
Kaido chanted the name and didn't react for a while, but soon he stared sharply.

"You mean Jiang Liu!?"

"That Day Tiger River Flow!"

"It's the guy who made a big name in the last era."

"Damn, isn't that guy dead yet?"

In an instant, Kaido woke up, his eyes became dignified.

In the era when the three legends of Roger, Whitebeard, and the Golden Lion unified the sea, in contrast, three pirates in the navy also became legends.

Hero Lieutenant General Karp, Warring States of Buddha and Hiroko Jiangliu!

Among them, Jiang Liu is the youngest, but being young does not mean that you are weak, on the contrary, it is extremely strong, and it even makes the pirates of the same era feel desperate.

Kaido had never fought against Jiang Liu before, but he kept listening to the legend, until this man disappeared into the world.


Taking a deep breath, and then exhaling again, two streams of white air emerged in the void, Kaido's drunkenness had dissipated, replaced by a solemn expression.

"Is the daytime Tiger River flowing?"

"Everyone in the world says that you are unparalleled in combat power, possess the strongest physique among humans, and are an unkillable monster!"

"In a sense, it overlaps with Lao Tzu's title!"

"I really look forward to fighting with you, to see who is stronger between you and me!"

The low-pitched words with a little interest came out and echoed in the room.

"Kai, Captain Kaido?"

At this time, another voice came from the phone bug.

"What else is there?"

Kaido said coldly.

"In addition, the Navy has announced the execution time of Fire Fist Ace, just one month later!"

"There is news that the Whitebeard Pirates have come out in full force, ready to launch an attack on the Marine Headquarters of the Navy!"

The pirate said in a trembling voice again.

This kind of trembling from the heart is not only the fear of his own captain, but also the excitement and excitement of the upcoming war.

The decisive battle between the two major powers in the world! How many people will participate in this, and how many forces will pay attention to it.

The Navy, Qiwuhai, and the Four Emperors will all be involved!

Simply, it can be called the greatest event of this era!

He also believes that Captain Kaido's mood will be the same as his.

"The old man with the white beard?"

Sure enough, Kaido's eyes lit up when he heard that, and his pupils became extremely sharp.

"I really dare to think about it."

"Go and attack the naval camp."

But, immediately after, Kaido, the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts, didn't say anything, but hung up the phone bug.

He sat cross-legged on the spot and fell silent.

Having been in this sea for decades, his strength, ambition, and methods have allowed him to gain his current reputation, and he is known by the world as Kaido of the Hundred Beasts.

Similarly, he also has the title of the strongest sea, land and air. In a sense, his reputation is even more ferocious than Whitebeard.

Whitebeard hadn't made a move for a long time, and he was already old. What he wore on his head was only the reputation accumulated in the old days and a long time.

In Kaido's view, the old man with a white beard, his old body, no longer matches the huge name on his head.

"Thinking to commit suicide? Old man!"

"The naval camp is not so easy to break into!"

Muttering, Kaido's eyes flickered.

He has fought against the navy many times, and has been arrested several times. He naturally knows the strength of the navy, even though he was not killed.

But he also suspected that those guys might have tampered with and experimented on his body.

Even he, after experiencing it several times, was afraid of the navy. He even made up his mind that only by becoming the One Piece and obtaining the legendary secret treasure would it be possible and confident to attack the navy.

"Just relying on an old and scarred body, I want to capture the Navy headquarters."

"I don't have much confidence in you, Whitebeard!"

Said slowly, Kaido suddenly stood up, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"How about, let me take off your head, superimpose your reputation on me, let me, Kaido, become the strongest in this era!"


"I'm going to shoot you, I'm going to chop off your head."

"In the sea, it's better to lose to your peers, and lose your old life to Marin Fando!"

The voice of the voice is getting louder and louder, and the fighting spirit in Kaido's eyes is also getting stronger.

He decided to attack Whitebeard to prevent the other party from dying. Similarly, as long as he killed the other party, his reputation would become stronger.

