"Day Tiger!"

"Collapse Mountain Strike!"

A low voice sounded, and that figure was like a ferocious tiger descending the mountain, surrounding the tiger with energy, driving a huge wave of air, impacting, and punching loudly.

Lei Li's pupils contracted, and the long knife in his hand turned over.

"I knew you were coming!"

Knowledge-colored domineering, armed-colored domineering, and domineering-colored domineering, all blended together perfectly at this moment, all burst out, and the space they were in was distorted at this moment.

All over the body, there seemed to be colorful lights shining.

The other hand that was originally free was already holding the handle of the knife before he knew it, and his eyes were extremely sharp at this moment.

Swinging the knife, the robe on his body trembled, extremely fierce, and the aura that had been frozen to the extreme seemed to turn into a blade at this moment.

"God avoids!"

Riley spat softly.

The void rushed past like a bolt of lightning, and everyone's eyes became extremely bright.

In front of the faint Jiang Liu, another figure emerged.

Mustache, captain's hat, and a domineering aura constantly boiling on his body.


Jiang Liu murmured, with a wider smile on his face, he swung his fist suddenly, and collided with the rushing long knife, then changed direction and collided again.


The air collapsed, and the space was twisted and twisted inch by inch. Terrifying air waves, ripples, and shocks radiated towards the surrounding circles.

The yellow ape's robe shook wildly, and the strong wind brushed his scalp and flew backwards.

"What a spectacular battle!"

A deep voice sounded, and the other two voices approached, coming to Huang Yuan, also staring at the two colliding figures in the field.

"They are all the top powerhouses in the world!"

"Such arrogance makes people tremble!"

Aokiji said in a low voice.

"Is this a legendary figure?"

Akainu said lightly, a light flashed in his eyes.

The two people in the arena were surrounded by violent air currents and powerful impacts. Ordinary people could not even get close to them within a kilometer of their surroundings, and could not resist the sweeping wind and waves.

"Get into top form, Rayleigh!"

"I just don't know how long you can last in this state."

"How much happiness it brings me!"

With a big grin, Jiang Liu said out loud.

His fist collided with the long knife, and after three breaths, his figure flew out with a bang, sweeping a huge chasm on the ground, stirring up smoke all over the sky.

When everything was calm again, Lei Li's figure emerged. The corner of his mouth was bleeding, and his body seemed to be trembling, but the light in his eyes was so bright that it was dazzling.


"It really makes people's blood boil!"

Jiang Liu laughed again and stepped forward.

"Da da da!"

After three steps, his figure suddenly flew out, and after a short breath, it turned into an afterimage, which could not be seen clearly with naked eyes.

Lei Li held the knife in both hands, and kept scanning the left and right with his eyes to judge the trajectory of Jiang Liu's attack.




In the blink of an eye, the strong wind was blowing over the surface. He suddenly raised his head and looked into the sky, only to see the river roaring down again.

Rayleigh held a knife in both hands, and his eyes flashed red.

At the extreme speed, even a knowledgeable domineering man may not be able to follow Jiang Liu's attack perfectly.

"Hoo hoo!"

Breathing in slowly, Lei Li concentrated on the flickering afterimage with all his attention.

Suddenly, his figure turned around, and the long knife was pulled out from behind.

"This blow!"

"In the rear!!"


The ground exploded again, and turbulent ripples shot out in all directions. Jiang Liu's figure emerged, and a crazy smile appeared on his mouth.

"Beautiful job!"


"Perfect defense with veteran experience!"

Withdrawing his fist suddenly, his figure flickered and disappeared again, and then turned into an afterimage again.

One flash, two flashes, three flashes, in the blink of an eye, thousands of shadows of rivers appeared in front of Lei Li.

"Can you tell which one is me?"

"Even if you can judge the real body under the extreme speed movement."

"Can you resist my next punch!"

The voice came out and entered Leili's ears. When he looked at the next scene, his pupils shrank, and his heart felt extremely heavy.


The deep roar of the tiger sounded, and above the fists of thousands of rivers, there were shock waves in the shape of tigers, which were extremely ferocious.

In the next second, the tens of thousands of rivers leaped high and punched him who was standing on the ground.

"Day Tiger!"

"A Thousand Layers of Shadows!"


The roar of the tiger shook the sky, and thousands of tiger-shaped shock waves fell from the sky like meteorites.

In almost an instant, Lei Li's figure was submerged.

"call out!"

At this moment, a sharp slash shot out, followed by a sky-shaking explosion, the ground was shattered inch by inch, and huge deep pits appeared one after another.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and the air flow was condensed.

Jiang Liu looked down and accurately found the figure holding a long knife below him. After grinning, he swooped down again.

"Continue to accept the move!"


Almost instantly, he reached the top of the opponent's head and slashed down like a knife.

"Day Tiger!"

"Tiger roars!"

The robe on Lei Li's body was torn at this moment, and the corners of his mouth kept bleeding, but facing the kick, he still raised the knife.

"God avoids!"

It is another form of divine avoidance, surrounded by thunder and lightning, with a majestic momentum.


The two sides collided again, Lei Li gritted his teeth, his face became ferocious, and blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Under successive attacks, his body seemed to have reached its limit.

Chapter 142 Leave Yourself in the Old Era

The wind is roaring, the air current is howling.

The two pairs of eyes stared at each other, the long knife collided with the flesh and blood, and the electric current flashed in the middle.


The ground collapsed again, and it was already devastated.

After a few breaths, Lei Li's whole body was shaken, blood spurted out of his mouth, he flew upside down, rolling on the ground one after another.

The limit state of spiritual will does not mean that his body can still support it.

Jiang Liu's physique is too strong, no matter how many times he collides, the injuries he suffers and the internal injuries caused by the vibration will disappear instantly.

But Lei Li couldn't do it. His aging body was enduring the concussion force caused by each wave of the huge strength of the two of them.

"Is it over?"

"Capture Pluto Rayleigh!"

The red dog who was watching from a distance narrowed his eyes and walked towards here.

Rolling on the ground and flying nearly a thousand meters, Lei Li was covered in bloodstains, holding a knife in his right hand to support the ground, his whole body trembling.


Suddenly, he bent down and spit out another mouthful of blood.


"The body is almost unable to support it!"

Muttering, Rayleigh slowly stood up.

"It's really a pity."

"I thought I could last longer!"

Sighing softly, Lei Li looked down at his right hand holding the knife. The limit of his body made him use all his strength to hold the knife at this moment.

Even his hands were trembling.

Under the collision of huge forces, the resulting aftershocks naturally required extremely high physical fitness. Armed with a domineering look, it is impossible to defend against the shocking force all the time.

In particular, both of their armed domineering auras have already been cultivated to a high level, and Liuying's domineering aura can even penetrate the surface and directly attack the body.

"If I were young!"

"Sure, I can fight him for another three days and three nights!"

Riley sighed slightly.

Although the will and spirit have entered an unprecedented state, this specific soul cannot sustain it after all.

He will lose!

But what was lost was not the flaws in the battle between the two, or the fighting skills, but the loss to time and his own age.

But Reilly, as he said before, has no regrets.

People are meant to grow old! No matter how magnificent you are, once powerful, your strength will decline rapidly when you get old.

The times, after all, must be given to young people.

"Although I don't know, why are you looking for me so desperately and wanting to defeat me?"

Inhaling slowly, Lei Li forcibly stopped the trembling on his body, stepped forward, and walked away slowly.

"But the name of defeating Pluto, since you want it."

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