Chapter 321 Griffin

  The lion-body eagle head is a griffin.

  The white lion Gu Liang in the animalized state is obviously more adapted to the huge pair of wings behind him. This is due to the instinct of the body.

  "The lion flies in the sky!"

  I saw the white griffin gently shake its wings twice, and its burly and sturdy body moved flexibly and neatly in the mid-air, successfully avoiding the wide-ranging attacks of Reiatsu and Weiguo.

  Lingya·Weiguo blasted towards the sea below without any reduction.


  The sound of a violent explosion came from the surface of the sea, and the extremely violent giant shock wave instantly blasted an abyssal crater with a diameter of half a hundred meters.

   "This is Charlotte Lingling's move, right?"

  The sharp eyes of the white griffin stared at Adrian, while speaking, the eagle-like hard beak did not affect its vocalization at all, but its facial expression looked lifelike.

  As the captain of the White Lion Pirate Group, Gu Liang naturally had many conflicts with other pirate forces, including of course the BIGMOM Pirate Group led by Charlotte Lingling.

  At this time, the White Lion Pirate Group still occupies the sea area of ​​Ait Vol, which is enough to prove the strength of this Pirate Group!

   Adrian is not interested in explaining the source of his moves ability to the enemy.

  Looking at the majestic white griffin, a touch of admiration flashed in his eyes, and then he turned into a calm state.

  The white griffin masters the flying ability, and the extremely high speed makes the threat of the prestige invisibly reduced.

   Adrian's thoughts are like electricity, and he quickly finds a more suitable attack method.

   With a wave of his right arm, the white ghosts of Yuntun Wuji jumped out of the void, forming a huge amphitheater in a short period of time.

  White Ghost·Mist Theater!

  The next moment, dots of bluish light burst into every corner of the Fog Theater, and the Nether Energy Cannon burst out from the Fog Theater like a torrent.

  The magnificent blue color almost occupies the entire sky!

  "Gryphon **** its wings and flies!"

  In the face of such a powerful attack, Gu Liang, the white lion, did not care about it. There was a scarlet light flashing in his eyes, and he was constantly perceiving the direction of the attack.

  At the same time, the huge wings on his back flapped quickly, like a very flexible fish, shuttled and rounded among the dense rain of phantom cannons.

  Adrian did not hurriedly predict the movement trajectory of the White Lion Guliang in advance, and at the same time manipulated the Fog Theater to continuously attack the White Lion Guliang.

  Speed ​​type players, it is not that they have not played before!

   And compared to Polusalino, who can continuously launch flash cannon attacks while on the move.

  The white lion Gu Liang, who is obviously only capable of close hand-to-hand combat, is inferior to some extent.

  Under the constant attack of the Nether Energy Cannon, Gu Liang kept flying in the sky.

  At first, facing the premature interception attack of the unknown prophet, Gu Liang also behaved a little caught off guard and restrained, but after he successfully became familiar with the attack frequency, the dodge action became much more proficient.

   Just like this, while firing the cannon, while dodging, the time passed by about half an hour.

  Gu Liang still didn't show a trace of fatigue, he was still full of energy, and even in the process of every dodge, he continued to report the names of his moves.

   Adrian also has a relaxed and unhurried expression.

  Animal Devil Fruit's bonus to physical fitness, basic resistance, physical strength recovery speed, etc. is terrifying.

  But the use of the power of the ghost fruit has always been done through the consumption of intelligence.

  At this time, Adrian's intelligence attribute has exceeded two thousand points. This is a number that looks like a myth in the eyes of ordinary people.

  When it comes to consumption, Adrian is not afraid of anyone!

  Furthermore, the trial point is raised at this time, which is different from the previous battle with Polusalino.

  If you can play for a few days, Adrian will be more enjoyable.

  Unknowingly, the time passed by another half day.

  The white lion Gu Liang who has been dodge seems to feel a little boring. With a sudden wave of his huge wings, while avoiding the phantom cannon, he is also constantly narrowing the distance with the white ghost.

