Chapter 315

  Time passed quietly.

   Soon, Adrian got most of the intelligence information he wanted to know from Stucci’s narration.

  No more opportunities to show Stutsi.

  Adrian directly cast the dream ghost·Slumbering Curse, and instantly sent the happy street queen who was hesitant to talk and was about to sell another wave of miserables into his dreamland.

  Only hearing a bang, the fragile Stusi also fell to the ground instantly and fell into a state of lethargy.

   didn't wake up Xiu Kitt in the first place to confirm the truthfulness of the intelligence that Stutsi had just said.

  By corroborating the original information obtained before, Adrian believes that even if Stutsi’s words are false, there are definitely not many.

  He sat on the sofa, meditating on what Stutsy said, and using this to analyze the strength of the world government.

"According to Stucci’s description, her own strength is not enough to serve as a CP0 captain-level role. With reference to Stucci’s level, that is to say, the level of CP0 captains responsible for the security work of the five old stars. All are above level 90!"

  "As for the CP0's total length and the second commander, who are more than these captains, at least they should be level 95 characters, and it is quite possible to even exceed the 100th level!"

   "As for the field marshal who has never heard of, the strength is also very strong..."

   "Counting the navy's air, warring states, Karp, and Zefa, the world government at this time has at least seven top combat powers!"

  "This still excludes those with unknown abilities, those with weird fruit abilities, Dr. Begapunk whose knowledge has surpassed the world for five hundred years, as well as the five elder stars with unknown strength, and the one sitting on the empty throne-Yim!"

   "It really deserves to be the world government that has ruled the sea for eight hundred years!"

   Adrian shook his head and sighed silently.

   Immediately, he used his ability to awaken Xiu Kitt who was sleeping.

  And this Mr. Fluffy immediately confessed all the information he had without reservation.

  Xiu Kitt's content is not much more than what Stutsy said, most of which are repetitive content.

  And this also confirms that the "Prisoner's Dilemma" does work!

In the words of   Xiu Kitt, the only thing that makes Adrian feel a little interested is that the army of the world government also has the presence of "army generals"!

   "What are the general strengths of the army generals you mentioned?"

   Adrian touched his chin and asked with interest.

  Admiral of the Navy is the highest combat power of the world government and navy headquarters. There is no doubt about this official appointment.

  Then this "army general", who has never heard of it, is worthy of fun in terms of strength.

   "I am not very clear about this."

  Xiu Kitt behaved and told the truth.

  "The scope of CP0's work does not overlap much with the army, and personnel from both sides rarely have contact. I only know that the army, like the navy, has established a headquarters marshal and three generals."

   Adrian thought slightly.

  According to the formula that the field marshal is equivalent to the admiral of the navy, then the admiral actually corresponds to the lieutenant general of the navy headquarters?

Do not.

  The strength of the lieutenant admiral is too uneven, the strong is too strong, the weak is too weak.

  So it can roughly correspond to the "candidate of generals"?

  Without tangling for too long, Adrian awakens Stutsi again.

  As soon as he woke up, Stutsy looked directly at the location of Xiu Kitt, feeling very nervous.

  While he was aware of his gaze, Xiu Kitt also looked at her, and the two eyes intertwined and collided with fierce sparks in the air.

  This guy/woman! !

  "Miss Stucci, Mr. Hugh Kitt."

   Adrian suddenly spoke, and immediately attracted the attention of the two CP0s.

   "Congratulations to both of you, your testimony is basically the same."

  Huh! X2

  Two clear sounds of relief sounded simultaneously in the room.

  However, Bai Youling's next sentence caused the two to tremble again.

   Adrian said: "But unfortunately, in this way, I can't tell whether what you said is true or not!"

   "I can guarantee that everything I say is absolutely not false!"

"me too!"

   Stushy and Hugh Kitt said one after another.

   "It's a pity that your guarantee is not worth half of Pele to me! And due to a lot of repetition, I think it is enough to leave only one person."

   Adrian shook his head, then took a golden coin from his pocket and placed it on the second section of his index finger.

  "Now, let’s see who the lucky one is!"


  With a soft sound, the coin flipped dozens of times in mid-air.

  Adrian reached out and grabbed the coin, spreading it out in his palm.

   "Congratulations, Mr. Hugh Kitt, the divination shows that you are not dead today."

   Adrian smiled slightly, snapped his fingers, and a semi-illusory white ghost emerged from the void.

  Mini ghost, withered and pierced!

next moment.

  In the grief and indignation in Stushi's eyes, the white ghost penetrated Xiu Kitt's chest straight.

   accompanied by a roar.

  Xiu Kitt's chest exploded directly into a bright blood flower, scattered blood beads scattered all over, the excitement of the rest of his life was completely solidified on his face, and his body fell directly to the ground.

  The black hairs on his body grew wildly for a moment, and then slowly contracted into his body, returning to their original ordinary appearance.

  "Miss Stutsi, do you have a taboo pleasure of struggling crazily on the edge of death?"

  Adrian looked at the Queen of Happy Street jokingly.

  Stuci’s towering chest undulated violently for a while, and the extremely delicate face looked a little inexplicable at this time.

  At that moment, she really thought she would die in the hands of Bai Youling!

  Adrian drew [the brave short knife] at will, threw it into Stutsi’s arms, and awakened the absent Queen of Happy Street.

   "Pick up this short knife, Miss Stucci."

   Adrian said in a relaxed tone, and at the same time he picked up two video phone worms, one on the left and the other on the right.

  By the way, these two video phone worms are built in the room.

  It is indeed a luxury hotel on Happy Street!

  Camera tools are available!

  Subjective perspective, isn’t this coming? !

  Director Adrian held up two phone bugs at the same time and gave instructions with a smile.

  "Then, insert it into the wound on Mr. Kitt's chest."

  As the queen of Happy Street, Stutsi’s value is obviously far higher than that of the unknown CP0 member Xiu Kitt.

  It’s not impossible to kill a sister to prove the truth.

  But there is still some waste.

  It would be better to take this to see if Stutsi can be used for his own use, even if it is coerced!

  After all, Adrian is still very enthusiastic about the terrorist intelligence gathering ability hidden behind Happy Street!

  It's a pity that the more open and bold ways of coercion cannot be written here.

  Otherwise, Adrian will have to shoot a few photobooks featuring Happy Street!

  (End of this chapter)

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