"Really? This is good news for you."

Jiang Liu said.


Virgo nodded, then turned and left.

Seeing that Yi Geer still wanted to speak, Jiang Liu stopped him with a helpless smile: "This task will not be entrusted to you."

"However, I have something more important to inform you!"

Yi Geer's eyes became serious: "Please tell me."

"After this war, I will leave the Navy."

Jiang Liu said lightly.

But the weight of the words made Yi Geer's whole body tremble, and his pupils shrank.

"Some rumors are not false."

"After the war, some people may attack me."

Jiang Liu said calmly.

"You can ask your brothers."

"Anyone willing to go with me?"

Yi Geer took a deep breath, and a smile appeared on his stern face.

"Does the general think we haven't asked?"

"We've wanted to leave the Navy for a long time!"

Jiang Liu was not surprised by this answer and nodded.


"Let the brothers prepare, prepare!"

"When the war is over, we leave the Navy!"

Chapter 162

Time passed, and the execution time announced by the navy was getting closer and closer.

The atmosphere of Marin Vanduo became more and more formidable, and the fortress artillery, which was completely dark, reflected the fortified light in the sun.

In the entire naval headquarters, there is a vague atmosphere of iron and blood.

In nearly a month, the central command system has already completed the guidance and control of various departments.

"The war is coming!"

In the office, Jiang Liu looked down at the inner bay of the navy ahead and murmured.

The smell of gunpowder smoke in the air is becoming clearer and clearer. Visible to the naked eye, the number of marines on duty and patrolling in Marin Fando has also been increasing.

Promi had been transferred a long time ago, no longer stationed at the gate, but was assigned to his new regiment under his command.

The Gate of Justice is assigned to another group of people. All the previous deployment and defense work of this huge fortress have been disrupted and restarted.

The sound of footsteps in the building of the headquarters and the sound of calling bugs kept coming and going, never stopping.

Turning his eyes, Jiang Liu looked at the tall execution platform in the square.

Now it is empty above it, but when the war comes, all battles will take place around it.

"A long wait of a month."

"The moment I've been waiting for is finally here."

Said softly, Jiang Liu raised his head and looked at the sky.

In the blue sky, there is no white cloud, the breeze is blowing, and occasionally a group of seagulls fly by.

"Whirring whirring!"

The sound of the wind swept over, blowing the cloak of justice behind him.


“This is where the world will be watching.”

His eyes suddenly sharpened, and Jiang Liu stood there quietly, motionless, as if he had turned into a sculpture.

Freya was also standing at the back, her pretty face looked dignified and complicated, as if she had thought of something, she kept staring at the figure at the window.

At the same time, in the Warring States Office.

"Is everything ready?"

"Is there no trace of the Whitebeard Pirates yet?"

"Qiwuhai is already in place?"

"There must be no mistakes in this war!"

"All the sea areas around the headquarters must be guarded and patrolled by warships, and keep an eye on the enemy's dynamics!"

Facing at least a dozen phone bugs on the table, as the marshal of the Warring States, his eyes were dignified, and he kept giving instructions.

There is only one day before the scheduled execution time in the blink of an eye!

This also means that the top war that shocked the world is coming.

"Da da da da da!"

On the Neiwan Square, there are dense footsteps everywhere. Under the command of the general, the elite navies from all over the world continue to arrive at the original location and set up a tight defensive formation.

"Hurry up!"

"War may happen at any time, even if the execution is scheduled for tomorrow, no one knows when the Whitebeard Pirates will arrive!"

"We will wait for the enemy's arrival in this great, world's number one fortress!"

The loud shouts shook like thunder, resounding over Marin Fando.

A team of elite navy arrived at the original location quickly with bated breath.

On this day, starting from the morning, Marlin Fando's personnel became more and more dense, and the tense and dense atmosphere in the air became more and more dense.

"Check the shells and ammunition reserves, and make sure nothing goes wrong!"

On the city wall, a middle-aged man with a general rank on his shoulders patrolled back and forth, shouting loudly.

"Yes, sir!"

The elites with school-level military ranks responded loudly.

"Be very careful, this time, our enemy is that man!"

"And the pirate group under his command! What we are facing is a powerful force that is one of the world's four emperors."

"Even if we are the most elite navy, we must not take it lightly!"

In Marin Vanduo, there are such reminders and dignified voices everywhere.

The eyes of the naval elites who kept arriving at their original positions to garrison became more and more fierce.

The tense, solemn, and heavy atmosphere filled the air, making everyone's heart beating from this moment on.

Yes, everyone is very clear about the identity of the enemy this time.

It is even more clear what kind of war they will face next.

at the harbor.

Momotu glanced around, and when she still didn't see that figure, she frowned and asked the adjutant next to her.

"Isn't the river coming down?"

Hearing this, the adjutant was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "General Jiang Liu? He said that the time has not come yet, and White Beard will not come, so he will wait until tomorrow to appear."

"In addition, Marshal Warring States, the three generals, and Lieutenant General Garp and Lieutenant General He are not in place either."

Peach Rabbit frowned.

The entire Marin Vanduo is now in a chaotic but orderly state. Elites from all over the world, under the leadership of general-level officers, are constantly in place today, which makes the place look more and more crowded and the atmosphere more and more solemn.

Being in such an occasion, even if the war has not yet come, you will still feel the tension and iron-blooded oppression.

Even the air seems to be scorching hot at this moment, giving people a heavy feeling.


"What about the people under his command?"

Taotu asked again.

"Not in place either."

The adjutant replied again.

Taotu's frown deepened, she was somewhat familiar with those guys under Jiang Liu's command.

It stands to reason that even if the leader is not there, these guys should have reached the planning point today. But such an abnormal movement gave her a bad feeling.

"I hope there will be no accidents!"

"Recently, those rumors in the headquarters are very bad for you!"


Muttering, a trace of worry flashed deep in Taotu's eyes.

There is no doubt that for her, this is a complicated battle. Not only do they have to face the world's strongest enemy, but they also seem to have to face unpredictable accidents.

Among them, the most worrying thing is Jiang Liu.

As time went on, the defense in the headquarters became more and more strict, and the wind in the air seemed to become more and more intense.

"Aren't you in place yet, sir!"

Freya looked at Marlin Vandor, the densely packed elite navy, almost everywhere in this huge fortress.

Boiling, dense discourse, like thousands of mosquitoes and flies in unison, seems noisy, but also makes people nervous.

"Time, it's not up yet!"


"Ace can't come out, the Whitebeard Pirates, how could they act rashly."

"For them, Marin Fandor is the home of the navy."

Jiang Liu blew on the tea in his hand and smiled lightly.

"However, if we deploy again tomorrow, will it be too late?"

"I heard that in this war, you will face the strongest man in the world alone."

"Are you ready again?"

Freya asked worriedly.


"Hehe, every day for the past twenty years."

"I am preparing for this war!"

Jiang Liu smiled faintly, his eyes gradually sharpened.

Chapter 163 Mustache

The day passed quickly.

When the sea surface is illuminated by a half-round orange sunset, dusk comes.

The last day of the top war will be passed soon.

"Eh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

In the rest area of ​​Marin Fando, in the hall where Qiwuhai is located, a deep voice sounded.

Doflamingo glanced at the people on the left and right, and let out an incomprehensible laugh.

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