"Just take it!"

With a flick of the long knife in his right hand, sword energy burst out, the light in his eyes was still sharp, and his state was still at its peak.

The decline of the body does not stop, but it does not make a strong man like him unable to fight.

Like Roger, even though he is seriously ill, he can still display his ultimate fighting power.

Pluto Rayleigh can do the same!

But before he was defeated, he also wanted, wanted to experience, to enjoy the ultimate battle like this.

The exhaustion and pain in his body seemed to have all disappeared at this moment, and a smile even appeared on Lei Li's face.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"You're right, Jiang Liu!"


"This battle is really exciting!"

"I seem to see that man come to me again and say to me."

"Our meeting was arranged by fate, Rayleigh, do you want to come with me and turn this world upside down?"

He said loudly, stepped forward, and walked towards the river.

Jiang Liu's eyes were slightly startled, and there was a touch of respect in his eyes.

Of course, he could see the specific situation of this seemingly perfect opponent standing in front of him.

Physical damage does not destroy the spirit. The spirit can control the physical body!

Human beings are born ordinary, and mortal bodies will age, get injured, and get sick, but the will of a person cannot be broken or disappeared.

"You have never been a quiet boy, Jiang Liu!"

"Want to beat me, want to do something?"

"Then do it!"

"Let me see how far you can mess up this world!"

Rayleigh's voice came.

"Pluto Rayleigh."

Jiang Liu suddenly said in a deep voice.

"The old days are over."

The short words made Lei Li's eyes narrow, and then he burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"You are right, in this era, there is no longer a ship that can carry us."

"Whether it's Whitebeard, me, or Shiji, who was rumored to be about to move again some time ago!"

"We have all left ourselves in the old times!"

After a pause, he smiled again.

"That's why I tried my best, even at the risk of fighting with you, to leave some seeds for the new era!"

"The old man dies, and the child is born. This is the destiny of human beings, the endless life."

As he moved forward, Lei Li's eyes narrowed suddenly, looking at the tall figure standing in front of him.

"Admiral, Akainu."

This suddenly appeared, and the man standing in front of him was Akainu.

"Pluto Raleigh, you should have been arrested a long time ago for a scum on the One Piece ship!"

"Rotten pirates are excrement from the sea. The so-called Roger, the ridiculous Pirate King, is a disgrace to the world."

A cold voice came out, and Akainu's humiliation was not at all polite.

As an admiral of the navy, he has never had a problem with the so-called darkness, pirates, and crimes.

"In order to deal with me, the Navy Headquarters really came out with all their strength!"

Riley sighed.

He fought against Jiang Liu before, and now the three generals are also gathered here, his fate is already clearly visible.

"I will execute you here!"

"Guys like you don't need to be sent to Advance City!"

Red Dog said coldly.

He moved his feet, and the magma on his body was stirring, and he was about to attack the enemy in front of him.

Rayleigh grabbed the long knife sharply in his right hand, ready to fight.

Even if the situation is extremely serious, a man like him will never think of surrendering or not resisting.

But in the next second, his eyes froze.

Akaken's forward steps also paused, his scalp was numb, and the hairs all over his body were suddenly raised at this moment.

Behind it, a faint covering shrouded down, accompanied by that terrifying and ferocious aura like a wild beast.

Even as a general, he felt suffocated and palpitated at this moment.

"what are you up to?"


A deep voice sounded, and at the same time, a cold and angry emotion was transmitted to his heart.

"What are you doing?"

"Of course it's to capture Raleigh the Pluto!"

"You don't want to stop me, do you? Jiang Liu!"

Akainu said in a deep voice, turning his back to the man behind him.

He was also vigilant in his heart, and he knew very well that even though they were both in the naval camp, the relationship between the two parties was definitely not as harmonious as that between colleagues.

Silence, dead silence.

After half an hour.


Two streams of white air spewed out from Jiang Liu's nostrils, and the light in his eyes was also fierce, extremely cold.


A cold voice came out, followed by a majestic force, which ruthlessly fell on Akainu's head.

Chapter 143 Hahahahaha


In an instant, Akainu felt his head was blown off by the hammer, and Venus burst out in front of his eyes. At the same time, the balance of the body is also rapidly lost.

Immediately afterwards, the ground continued to zoom in and out, and with a bang, his face made intimate contact with the soil.

"Crack, wipe!"

The sound of the shock soared into the sky, and the ground quickly split open, centering on Akainu's head, spreading to the surroundings, and a huge deep pit appeared.

The body below the neck was raised backwards, and the head was deeply embedded in the soil.

"Whirring whirring!"

The wind blows, blowing the dust on the ground.

The scene was quiet, and there were no other sounds. Whether it was Rayleigh, or the two generals Aokiji and Kizaru standing not far away.

At this moment, they were all silent.

No one would have thought that Jiang Liu's attack was so decisive, direct and unscrupulous.

"I will not tolerate anyone interrupting my battle."

Jiang Liu's face was cold, and he said coldly.

"No one!"

Sen Leng's voice made everyone around to tremble.

"It's terrible!"

Zhan Taowan swallowed, the hands holding the binoculars were trembling.

For his own battle, even the admiral who is the navy, did not hesitate to make a move.

Such a man has absolutely no taboos, and his actions are even more unscrupulous, extremely indulgent.

"Go on, the battle between us!"

Jiang Liu looked up at Lei Li and said in a deep voice.


His eyes flickered slightly, Lei Li nodded, holding the knife in his right hand, his spirit gathered again.

In the next second, the figures of the two moved again.

In front of everyone, there seemed to be two rays of light moving rapidly, colliding fiercely, and then bursting out into the sky.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Constant impact, continuous separation, and fierce collision again.

Dust waves stirred up on the ground, and the violent air flow radiated towards the surroundings.

Their figures kept flickering, moving, moving, and colliding constantly.

Suddenly, where the red dog was before, the soil trembled, followed by a bang, the magma erupted, and the hot temperature burned the soil on the ground into magma.

"Jiang Liu!!"

An angry roar came out, and the magma surged, quickly forming a human body, and the red dog appeared again.

His eyes stared straight ahead at the two people who were fighting fiercely.

"Let's watch the battle quietly here!"


Aokiji came over and said in a deep voice.

"This battle should be of great significance to them!"

The red dog's eyes sharpened: "Aokiji!"

"I also agree with what Kuzan said, maybe we shouldn't intervene in this battle."

"Also, isn't it a pretty good thing to be able to settle a legendary figure among pirates without making a move?"

After a pause, Huang Yuan stared at the two people fighting in the arena.

"The outcome will be decided soon!"

As soon as these words came out, all three of them turned serious and looked at the battle in the arena.

Staggered figures, light and shadow filled the sky, and the fierce collision drove a strong wind.

But the situation of the battle on the field is already obvious.

"Rayleigh, the king of the underworld, is about to lose!"

Aokiji said in a low voice.

Yes, the figure holding the long knife, although still fast, still reacted sharply, and the force of the attack was still strong, firmly resisting the frantic attacking Jiang Liu.

However, at this moment, his highly concentrated spirit was burning with the brilliance of life.


Every time he swung the knife, he was vomiting blood.

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