Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 305: Your grandpa is very nice, he is going to help me now

  Chapter 305 Your grandfather is very good, he wants to help me now!

  Hearing Bai Youling’s words so candid, Little Moen Isaac also prepared to explain his true intentions.

   "I don't know--"


  Adrian did not wait for the scientist to speak out, so he directly raised his hand to refuse and interrupted his speech.

  Nothing unexpected.

  This outspoken scientist must mention something like "freedom", "pirate", and "idea", so as to dig out the golden leek of Shanks from his own land.

  But unfortunately, Adrian is not ready to pick him up.

  Something is not said, even if both parties know each other well, it can pretend that nothing happened.

  But if you say it all without reservation, then there is no room for reversal!

not to mention.

  At the beginning, the Kurokas ship doctor tried to brush his face, but Adrian bluntly refused.

  How could it be possible to agree to the little Moen Isaac, a stranger who had only met for less than half a day?



  Seeing Bai Youling's tone is firm, without the slightest thought of wavering.

  Little Moen Isaac couldn't help sighing.

  Shanks, I can only help you here...

   "Mr. Moen, besides switching to this matter, do you have anything else?"

   Adrian asked, his tone slightly softened.

   Although he ruthlessly rejected the scientist’s request, it does not mean that Adrian will immediately let the scientist grandfather leave.

  You need to know that the first Golden Lion who appeared in the "Shanks Rescue Plan", after contributing four special abilities, the dead soul still has to continue to use the residual heat!

  And the third scientist who emerged from the grandfather Moen Isaac.

  The first thing that attracted Adrian’s attention was naturally his surname and first name, whose roots could not be ascertained at present.

  After all, the name Moon is hard to not think of the moon in the sky;

  And the surname of Issac, the first time he thinks of Sir Newton, the top scientist who can't hold down the coffin board.

  Know that the moon is on this sea, but there are very, very many secrets hidden!

  Some of them don’t even know Adrian who has read the original.

  This must be Old Thief Oda’s pot!


  Little Moen Isaac, who once served as a scientist in the Roger Pirates, must have reached the final island of Lovedrew, and “knows everything about the world”.

  Even if it has been possible to reach Lavdru directly through Rumi, this still has a certain attraction to Adrian.


  The scientist's grandfather started from the "Future Kingdom" and came to the city of the queen of spring!

do not forget.

  On Adrian’s panel, there is still a [Loremaster] job upgrade task.

  One of the mission requirements is to pass the Oceanography Doctoral Examination of Future Kingdom Standard Difficulty!

  Before, Adrian had never had any contact with the Kingdom of the Future. Even if he wanted to complete this task, he couldn't figure out the clue for a while, so he could only put it aside for the time being.

  The little Moen Isaac, who appeared in front of you at this time, is not the best bridge to connect with the future kingdom? !

   "Actually from the previous conversation, your Excellency has guessed the main reason why I came to the Queen of Spring City, right?"

  When little Moen Isaac spoke, he subconsciously raised his left hand and gently twirled his slender beard.

   "Now that I see Shanks that everything is well, and my mental and physical conditions are very healthy, I know I must have misunderstood Your Excellency Bai Youling."

  The voice fell, and little Moen Isaac looked at Adrian with a little more apologetic eyes.

   Adrian cleared his throat somewhat calmly.

  In fact, if you come a few days earlier, you might see a Shanks with a completely different mental outlook...

   "As for the present..."

  Little Moen Isaac groaned a few times.

   "Actually, I have no other plans. I just want to see the beautiful scenery of the Queen's City in Spring——"

  Adrian looked up at the big moon in the sky, and then at the small moon in front of him.

  Little Moen Isaac suddenly coughed violently with embarrassment.

   "Ahem! Why didn't I realize that it was already so late? In fact, what I just wanted to talk about was to taste the cultural atmosphere of Queen City in spring."

   Adrian did not intend to expose this seemingly serious scientist, but in fact a fellow wolf friend.

   "That's it, Mr. Moen."

  Adrian is straight to the point. It is the best way to communicate with such an outspoken scientist.

