Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 322: Fierce battle (fourth more)

  Chapter 322 Fierce Battle (fourth more)

  Among the many famous swords in this sea, the only Western sword-shaped weapon that Adrian knows is the famous sword [Griffin] of unknown grade that will be held by Shanks in the future!

  Considering the strength and status of the white lion Gu Liang, as well as the expected growth trajectory of Shanks in the future, the probability that the Western sword in this guy's hand is "Griffin" is extremely high!

  However, it was beyond Adrian's expectation.

  "Do you know the name of this sword?"

  White Lion Gu Liang was puzzled, a little puzzled, and couldn't help asking rhetorically.

   "Obviously I just got this sword not long ago! I found it from a treasure on an uninhabited desert island."

  Hear this.

  Adrian couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

  This wave of carelessness!

  A little loss of image...

  But obviously [All Things Breath] told him that this is clearly a good sword of extremely high rank!

  This is from the intuition of the swordsman, there can be no mistake!

  It’s impossible...

  One day in the future, when Shanks defeated the white lion Gu Liang and conquered the spoils, he did not know the name of this sword.

  Considering the abilities of the white lion Guliang, so simply use "Griffin (griffin instead?

  It’s not really like that...

  With Shanks’s unrelenting character, it’s really possible to do something like this...

  A series of conjectures quickly flashed through Adrian's mind, but in order to recover the loss of image caused by the problem just now, he still maintained a cold face throughout the process.

   Standing in the sky, Adrian stretched out his arm, and the pale white light sword in his palm fell apart one by one, turning into scattered white light spots.

  Along with ripples in the void, the Demon Sword II Ghost Sword was slowly held in his hand by Adrian, and the flickering Demon Sword pointed in the direction of the white lion Gu Liang.

   "Say less gossip!"

  The voice just fell.

  Adrian is holding a demon sword, and his body is transformed into an illusory shadow that is almost imperceptible to the naked eye, and he flies in the direction of the white lion Gu Liang.

   See it.

  The white lion Gu Liang shook his wings and flew up likewise. With every flap of his wings, there was a noisy gust of wind.


  The two domineering arms covered with jet black color collided together, and fierce and unparalleled sparks burst out continuously between the blades.

at this time.

  The white lion Gu Liang actually smiled. He held the hilt of the unknown Western sword with his right hand and spread his left hand into a palm shape. After abruptly contracted, he slammed out again.

  "Lion reach out!"

  Adrian frowned slightly, and the blade of the demon sword ghostly fell quickly along the blade of the unknown Western sword. With a harsh rubbing sound, a series of shiny sparks were rubbed between the two good knives.

  The Demon Sword Guito successfully resisted the front of its attack route before the white lion Guliang’s palm came.

  White Lion Gu Liang clenched his right hand into a fist, placed the unknown Western sword in front of him, did not swing the sword, but directly blasted an unfancy straight fist with a special name of the move.

  "Flying lion beats white ghosts!"

   Adrian's face turned dark, and he instantly used Onimusha's abilities, and disappeared.

next moment.

  Several blue rays of light flashed again in the   Mist Theater, and dense blue light cannons flickered out of the rays, shooting like a meteor to the white lion Gu Liang in the sky!

  I thought you were really a swordsman, so I wanted to have a close swordsmanship confrontation with you.

  As a result, I didn’t expect that you guy holding a western sword is like a heifer swinging on a swing.

   Niubi come over, Niubi past, there is nothing practical, all are in the wind.

  The result is still a fist!

   Wrapped in the armed and domineering fist, collided with the phantom energy cannon shining with shining blue light, and once again scattered it on the spot.

And during this short chat, the deep wound on the chest of the white lion Gu Liang, which was chopped by the light sword, has been initially healed, and a thin layer of blood scab has grown on the surface, at least not. Continue to ooze blood.

  The recovery ability of the ancient species of the animal family is so amazing!

  Adrian manipulates the Fog Theater and continuously fires nether energy bombardment at the white lion Gu Liang, while predicting the future, the domineering and domineering constantly perceive the opponent's movement trajectory.

next moment.

The surface of the demon sword in Adrian's hand was instantly covered with a layer of pale spiritual pressure. The length of the blade suddenly doubled, and it blasted violently toward the place where Gu Liang was about to fall. Giant sword pressure.


Facing this familiar move, Gu Liang, the unavoidable white lion, simply laughed. He retracted his sword, and at the same time raised his right fist, the space on the surface of the fist was faintly distorted, and then the whole body muscle strength was concentrated on the peak of the fist and moved towards That violent sword struck out a punch!

   "Lion Meteor Destruction!"

  The moment the two powerful forces hit each other, a devastating explosion occurred in the sky, and even the sea below and the clouds in the sky were shaken by it.

  Adrian held the hilt of the second generation of ghosts in both hands, and a scarlet light burst from his eyes, a more violent and more concentrated shock wave of sword pressure than before, accompanied by a piercing roar again to the white lion Gu Liang.

  The fierce and unmatched Reiatsu Weiguo blasted right in front of the white lion Gu Liang. Even though he tried his best to vibrate the gray-white wings behind him, his body was still pushed back by the huge impact.

Adrian enters a ghostly state and sprints to the position of the white lion Gu Liang at ultra-high speed. He tightly holds the hilt of the demon sword with both hands. The knife is wrapped in black and white of armed dominance and spiritual pressure. The light, wrapped in an unparalleled momentum, violently swung the long sword towards the white lion Gu Liang.

