A female voice resounded and echoed in the palace, causing the people around to panic and utter words of comfort.

"Mom, it will be ready soon!"

"I've urged them to come soon!"

While they were terrified, they were also a little speechless. Unexpectedly, the news of the death of the dignified One Piece King Roger's vice-captain is not as attractive as a cake to MOM.

I thought MOM would be interested in the upcoming war.

It can be said that the news released by the navy in recent days has caused an uproar in the whole world.

Pluto Rayleigh is dead!

Fire Fist Ace will be publicly executed in front of the whole world in a month's time.

Each one is a terrible event that can arouse heated discussions among the whole people.

"Eh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

"Has Raleigh the Pluto also lost?"

"Your strength really makes people tremble with fear."

"Uncle Jiang Liu!"

A light flashed on Doflamingo's sunglasses, and he let out a deep laugh.

Thinking of the news he received not long ago, the corners of his mouth curled up.

"So, is it the turn of the old man with the white beard?"

"Clear all the remnants of the old era."

"Let the new era be completely under your majesty."

"It's really a good idea!"

No matter what kind of era it is, it will be quite convenient to step on the body, status, and reputation of the old seniors.

Of course, the basis for this kind of thing to happen is to have stronger strength. Otherwise, these seniors are not kind-hearted guys. If one is bad, they don't mind plucking out new shoots.

"I'm looking forward to it more and more!"

"The next war!"

"The whole world will be shocked!"

Muttering, Doflamingo let out another unexplained laugh.

On the great channel, an island is quietly floating above the sky 10,000 meters above the sea.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!"

"After me, even that fellow Raleigh lost?"

"It really makes the old man feel gratified!"

The blond-haired Shi Ji laughed loudly as he read the contents of the newspaper.

"Captain, compared to this matter, should you also prepare earlier for the grand event in a month's time?"

Indigo next to him said with a smile.

"Prepare? Of course we must prepare!"

"Whether it's the kid or the old man, we all need a brand new face to appear in front of the whole world."

"Trust me, Indigo!"

"It will definitely shock the whole world!"

Having said this, Golden Lion Shiji laughed again.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!"

"I'm really looking forward to it, Sengoku, Garp, those old guys see me active in the world again!"

Indigo also nodded in agreement: "That will definitely be exciting!"

"You're right, it will be very exciting!"

Meanwhile, Marine Headquarters, Marin Fand.

Cap's office.

In the small office, the atmosphere seemed a bit solemn, and the assistant next to him was silent, because Lieutenant General Garp, who usually had a smile on his face, now had an extremely gloomy expression.

On his desk was an unfolded newspaper.

In addition to the news of the death of Pluto Rayleigh, it was the announcement of the execution of Fire Fist Ace.

"Jiang Liu, haven't you come yet?"

After a while, Garp raised his head and asked in a deep voice.

"General Jiang Liu, he should be here soon. As soon as he entered the headquarters, I sent him the news that you want to see him."

Assistant Navy said quickly.

As soon as the words were finished, there was a knock on the closed office door, and then a figure pushed the door open and entered.


"What's the point of calling me so anxiously?"

It is Jiangliu.

Chapter 152 Of course I hope he survives

Garp raised his head and looked at the man who walked into the office, his face still gloomy.

At this time, he really couldn't be happy no matter what, he slapped the newspaper on the table with his big hand and made a bang.

"Have you read the newspaper?"

Jiang Liu was slightly taken aback, and glanced at the assistant standing aside, who bowed slightly with interest, then walked out quickly and closed the door.

"seen it already."

Nodding his head, Jiang Liu said.

After arranging the affairs of Qiange Island, he returned to the headquarters, and Freya gave him the newspaper right away.

"Ace, will be publicly executed in one month!"

Taking a deep breath, Garp said in a deep voice.

"I know!"

Jiang Liu nodded.

"Pluto Rayleigh also died under your hands."

Garp said again, his eyes fixed on the man in front of him.

"A strong man of his generation fell like this."

"Don't tell me you don't have any sentimental feelings."

Jiang Liu had a slight smile on his face: "Why should I be sad?"

"So, the next one you want to make a move is Whitebeard?"

Garp gritted his teeth and asked again.

"What do you want to do? Jiang Liu!"

"Every time you make a move, it will cause a sensation in the world and make this peaceful world even more chaotic."

Jiang Liu's expression remained unchanged, but he just smiled lightly: "I really want to fight Newgate."

"Isn't this also the reason why the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku called me back?"

"As for, between me and him, who will fall in the end, who knows?"

"Maybe it's me, maybe it's him!"

"Before there is a real battle, the answer is unknown!"

Garp stared at him, and suddenly said coldly: "Stop joking! Jiang Liu, with your current strength, you can kill Lei Li."

"How can you be afraid of White Beard?"

"Contemporary powerhouses are all old, but you are in the prime of life, and it is the most powerful moment in your life!"

Jiang Liu still smiled lightly: "I never joke, you know it!"

"Newgate, I have never underestimated him!"

After a pause, his eyes narrowed.

"It can be said that the battle with him is the one that I value the most in my life and requires the greatest price."

"It is also a battle that makes my blood boil and I am looking forward to!"

Karp fell silent after hearing this.

"Are you so belligerent?"

"And what about Ace?"

Jiang Liu smiled: "It's not aggressive!"

"It's just that I want to personally end this era that is about to end."

"Such a thing is of great significance!"

Garp smiled angrily: "Really? The Age of Discovery was started by Roger, what about you?"

"What kind of era do you want to start?"

Jiang Liu smiled: "Well, who knows?"

"Your ambition is obvious. You really are those guys in the navy, some people in the world government, don't you know?"


Garp shouted loudly.

"Even if they know, or find out, so what? As long as the surface is peaceful, no one will take the initiative to lift the veil."

"They also need me to deal with Whitebeard to reduce the navy's losses in the next battle."

Jiang Liu said calmly.

"Karp, you have been a navy all your life, but you are still so naive. It really surprises me."

Shaking his head, Jiang Liu smiled helplessly.

"Check and balance, use, benefit, this is the truth of the game between forces!"

"Why do you think there is an unreasonable organization like Qiwuhai in the world, and why do you think the Four Emperors will establish a new world?"

"What is the truth behind them?"

"What kind of person is standing on top of those five old men? What's his name?"

"Do you know everything?"

Garp was stunned by the series of words. He fixedly looked at Jiang Liu in front of him, with a complicated expression for a while.

"What the **** do you know?"

Jiang Liu grinned: "It's just that I know a little more than you!"

After a pause, his voice lowered and became deep, serious, and dignified.

"But, I want to know more!"

Garp was silent again, he just realized today that he doesn't know this old friend far. It was the same twenty years ago, and it will be the same twenty years from now.

The other party is obviously very familiar, but it always makes him feel strange.

"Where's Ace?"

After a while, he sighed and asked again.

"How do I know?"

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