Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 357: Fruit for all

  Chapter 357 Fruits for all

   Ah, this...

  Is this the fruit of the legendary "white-eyed wolf"?

   Adrian blinked, lowered his head, and looked at the Devil Fruit of the Eudemons Species with icy blue patterns in his hands.

  Once upon a time, there was a wretched sunglasses director who wore a yellow plaid suit once said.

   "The monster species is rarer than the natural type."

   Adrian silently calculates.

  There are 11 natural devil fruits in the original work.

  And there are only 10 fruits of Eudemons. (Note)

  According to this calculation, the Eudemons are indeed rarer than the natural ones~

  It’s just that, this fantasy beast species·Dakou True God form...

  Adrian shook his head silently in his heart.

  Eudemons species of Devil Fruit is indeed in the target category of [Devil Fruit Fusion Card].

   But let’s forget this monster species·Oguchi True God form!

  If I remember correctly, the Eudemons-Beast-Beast True God form, in addition to the basic physical fitness bonus of the animal system, only exhibits the special ability "freezing air".

  Compared with the blue dragon fruit that calls the wind and calls rain, controls natural disasters, and manipulates the floating flame cloud, the ability gap is not a star and a half!

  Even the phoenix fruit is stronger than the fruit of True God!

  Really thinking of the pineapple head Xiao Ma...

   Forget it, I still don’t want to.

  Phoenix Marco, in addition to his fate, seems to have no hard record that is too reasonable.

  During the war, he was almost beaten into a silly punch by the bad old man of Cap. With the extraordinary recovery ability of the phoenix, his head had to be bandaged for a period of time after the end of the war.

all in all.

  Even if it is a rare Eudemons species of Devil Fruit, their respective strengths are also divided into superior and inferior!

not to mention.

  "Oguchi True God" is still the [Patron God] in the legend of Wano Country, and is worshipped almost as a holy beast by the people of Wano Country!

  One to say one.

  If Adrian is allowed to merge with the Eudemons Species and True God Form, the increase in strength will be very weak, not to mention, it will be inexplicable.

  In any case, it is also a very rare Eudemons species.

   Adrian still reluctantly accepted it, and at the same time increased his reserve of Devil Fruits to six.

  Seeing that "Mr. Momoa" took the devil fruit, whether it was Shuangyue Niuwan or Shuangyue Kang's family, they were relieved.

  Eudemons Species·Oguchi True God is indeed very meaningful and important to the country of Wazaki and the Frost Moon family.

  Unfortunately, based on what "Mr. Momoa" has done to Wano Country and many families, the kindness they owe to each other is too much!

  Zhien Illustrated Report, but one of the unforgettable spirits of the samurai!

  Even even if the Eudemons Species: True God Oguchi form was sent, Shuangyue Niuwan felt that it was not enough, but fortunately, "Mr. Momoya" did not dislike it.

  After harvesting the fruits of the Eudemons, Adrian looked at the two Frosty Moon names.

  "I wonder if the two of you have other trivial matters? If there are, it is best to deal with them at this time."

   Adrian said bluntly.

  "After leaving Wano country this time, at the age of two people, it is estimated that they will bid farewell to their homeland for a lifetime."

  Shuangyue Kangjia is 51 years old, and Shuangyue Niu Wan is almost the same as the former.

  Desperate. These two are of the blood of Shuangyue. According to the physical fitness of ordinary people, it is not a few years before retirement at this age.

  The two Daimyo Wanoguchi glanced at each other.

   "I still want to wait and continue lurking in—"

  Dream Phantom·Slumbering Curse.


  Shuangyue Niu Wan, who was seriously injured, rushed to the street.

   Seeing this, Shuangyue Kang's family wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  At this moment, he clearly felt the firm determination of "Mr. Momoa" to take them out of Wano Country.

"I also--"

  Adrian raised his index finger, and a white ghost emerged from his fingertips. He waved his arm and floated in the air, looking at Shuangyue Kang's house with a smile.

   "Mr. Momoa, this..."

  Shuangyue Kangjia gave a wry smile.

  As the blood of Shuangyue and the same daimyo, if he and Niu Wan leave the country of He at this time, what is the difference with carrying the ancestor and forgetting the ancestor?

  But the problem is that Mr. Momoa is indeed out of kindness again.

  In fact, the main reason is that it can’t beat...

  Since I can’t resist, I can only enjoy it silently-endure it.

   Dealing with politically oriented Frostmoon people is more comfortable than dealing with Frostmoon people by force.

   Adrian dissipated from the ghost of the dream, and pointed to Shuangyue Niumaru. After the samurai daimyo fell asleep, he still did not forget the famous knife [Autumn Water] in his hand.

   "His Royal Highness, this famous sword Qiushui, just bring it out of the country of peace, is there no problem?"

  【Dayewu·Autumn Water】, it is the national treasure of Hezhi, which is almost known to everyone.