  White Lion Gu Liang exhaled a turbid breath, his right arm muscles instantly bulged to the limit state, and once again blasted a simple and unpretentious punch.

  "Lion planet burns!"

   Adrian swayed a storm-like fine stab, and at the same time assisted in predicting future sights and sounds and phantom cannon attacks.

  And the white lion Gu Liang also constantly waved his fists, relying on his own combat experience to constantly capture the opponent's swordsmanship flaws and counterattack, but occasionally he was hit by the indefensible phantom energy cannon, adding some new injuries to his body.

  Although these physical injuries are basically not worth mentioning for the ancient animal species, the white lion Guliang can still perceive the needle-like pain in those scars.

   does not originate from the body, but from mental pain.

  The scale of victory has leaned towards Adrian little by little.

  Intense close combat lasted for about half an hour.

  The dark clouds in the entire sky have been washed away by the aftermath of the violent battle, revealing the clear blue sky behind and the brilliant and brilliant sun.


  White Lion Gu Liang was once again severely chopped out by the spirit pressure version of the demon sword ghost, flying upside down in the air for a distance of tens of meters, relying on the constantly waving wings to barely maintain his figure.

   "What a troublesome resilience, animal type ability person!"

   Adrian frowned slightly.

  Fighting with opponents close to the 100-level limit, and it is the most dangerous close combat, which is also not a very simple matter for him.

  Although the dual attributes of Limin have broken one thousand, it still has no advantage compared to Gu Liang, who has an increase in griffon fruit.

   "The endurance fighter with high attack and defense like this is really disgusting!"

   Adrian thought to herself.

   "It's better to kite him to death!"

In the void, the pale white Thousand-Handed Buddha like a giant stepped forward and looked kindly at the white lion Gu Liang in the distant sky. He stretched out thousands of arms, thousands of palms, every palm. In the palm of his hand, a azure blue nether energy light suddenly burst out.

   Thousands of palms of the Great White Buddha suddenly released thousands of deep and terrifying phantom energy cannons, swaying a glorious road that obscured the sky and sun, and blasted at the white lion Gu Liang on the opposite side.

   "This and just now are completely two specifications of the attack!"

  The white lion Gu Liang’s pupils shrank slightly, shouting in disbelief in his heart.

  He swiftly waved the gray-white wings behind him, trying to escape the full-screen attack of the White Thousand-Handed Buddha.

  But even Polusalino, who has the ability to sparkle fruit, can't avoid this long-planned full-screen attack when sprinting at full speed.

  Only a white griffin that can only flap on a pair of fleshy wings can escape the "Thousand Finger Mountain" of the white Thousand-Handed Buddha?

Gu Liang, the white lion, almost used the strength to eat milk, and flew towards the edge of the glorious road paved by the mountains and seas. But after all, he was still too slow. He just flew only half the distance and was seized. Can bombard the body and interrupt the flight path.


  The first Nether Energy Cannon hit the white lion Gu Liang's body, blasting the horrible half-man and half-griffon body, retreated slightly with a tremor, and interrupted the flight.

  Boom boom boom—

  The second and third notes following it...

  White Lion Gu Liang is like a precisely locked moving target, and even the subsequent phantom cannons continuously blasted his body, pushing him to fly backwards.

  I saw Gu Liang, the white lion, closing his eyes tightly, protecting the most vulnerable part of his body, and at the same time, a dark and strong armed color appeared on his body, constantly resisting the bombardment of the phantom cannon.

  The entire sky was shrouded in dense violent explosions and dazzling firelight.

   The cruel and gorgeous explosion, connected into a dense cloud of light and rain, reflected the sky of the sea area of ​​Ait Wall, and the violent shock wave moved the waves on the sea.

The crew of the Pirate Group on the White Lion Head Pirate Ship looked up to the sky in horror, unable to make a sound for a long time, and couldn't believe what they were seeing.

  The invincible king of beasts and the lord of the sky—Gryphon in their eyes, was so easily crushed and beaten by the opponent, and he didn't even have the ability to fight back at all!

Some of the more timid crew members of the White Lion Pirates tried to call in horror, persuading everyone to hurry up and leave the sea, but they found that the sound of their tearing throats was far more than the explosion and explosion in the sky. With the sound of impact and collision, others couldn't hear what they were talking about. They could only see the ugly gesture that was so frightened.

  After a long time.

The attack frequency of   Nether Energy Cannon gradually slowed down.

  The miserable body of the white lion Gu Liang was exposed to Adrian's sight.

  The bombardment of hundreds of phantom cannons, even those with the ability to plant devil fruits in the ancient animal system cannot completely ignore it.

At this time, the white lion Gu Liang continued to see blood leaking out of his body. The wounds originally cut by Adrian with a sword further spread. The huge scars of the bones can be seen deeply, and the beating inside can even be seen. Internal organs!


  White Lion Gu Liang snorted, and a large amount of blood spurted out between his mouth and nose. He waved some broken griffon wings behind him, his body swayed, as if he would fall into the sky in the next second.

  Pretends to be like something!

  Adrian put his arms around his chest, waiting coldly.

  Even though the white lion Gu Liang still looked like he was seriously injured and died soon.

  But in fact, Adrian can still feel the vigor and vitality that resembles an active volcano inside his body.

  It's really amazing physique!

  The griffon fruit of this guy...

   Isn’t it an awakening state?

  (End of this chapter)

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