Zhan Guo took a breath and nodded: "Indeed, now we can only let this war begin."

"No one can stop it."

The two walked out of the conference room side by side and walked down the aisle.

"Actually, sometimes I really think, if the position of Admiral of the Navy is yours, I should be relaxed now."

"You don't have to bear so much, you don't have to feel so much guilt."

Warring States suddenly sighed.

"From your standpoint, this marshal, you are already very competent, Warring States."

"I may not be as good as you."

Jiang Liu smiled lightly.

"But, it's really tiring."

Warring States murmured.

Jiang Liu was silent, the white hair on the other side's temples was visible to the naked eye, and the exhaustion he showed in private was even more clear.

"If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight."

"You're going to retire soon too, aren't you?"

Hearing such words, Sengoku laughed.


"This war is over, and it's time for me to retire."


Jiang Liu nodded, his eyes flickering.

"Yes, soon."

Chapter 161 News from Lu Jiu

Destiny is always full of helplessness, and no one knows what will happen at the next fork in life.

At the end of the pre-war meeting, Jiang Liu and Zhan Guo walked side by side for a distance, and saw the marshal in a rare moment, showing his true feelings.

After all, people are emotional animals. Many times, they will recall the past, feel guilty, helpless, and sad.

What will happen tomorrow? What kind of relationship will become of the two people who were once friends?

No one knows.

For the next part of the journey, both of them fell into silence. Maybe it was a premonition, or maybe they had already said what they had to say.


The front was about to reach a turning point, and the Warring States suddenly made a sound.


Jiang Liu smiled.

"Take care of yourself!"

Zhan Guo said softly, but his tone was very solemn.

Jiang Liu was slightly taken aback, not understanding why the other party would suddenly say such words. When he reacted, the Warring States had disappeared before his eyes, and he quickly walked away.

His eyes flickered, and after standing there for a long time, he suddenly laughed.

"Interesting, really interesting."

"Is this reminding me of something?"

There have been so many rumors about Marin Vanduo recently that many people can't tell the truth from the fake. Among them is one, the content is that the world government will take action against Jiang Liu after the first battle of Marin Fando to eradicate future troubles.

"It seems that some rumors can come true."

Jiang Liu had a playful expression.

"In the world, true and false are difficult to distinguish."

"This is wonderful!"

With a smile on his face, Jiang Liu strode away. After reaching the front, he chose an intersection opposite to the Warring States period, turned and left.

But just a few steps away, a figure in front of him blocked his way again.


Jiang Liu smiled and called out the other party's name.

The man standing in front, or waiting in front, was none other than Virgo.

"General Jiang Liu."

Virgo exclaimed in a deep voice, with a hint of tension in his eyes.

He really didn't expect the man in front of him to be with the young master. And the tasks I have done in recent days are also related to this person.

What's even more outrageous is that after understanding, the identity and background of the man in front of him made him feel even more shocked and awed.

"Anything to say?"

Jiang Liu smiled.

"Well, it's very important!"

Virgo nodded.

"Come with me."

His eyes narrowed slightly, Jiang Liu walked in front, and Virgo followed closely behind.

Both of them had calm faces, and it was impossible to see anything from their expressions.

In the end, Jiang Liu chose to knock on the door of an office on the same floor.

"This is?!"

Virgo glanced at the house number and was stunned.

This is the office of a lieutenant general, and what he will say next is an extremely important secret.


Soon, a low voice came from the door.


Jiang Liu said calmly.

Hearing his voice, the door opened quickly, and Virgo saw a cold man with eagle-like eyes.


Yi Geer was stunned for a moment, then looked at Virgo.

"Go in and talk."

Jiang Liudao.


Yi Geer nodded and stepped aside.

The two quickly entered the office, and the door was tightly closed.

The officers at the general level are all pillar-type strong men in the headquarters. After coming here, they will naturally make arrangements for them.

A powerful lieutenant general like Yi Geer will naturally not be ignored, and they all have their offices.

"In the next war, Sengoku put me in charge of the recruits."

After finding a seat, Jiang Liu said casually.

"This is a good thing. If we let someone else rule over us, something will happen."

"And there are only three generals who are qualified to manage us. Lieutenant General Karp is waiting for a limited number of people."

"But even if it's them, I'm afraid the brothers still won't accept it!"

Yi Geer laughed and poured tea for Jiang Liu and Weiergo.

"Who is this?"

Looking at Virgo, he asked again.


Jiang Liu announced his name.

"Vergo, Colonel."

Glancing at the military rank on his shoulder, Yi Geer shouted again.

"Lord Lieutenant General."

Virgo seemed very polite.

"He is a member of Brother Doflamingo. It seems that he is responsible for the task of inquiring about my sister's information, right?"

Jiang Liu said, looking at Virgo.

"So, you waited for my meeting to end today because the task has already been concluded?"

Virgo stared at Yi Geer without speaking.

"He is mine, you can rest assured."

Yi Geer's eyes became sharper when he heard that it was about the general's sister.

They knew a lot of things back then, and they also knew that the general's sister seemed to be under house arrest by the navy and the world government, and was held in a secret place.

With it as a threat, the general will eventually disappear.

Similarly, this is also the reason why his brothers are dissatisfied with the navy and the world government, and even want to sentence the navy.

Now, is there any news about the general's sister?


"My people have discovered Portgas D Lujiu, the information about your sister, General Jiang Liu!"

"Young master, let me find you personally, report to you, and ask you whether the next task of rescuing the target person is still for us to complete."

Virgo said in a low voice.

"Have you found out where Lu Jiu is being held?"

Jiang Liu's eyes narrowed, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Are you kidding, this kind of thing, of course we are going to solve it!"

"The world government has imprisoned the general's sister for twenty years, and now there is finally news!"

"Leave this matter to us! I will contact Bagu and the others immediately!"

Yi Geer said excitedly.

"Calm down."

Jiang Liu shook his head and said.

Then, he looked at Virgo.

"You did a good job on this matter, tell Doflamingo, I am very satisfied."

"But for the next task, I will make arrangements."

"You can also rest for a while."

Virgo nodded without changing his expression: "I understand!"

"Go! Don't expose yourself."

Jiang Liudao.

Hearing this, Virgo laughed: "After this task is completed, I can return to the young master."

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