  "At some time in the future, I may want to go to the future kingdom to study oceanography. I wonder if you can provide some help? If I can, I will repay you with a generous gift!"

   Adrian finished these two sentences.

  Little Moen Isaac was stunned and almost didn't grab his precious beard.

  He looked at Adrian suspiciously, wondering if there was something wrong with his ears just now!

  The terrible big thief who offered a reward of 1.68 billion Bailey, told me seriously that he wanted to learn knowledge?

  Is this the most popular sea joke this year?

  I saw little Moen Isaac’s face of doubting life.

   Adrian thought for a moment, and instantly understood what the scientist was wondering.

  Too lazy to explain too much.

   Adrian stretched out his hand, accompanied by ripples in the void, and the golden badge symbolizing the identity of O'Hara as a historian was taken out of the Fortress Fortress.

  "This is O'Hara's historian identity certificate," Adrian raised the golden badge and showed it to the other party, "I believe that with the eyesight and knowledge of Mr. Moen, it shouldn't be difficult to judge this, right?"

  Although Little Moen was very serious and repeatedly observed the golden badge and confirmed its authenticity, he was still very skeptical.

   "In addition, Mr. Moen should also know how I was offered such a high bounty by the world government and navy headquarters, right?"

  Because I knew it, I doubted it!

  Little Moen Isaac's speed of twisting his beard has been significantly increased.

  There is always a feeling that this badge is given to you by O’Hara historians, in order to thank you for your great efforts in the O’Hara slaughter order incident...

  After tangling for a while.

  Little Moen suddenly noticed something, suddenly raised his head, looked at Adrian in disbelief, and asked in shock.

   "O'Hara and those historians have not been completely humanely destroyed because of the previous Demon Slayer Order incident?"

  The date engraved on the golden badge was clearly after the killing order!

  In view of Jr. Moen Isaac’s identity as a member of the Roger Pirates.

  Adrian did not hide too much, just said in a simple and concise manner.

   "Yes, Dr. Kloba and the others were rescued by me, and then they were settled elsewhere."

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

  Little Moen Isaac shrugged his shoulders a few times, then suddenly raised his head and let out a burst of joyful laughter.

  The joyful and huge laughter suddenly cut through the tranquility of the night sky and aroused a few flying birds.

   "It turns out that O'Hara has not been completely destroyed!"

  Little Moen Isaac looked at Adrian very excitedly.

  "In other words, the knowledge of the tree of omniscience has not been completely destroyed!"

   "Exactly." Adrian nodded, and then reminded, "But I hope Mr. Moen can keep this matter secret."

   "Of course!"

  Little Moen nodded fiercely.

  The previous O'Hara slaughter order incident was a huge blow to scholars all over the world.

  This is especially true for little Moen Isaac who knows the secrets of many seas.

  But this time.

  But there was a pirate who was there at the time, and he was also the big pirate who blocked the Demon Killing Order incident. He told him that O'Hara had not been destroyed, and that historians had not been slaughtered.

  How can this keep little Moen Isaac from feeling excited?

"and many more!"

  Little Moen Isaac reacted again and looked at Adrian in surprise.

  "In other words, this golden badge is really real?"

"of course it's true!"

   Adrian was speechless.

   "Forget it! It doesn't matter if it is true or not! The good news I know today is enough to make my limbs congested!"

  Little Moen Isaac didn't need to care whether it was true or not at this time, he patted his chest bang.

  "If you go to the future kingdom, Bai Youling, no matter what you do, just go to me!"

   "Then thank you Mr. Moen."

  Adrian smiled and nodded in thanks.

  Although this wave has obviously missed the light of O'Hara historians, why not be able to see the dawn of the completion of the task?

  The two chatted again.

  Then little Moen Isaac said goodbye because he had just drunk too much.

   Adrian also declared that it was not early and was going to return to the room to rest.

  About half an hour later.

  The city of spring queens.

  In the happy street with bright lights and girls like weaving.

  Two guests who had clearly greeted each other good night and declared social sleep, unexpectedly met each other.

   "Ahaha, Mr. Moen, what a coincidence!"

   "Yeah, it's a coincidence."



  (End of this chapter)

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