Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 358: Black knives in sight

  Chapter 358 Black Knife is in sight

  As early as half a year ago.

   When Adrian saw Shuangyue Niu Wan for the first time, he almost regarded him as the grown-up Sauron.

  The appearance, temperament, and even the three knives worn around their waists are almost exactly the same.

  Of course, now Adrian naturally understands that Shuangyue Niu Wan is not a three-sword style, but a relatively common two-sword style samurai.

   But this little difference does not affect the similarity between Shuangyue Niu Wan and Roronoa Sauron.

   and even Adrian once doubted whether Sauron was a descendant of the Shuangyue family and the second branch of Ling.

  After all, in the Straw Hat Pirates, Daddy Luffy is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and Daddy Sanji is the King of the Kingdom of Djerma.

   Sauron, who is also one of the three main forces, has no family background at all, and even the surname of "Roronoa" has no root at all.

  At this time, inserting a Shuangyue bloodline, it did not look so unexpected.

  Adrian quietly entered the fortress of Jiancheng and checked the children who had previously been paid in, but he did not see any boys with hair color similar to green algae.

   "It seems that Liu Suolong is really a native of the East China Sea..."

  For some reason, Adrian was a little relieved.

   "The high similarity between Shuangyue Niu Wan and Shuangyue Niu Wan should only come from the inheritance of a will or idea?"

   "However, this kind of [inheritance] is not uncommon in Hezhi."

  "I have always wondered if Kaido and Mitsuki Mita had the wrong baby with each other..."

  "Yamato not only inherited the idea of ​​Guangyue Mitian, but also kept clamoring to become'Guangyue Mitian', ignoring her Laozi's ideas.”

  "As for the Momosuke on the other side, from the inside to the outside, from the flesh to the skin, everything has become the shape of Kaido..." (Note)

  The thoughts in his mind flickered, Adrian shook his head, and threw these messy conjectures behind his head.

After    rescued the Bai Wu and Linghou of the Shuangyue family, all the trivial matters about the country of Wano were over.

  In the future, apart from brushing the cute and cute wool, there is no need to come to this country at all.

   Coming out of the fortress of Jiancheng, Adrian entered a ghostly state and quickly left the main island of the country.

Before   , the snaking green dragon was still venting its anger in the sky of the ghost island, the thunder was rolling, and the wind was howling, as if the end of the world had come.

   "It's so cute, goodbye..."


  The distance from Wano, which is deep in the New World, to the East China Sea is very far away.

  But under the extremely fast flight of the ghost body, a few days later, Adrian successfully crossed the barrier between the ocean and the mainland, and smoothly passed from the country of He to the Shuangyue Village in the East China Sea.

  In the Yixin Dojo.

  Adrian released all the members of the Shuangyue clan and the children of the other tribes from the fortress of Jiancheng, and delivered them to Master Shuangyue Koushiro.

  Shuangyue Machiko, holding the baby Guina in his arms, stood silently and looked at the "comrades" who came here from the distant Wano country.

  Sugetsuki Yasuki is negotiating with Sugetsu Koshiro about the situation of Tokai Sugetsu Village.

  And Shuangyue Niuwan stood in a corner with an angry look, as if no one wanted to take care of it, only the "Ghost Maru" licked faithfully...accompanied by his side.

  Not long after, Master Koushiro brought Shuangyue Kang's family along with him.


  Master Koushiro hesitated, with an expression that hesitated to speak.

  A long time ago, when he entrusted Adrian to pick up the Frost Moon family members from Wano Country, he asked the other party how to deal with this matter.

  After all, the Frost Moon family is loyal to the country of Won, it is hard to imagine that they will take the initiative to withdraw from the country of Won.

  At the beginning, Adrian gave the answer: "Take out all the members of Wano Country Shuangyue".

  Koshiro never thought that the other party actually operated in this way...

   "Adrian, your great kindness, the Frostmoon family will never forget it!"

  After a long time, Master Koushiro cast aside irrelevant thoughts and spoke very solemnly.

  Regardless of Adrian’s specific micromanipulation techniques, he is real for the great kindness of the Frost Moon Clan!

   Adrian waved his hand cheerfully, and said very modestly: "It's not enough to raise your hand."

  Hearing this, Shuangyue Kang's mouth twitched slightly.

  It’s really a “hand up” effort. The other party just raised his finger, and Niu Wan fell directly to the ground...

   glanced at Shuangyue Kang's family, and then glanced at Shuangyue Niu Wan who was still sulking over there.

   Adrian pondered for a moment, but still persuaded: "Master Koushiro, I don't know if I should say something or not."

   "Please speak."

   "I know that both His Royal Highness Kang Family and His Highness Niu Maru are very reluctant to leave Wano Country."

   Adrian said very tactfully.

   "But now that we have come to the East China Sea, let's focus more on how to cultivate the next generation."

  The voice paused slightly, and Adrian raised his voice a little, so that the Shuangyue Niu Wan over there could hear more clearly.

  "Don’t forget, the prophecy about the country of Wano after twenty years!"

   It took time to rescue Frost Moon’s bloodline from the Kingdom of Peace. If these people hurriedly wanted to form a fleet and counterattack the Kingdom of Peace after he left.

  So what did Adrian and Master Koushiro do, are they not all in vain?

  What's more, there are only some old, weak, sick and disabled in Frost Moon’s bloodline.

  Shuangyue Niu Wan's strength is lost. The Shuangyue Kang family is only proficient in government affairs, and the rest are dolls who are not familiar with world affairs.

  I want to go to the country of Wano, just to send food to the black charcoal snake!

  No, it’s a snack after delivery!

  Although Adrian has a tactful tone, both Master Koushiro and Shuangyue Kang's family understood what the other party meant.

  Even Shuangyue Niu Wan over there let out a slightly dissatisfied grunt.

  After another little chat.

  Master Koushiro sends out a dinner invitation to Adrian.

   Adrian did not refuse this, and he readily accepted.

  After drinking and eating, Adrian took a rest in Shuangyue Village for another night to adjust the mental exhaustion of the long journey in the past few days.

During   , Master Koushiro also handed over to Adrian the previously promised family sword-making technique.

  A prompt comes from the panel.

  【【Shuangyue Family】has been completed! 】

  【You get 1000w experience points! You get [Black Knife Refining Method]! 】

  Just by the candlelight in the room, Adrian flipped through this simple and simple manual, and remembered the contents one by one.

  [Black Knife Refining Method] is just a knowledge-based ability, not like a general skill scroll.

  Getting the [Black Knife Refining Method] does not mean that you can use it to refine a black knife in an instant.

  Adrian is going to spend some time to refine the Demon Sword·Second Generation Guitou into his own black sword!

    Comic Chapter 1025, titled [Shuanglong Picture].

     The general content is that Momanosuke, who is [growing up], becomes a large red dragon and fights Kaido with Luffy (monkey) and Yamato (puppy).

     According to Momotaro’s legend, there is still a chicken short here, but I don’t know which chicken will come.

     Xiao Ma's phoenix corresponds to a chicken, but as he approaches the latest episode, he has run out of energy and exits.

     Kuzan also has the title of "chicken", [Qing Zhi], but there is no sign of it coming.

     Now there are members of CP0 hiding in Wano Kuni, and these people don’t know what they are doing.

     and it’s also difficult to tell whether Oda will follow the story of [Momotaro] to show the story of Wa no country.



  (End of this chapter)

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