  In the original work, Moonlight Moria stole Frostmoon Ryoma's body and the famous sword Qiushui at the same time, causing an uproar throughout the country.

  At this time, if Shuangyue Niu Wan brought [Autumn Water] out of the country, maybe...

  Shuangyue Kang's family sighed, "Today's Hezhi Country, no one cares about [Autumn Water] anymore."

   Adrian was speechless.

  It makes sense.

  Except for the Kaiheitan clan, the top traditional families in Wano are almost extinct.

  The rest of the people still need to worry day and night about the terror reign of the beasts and black coals. Where can they spare time to worry about this national treasure of Hezhi buried in the northern cemetery?

   "Moreover, if you don't take Qiushui away, maybe Kaido and Dashe will come to search for wealth." Shuangyue Kang's family said again, "That would put these two treasures in dust."

  Shuangyue Kang's two words, again caused a burst of associations in Adrian.

   If there is no accident, the Eudemons Breed, True God of the Mouth just now, should be the biggest gain of Kaido's battle.

   was eaten by his hapless child quite unexpectedly, or because of the strange reason of "hungry"...

  At this moment, a rustling sound came from the edge of the northern cemetery.

  A ray of red light flashed in Adrian’s eyes, "A...fox?"

The snow-white crocodile fox ran from the edge of the pasture. It has pure white snow-like hair. The limbs, pointed ears and eyebrows are all showing a gorgeous red color. There is a layer of exuberant mane around the neck. The foxtail behind him is fluffy like clouds in the sky.

  The appearance is quite amazing!

  Step, step...

Stepped out in two steps, this beautiful-looking crocodile fox suddenly changed its body shape, its snow-like hair turned into a white cloak, its body size increased several times, and it became a tall, burly, fat bald head with a full chin. The thick black beard of Sicha.

  What's so special...

  I was blinded!

  Adrian resisted the urge to hack this horrible fox to death.

  Not surprisingly, this husky fox should be the partner of Shuangyue Niu Wan, an animal capable person who has eaten the [Human Fruit·Eudemons·Daijindao Form]!

  That's right!

  The most common fruit and human form, but the rarest!

   But then again, how many phantom beasts are there in Wano Country...

   is almost in groups!

  Shuangyue Kang's family naturally knew the visitor, and said hello, "Onimaru, you are here too."

   "His Royal Highness, what happened to Niumaru-sama?" Guimaru subconsciously looked at the only outsider present, his eyes gradually showing fierce light, "Is it this person..."


  The partner of Shuangyue Niumaru who just appeared on the street.

  "This fox, do you want to take it out of the country together?"

  Adrian put his fingers away and looked at Shuangyue Kang's family with a calm expression.

   "You and I know the status of Your Highness Niu Maru. Although his actions are unobstructed, he has no strength."

  I was in a state of exhausted oil and light, and he was fighting Kaido, who was at his peak, and he was not dead on the spot. Now he can walk on the ground, which is already considered Shuangyue Niu Wan's fate!

  Unlike the other two samurai daimyos, the two dragons who don’t know each other can only spend the rest of their lives in a wheelchair.

   "I think your Highness Niumaru, it is better to need a guard."

   "After all, the minds of the samurai are more oriented. If on the way to the East China Sea, His Royal Highness Ushimaru has to return to the country of Wonomaru, I can't stop it, and it's not easy to vent others."

   "I think this monster species of fox is quite suitable."

   Adrian said very seriously.

   "His Royal Highness Kang Family, what do you think?"

  Shuangyue Yasuya: ...Mr. Momoa, you are right.

  After some sincere and incomparable reason to convince people.

  Adrian successfully incorporated the three related members of the Frostmoon family into the Fortress of Fortress.

   "Master Koushiro will thank me, right?"

   "But I didn't expect that this sword [Qiu Shui], going around, left the country of Hezhi and sent it directly to Donghai Shuangyue Village."

   "Given the high similarity between Shuangyue Niumaru and Liu Suolong, maybe Suolong will directly inherit this famous sword from the samurai daimyo..."

   "Huh? Forgot to read it, among the group of children who had been put into the fortress of Jiancheng, are there any green algae heads?"

    Thank you very much "あいし" deacon for the 1666 book coin reward! !

     Fourth more.

     still owes 36 more.

     11 natural series, including: smoke fruit, burnt fruit, rustle fruit, thunder fruit, frozen fruit, dark fruit, sparkling fruit, rock berry fruit, marsh fruit, gas fruit, snow and snow fruit.

     10 phantom beast species, including: Big Buddha Fruit, Blue Dragon Fruit, Immortal Bird Fruit, Big Mouth True God Fruit, Yaqi Big Snake Fruit, Nine-Tailed Fox Fruit, Vampire Fruit, Tanuki Fruit, Ye Fruit, Darudao Fruit.

     In addition, I personally don’t think that Sauron is the [Blood] of the Frostmoon family, at best it can only be regarded as inheriting the [will] of the Frostmoon family.



  (End of this chapter)

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