Then, after Whitebeard's death, his territory has no leader, and it will also benefit the Kaido Pirates, making him the most powerful of the Four Emperors.

"Come on!"

Suddenly, Kaido shouted to the outside.

"Captain Kaido!"

Soon, someone walked in.

"Order the three major kanbans, really fight, and prepare the boat for me!"

Kaido snorted.

"Huh? What is Captain Kaido going to do?"

The pirate asked confusedly.

If he remembered correctly, not long ago, his own captain seemed to be drinking.

"Lao Tzu, I have to do something to Whitebeard!"

"Take off his head!"

Kaido yelled.

Chapter 151 A Visit to the Navy Headquarters


The sound of flames burning wood suddenly sounded, and the strong smell of meat was constantly spreading around.

This is the new world, on the shore of a deserted island, a group of men of various colors are sitting around the flames.

The smell of meat and wine came out continuously, and there were melodious musical instruments and some people singing and dancing in the distance.


"Big news!"

Suddenly, someone jumped high from the boat on the shore, and then ran towards here, leaving footprints all over the beach.

Beside the bonfire, shaking the wine bottle, the red-haired one-armed man who was about to lift it looked suspiciously at the man.

"Big news!"

The man shouted loudly, and soon he was in front of them.

"Jesus Bu, what happened? It will make you look so shocked."

Red-haired Shanks smiled.

"Pluto Rayleigh!"

"It's news from Pluto Rayleigh."

Jesus took a deep breath and said loudly.

Then, he handed the newspaper in his hand to Shanks.

With doubts on his face, Shanks took it, and after looking down, his face suddenly changed color. Everyone felt a domineering aura at the same time, shaking the void and shaking the bonfire in front of them.

"In the end what happened?"

Ben Beckman asked in a deep voice.

He realized that the problem was not simple. Ordinary time would never make the red hair of one of the Four Emperors change into the expression he has now.

"Rayleigh, the king of the underworld, fought against the former admiral of the navy, Rihu Jiangliu, in the Chambord Islands, and died in the end!"

Jesus gritted his teeth and replied.

"What did you say?!"

As soon as these words were uttered, the other cadres on the side turned pale with shock, and then they all looked at Shanks in the center.

The red-haired man at this moment let out a breath slowly, his face flickering as he stared at the newspaper, and finally he stood up slowly.

Holding the jug in his hand, when he walked to the beach, Shanks raised his head and stared at the sea for a long time.

"Deputy captain."

An emotionally complex voice came out of Shanks' mouth, and all the companions behind him fell silent.

They all know the relationship between Raleigh and Shanks.


"This battle, you must be very happy!"

The bottle tilted, and Shanks poured the clear water into the sea.

The wine quickly dripped into the sea, and with the slap of the sea water, it was quickly rolled and disappeared.

Then, Shanks raised his head again, drank a bottle of water, turned his head, and looked at his companions in front of him.

"Will Jiang Liu participate in the next battle?"

Ben Beckman nodded, and said in a deep voice: "The Navy called him into the headquarters to deal with Whitebeard."


Taking a deep breath, Shanks' eyes became sharp.

"So, everyone, would you like to go to the Navy Headquarters with me?"

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of the group of cadres in front of them lit up, and the corners of their mouths also burst into smiles.

"You are the captain, Shanks, of course you have the final say!"

"Such an earth-shattering battle, of course we want to see it with our own eyes!"

"Of course, when are we leaving?"

Hearing the response from his companions, Shanks also showed a smile on his face, but the sharpness in his eyes did not dissipate in the slightest.

"Then let's go!"

Half a quarter of an hour later, the bonfire on the shore of the deserted island was still burning quietly, but the smell of meat on the shelf had dissipated.

All the pirates around it disappeared.

Among all nations.

"Pluto Rayleigh? Is that old man actually dead?"

"It's really boring!"

"Where's my cake? Why isn't it ready yet?"

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