy Headquarters feel safer than ever before.

When Jiang Liu came in front of Ba Gu and the others, he grinned.

"Are you all nervous?"

Bagu, Yi Geer, Promi and others shook their heads: "Don't be nervous."

"The enemy is the Whitebeard Pirates known as the Emperor of the Sea!"

"No matter what, you must protect yourself in this war!"

Jiang Liu glanced around, looking at the densely packed faces in front of him, either familiar or unfamiliar, and shouted in a deep voice.

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