  He originally wanted to rely on the ability of the animal fruit to survive the white ghost, but he did not expect that the other party's battery life seemed more terrible than him!

  White Lion Gu Liang didn't want to fight to the point of boring to compete for the endurance of both sides.

  Let's start close combat!


  The white lion Gu Liang once again flapped his wings and flew closer.

  After putting off the gun for a long time, Adrian also looked forward to the new name of the white lion Gu Liang, and simply pretended not to find it, and waited for the arrival of the white lion Gu Liang.

  When the distance between the two is less than ten meters.

  The white lion Guliang's sturdy limbs slammed on the air, while waving his wings, the speed suddenly increased by a small amount.

  "The angry lion moves forward!"

   is still the name of the moves of the Lion series!

   Adrian was speechless in his heart, he raised his right hand, a azure light particle was condensed in his palm, closed the burst and entered the single-shot state.


  The dull-sounding Nether Energy Cannon suddenly turned into a mighty blue beam of light, crashing into the body of the white lion Gu Liang.

  At such a close distance, even a white griffon who is good at flying can't dodge the swift attack of the Phantom Cannon cleanly.

  A ruthless color flashed in the eyes of Gu Liang, the white lion, and he instantly turned into a half-orc state, his right hand like a lion's claw suddenly clenched into a fist, the dark and strong armed color covering it, and then he blasted out boldly.

  "Lion Meteor Punch!"

  Two equally powerful forces collided in mid-air, and there was a terrifying explosion in an instant. Invisible air waves spread, and even the thick dark clouds in the sky were dispersed a lot.

  However, Gu Liang, the White Lion, is still close to the top 100 extreme players.

  The ordinary Zhengquan with the pretty name of the move, actually resisted the attack of the phantom energy cannon, and broke it up.

next moment.

  The white lion Gu Liang fluttered his wings and flew and came to Adrian's side.

  He raised both fists at the same time, and the furry claws showed a dark and domineering armed color, and then he blasted out several punches one after another.

Nearly afterimages of fists continue to explode in the void. With the addition of the animal demon fruit, the white lion Guliang's punch speed has even exceeded the speed of sound, and the fist wind blasted through a large number of white sonic booms in the air. !

  "Lion shooting stars hit!"

  A pale aura lightsaber was condensed in the right palm of Adrian, red light bloomed in his eyes, and he quickly waved the aura lightsaber in his hand, constantly facing the attack of the white lion Gu Liang.

   bang bang bang ——

  The huge roar caused by the collision of forces almost resounded.

   Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, the surface of the misty theater that had fallen into silence once again shone with faint blue rays.

  The fierce Nether Energy Cannons attacked from all directions, accurately and precisely, hitting the body of the white lion Gu Liang!

  The white lion Gu Liang's figure crooked, and the successive lion meteors even slowed down.

  In such a swift battle, this half-beat delay is enough to turn into an important weight to change the balance of battle wins and losses!

  Red light flashed in Adrian's eyes, and the sharp and unmatched Reinforced lightsaber broke through the blockade of the lion meteor burst, and blasted directly on the chest of the white lion Gu Liang!

  The white lion Gu Liang was slashed and flew below by the strength of the light saber. After flying hundreds of meters, he barely swung his wings behind him to stabilize his figure in the air.

  Looking carefully, his chest and abdomen have been cut by a light sword with a deep visible bone scar, but the surrounding flesh and blood are constantly squirming, and it is slowly healing!

  This is the powerful resilience brought by the ancient species of the animal family!


  White Lion Gu Liang coughed out a mouthful of blood, wiped the corners of his mouth carelessly, and then drew out the saber around his waist and pointed it at Adrian.

   "White Ghost, your swordsmanship is not bad! Come again!"

  Adrian was preparing to take advantage of the victory, but when he saw the Western sword drawn by the white lion Gu Liang, his movements suddenly stopped.


  (End of this chapter)

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