Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 314: Prisoner's dilemma

  Chapter 314 Prisoner's Dilemma


  Are there women in this city?

  Under the verbal and demeanor of the professional, veteran and veteran Stutsi.

   Adrian almost didn't say the classic famous quote by Cao Thief.


   Although some cars look new on the surface, they are actually scary with a high number of kilometers.

  This coquettish bitch, Stushi wants to seduce me?

  Who knows how many nutrients have been buried under her wild flower?

   There is a famous saying, “The tree-lined path you yearn for is covered with white dew every night and early morning”——

   does not seem appropriate.

  "Some land looks very fertile, but it is the result of many people fertilizing together."

  This sentence is more appropriate.

not to mention.

  I don’t want the big wave of pure and beautiful mermaid sisters on the fish island.

  You have to come and taste the exclusive honey-glazed cheese of the Queen of Happy Street.

  This is a stupid thing that a brutal man would do?

   Adrian gave Stutsi a cold look in his eyes.

  Sen Han's gaze, which seemed to come from the Arctic Icefield, successfully persuaded the Queen of Happy Street to show off the chicken behavior.

   Then, Adrian methodically stated his real needs.

  "I need to know the specific organizational structure of CP0, the secret reserve forces of the world government, and the security and protection arrangements of the Holy Land Mary Gioia!"

  The voice fell.

  Whether it is Stutsi or Xiu Kitt, their pupils subconsciously contracted slightly, shocked and inexplicably shocked.

  This white ghost is indeed directed at the world government and the world’s aristocrats, Tianlong people!

  Thinking like this flashed in the minds of the two CP0s at the same time.

  As the saying goes, people have to bow their heads under the low eaves.

  Xiu Kitt recalled the merciless criticism of Bai Youling just now. He gritted his teeth, and said with difficulty.

   "I know part of the situation!"

  The voice fell, and Xiu Kitt seemed to have relieved his burden, and he was slightly relieved.

  The most difficult moment is the moment before making a decision.


   Adrian smiled slightly, then looked at the other person who had fallen silent.

   "Then Miss Stutsi doesn't know anything?"

   "I don't know much about it~"

   Stussi raised his head and smiled reluctantly.

  If the mind can kill people, she has already used the flying finger gun to oversaw the betrayal guy Xiu Kitt dozens of times!

   "Then I look forward to the sincere cooperation of the two."

   Adrian said softly.

   Immediately, he stretched out his index finger, and a semi-imaginary white ghost slowly drilled out of his fingertips, and flew silently to the face of Xiu Kitt.

  The fluffy gentleman was so scared that he was scurrying all over his body, and even his mask was knocked off at this time, revealing a plain, flustered middle-aged face.

  If it hadn’t been for the Spirit Pressure Whip that was still restricting his actions, I’m afraid he would have already retreated a long distance quickly by this time!

   "Master Bai Youling! I am willing to tell all the things I know!"

  Xiu Kitt yelled nervously, cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

  The look of anticipation was fleeting in Stutsi’s eyes.

  If Xiu Kitt is killed directly by the White Ghost, then she is the only one who holds the secret information that White Ghost needs to obtain.

   will be true or false then, isn’t she just talking nonsense with her clever mouth?

   "Don't worry, it's just a long sleep without pain."

  Adrian flicked his finger lightly, and the white ghost directly covered Xiu Kit's face, and then silently sank into it.

  Xiu Kitt closed his eyelids, and his upper body fell backwards and slammed on the floor of the room with a bang.

  But what disappointed Stushi was that her keen perception was still able to detect the breathing and heartbeat of Xiu Kitt.

  Obviously, Bai Youling did not intend to kill the opponent!

   "Well, Miss Stutsi, please explain all the information you know."

   Adrian turned and looked at the Queen of Happy Street, leaving half of his words.

  "If your words are different from what Mr. Xiu Kitt will tell you later, then..."

  Before his debut, Adrian was also a reserve agent trained under the world government, but his level was too low to have access to any secret information.

  In the original work, there is very little on the world government and the holy place of Mary Gioia.

  In other words.

  Adrian also doesn’t know the correct answer to the question he just asked, and he doesn’t have the ability to distinguish the authenticity of the words of the two CP0 members, Stutsi and Hugh Kitt.

  Even if it is a ghost fruit, it is impossible to extract the memory of the other party to see if the other party is lying.


  If Adrian is willing to invest in skill points, he can also immediately unlock a feature after the full level of seeing, hearing, and domineering—seeing through people's hearts to judge the authenticity.

  However, considering the preciousness and scarcity of skill points, Adrian is still not willing to spend, even if he has accumulated a lot of skill points at this time.

  After thinking for a moment.

   Adrian decided to create a simple "Prisoner's Dilemma".

  The two CP0 members both have a large amount of world government intelligence.

  If they are willing to cooperate tacitly and directly conceal Adrian, it is not difficult.

  However, in this situation, Adrian chose to knock out one person on the spot.

  Then the remaining person needs to consider whether he will leave a trace and tell, or risk trusting the tacit understanding between his colleagues and choose to conceal or lie.

  In view of Hugh Kitt’s positive cooperative attitude.

   Adrian also knocked him unconscious first, leaving Stutsi behind.


  Let’s take a look at this happy street queen who has been in the dark world for many years, whether she should take the risk to trust her colleagues, and she is a colleague who has actively expressed her willingness to surrender!

  Stuxi's thoughts are like a mess, very tangled.

  She could have trusted Shaw Kitt!

  If the other party has raised the white flag!

  After a moment of silence.

  Stuxi finally chose to tell most of the information she knew.

  ’CP0’s organizational structure, in addition to the grassroots team members, there are also five captains who are personally responsible for the safety of each of the five old stars;’

  ‘Above the captain, there are also the chief and deputy chiefs over all CP members. The whereabouts and strength are unknown;’

  ‘The world government does not have too much hidden combat power. Most of the forces are allocated to the navy, and a small part of the elites form the CP0 team. There is also a rumored scientific force with complex members, and the deeper ones are unknown;’

  ‘Above the admiral of the navy there are commanders of the three services, but among the three armies of the navy, land and air under his commander, apart from the navy, the air force has never seen a shadow. Legend has it that the field marshal has the ability to compete with the admiral, but it has not been verified;’

  ‘Maria Joa’s security arrangement is...’

  (End of this chapter)

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