Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 304: Roger Pirates Scientist

  Chapter 304 Scientists of Roger Pirates

   "Hello, I am Moon Isaac Jr. (MoonIsaacJr.)."

At this time, what appeared in Adrian’s sight was not Silbaz Rell’s iconic vertical beard, nor Spark Jabba’s small round dark glasses, but a gentle but gentle looking person. My dear middle-aged fat uncle.

  This middle-aged man has a loose half-length blond curly hair, and under the rather conspicuous hooked nose, there are two slightly curly slender beards, with a casual smile on his face.




   Adrian's eyes narrowed slightly, and a faint expression flashed.

  Whether it is the first surname or the last name.

   doesn’t sound like ordinary people can have it!

  What's more, it is also involved in the Roger Pirates...

  A few thoughts flashed quickly in his mind, and Adrian made a simple self-introduction with a flat expression.

  No matter who this is, who is in the Roger Pirates.

  As long as it is not Raleigh or Jabba, then for the current Adrian, there is no attraction at all.

  You should know that the task progress bar of [Extreme Trial] has accumulated to 940 points at this time, and it is only a short distance from the successful upgrade!

  Adrian is eager to appear in the city of the Queen of Spring at this time is a fighter from the Roger Pirates, even if it is not Raleigh or Jabba, as long as it is a fighter!

  Unfortunately, the third "Grandpa" who came here was a "Little Moen Isaac" who had never heard of it before!

   "Uncle Moen, why are you in the city of the queen of spring?"

  Shanks didn't doubt that he had him, and asked excitedly.

  Since the Roger Pirates group disbanded, the crew separated.

  Until Roger was executed in Luoge Town, East China Sea, Shanks bid farewell to Bucky, who had grown up and fought together since childhood, and returned to the West China Sea alone.

  In the short period of more than a month since the official going to sea.

  Shanks first met Kurokas Ship Doctor in Twin Gorge.

  At this moment, I ran into little Moen Isaac, who was once a scientist in the Pirates.

  How can this make Shanks not happy?

  "The city of the queen of spring extends in all directions, with stable magnetic force. In addition to specific entertainment and food routes, there are many other islands that can be directly connected here."

  Little Moen didn't pay attention to the almost indifferent attitude of the white ghost, smiled and pinched the slender beard of the upper lip, and talked with Shanks very kindly.

  "After doing too long experiments in the future kingdom, the bones are a bit stiff, so I think of spring Queen City here to relax, empty the brain, and at the same time, you can also enjoy the body."

   Adrian nodded slightly.

  This is really very good.

  Pleasure the body—

and many more!

  Future Kingdom?

  Shanks said that he understood what Uncle Moen said.

  Although he usually wears a rapier around his waist, little Moen Isaac is not a combatant.

  During the days aboard the Oro Jackson, Little Moen Isaac was the type of experimenting and theorizing in the room. Even in battle, he would not join it.


  The lively banquet after the battle, Little Moen will never miss it!

  At present, this scene of acquaintances meeting, Adrian is not easy to interrupt.

   Seeing people coming and going, he simply invited Little Moen and Shanks to board the Underworld together, and slightly delayed his plan to visit the Queen's City in Spring.

  Faced with the invitation of the white ghost, little Moen Isaac accepted it naturally.

  It is not so much that he wants to relax his muscles and get rid of loneliness in the Queen City of Spring.

  It would be better to say that he is here specifically waiting for the arrival of the Mingyuan!

   Same as Adrian had previously guessed.

  Kulokas did secretly contact many old acquaintances of the Roger Pirates after the Underworld sailed away from the Twin Gorge.

  Some people think that since Shanks has officially gone to sea, then he should meet his unique destiny.

  Unless Shanks asks, he shouldn’t intervene.

  Some people think that Shanks was taken aboard by the white ghost. Maybe, probably, maybe, the white ghost really took a fancy to Shanks’ talents and abilities.

  But these people who knew Shanks’ temperament deeply thought that Shanks would never be happy in the hands of Bai Youling, and decided to help, at least to test Bai Youling’s attitude.

  Little Moen Isaac is the group behind.

  As for why we have to wait for the arrival of the Dark Abyss in the Queen’s City of Spring...

  It's not like I said before, because of the happy street.

  It's still because Moen Isaac Jr. partially recognized the opinions of the previous group.

  Shanks did not take the initiative to ask for help.

  If Moen Isaac Jr. appeared in the film kingdom of Ballywood quite actively, wouldn’t it show that he had subjectively ignored Shanks’ personal thoughts and personal freedom?

  So the third spring island is the most suitable.

  Well, it’s definitely not because there is a Happy Street in the Queen’s City of Spring!

  In the banquet room of the Mingyuan ship.

  Shanks and Little Moen toasted, had a happily conversation, and chatted happily about the past adventures in the Roger Pirates.

  After a long time.

  Little Moen left the drunk Shanks and went outside the cabin.

  At this time, the sky was dark, and the bright white moon was hanging from the horizon.

   Not surprisingly, little Moen was directly on the side of the deck and met someone he really wanted to know.

   "Mr. Adrian, thank you for taking care of Shanks during this time."

  Although little Moen had a strong red wine halo on his face, his consciousness was very clear.

   "It's nothing."

   Adrian turned his face and looked at the Roger Pirates member who had no impression at all.

  To be honest, there are only a few of the 20 or 30 members of the Roger Pirates who are really remembered by him.

  This little Moen Isaac.

   Adrian really has no impression at all.

   "Maybe this is nothing in your eyes, but as Shanks' former partner, I still need to express my gratitude."

  Little Moen Isaac said solemnly.

  Suddenly, he changed the conversation again, pretending to ask nonchalantly.

   "By the way, does Mr. Adrian already consider Shanks as his own crew member?"

  This is straight to the point?

  A strange color flashed in Adrian's eyes. He thought that scientists were all serious and unspoken types, but the directness of this little Moen Isaac was a little beyond expectation.

  The air fell into silence, and the sea breeze came from my ears.

  Just when little Moen Isaac was a little nervous whether he irritated the white ghost in front of him.

   Adrian suddenly spoke.

   "I did say something similar to Mr. Kolokas, but I don't know how much he conveyed to you."

  Little Moen Isaac smiled awkwardly. Hearing this, Bai Youling had clearly noticed his true intentions.

   "But in fact..."

   Adrian continued.

   "I never prepared to let Shanks be my crew member."

   "I just want to accept him as my little brother."

  This is the first time Adrian has explained his thoughts to other members of the Roger Pirates.

  Golden leeks, twisting will break.

  Adrian understands this very well.

  Although there is a saying called "Twisted melon is not sweet, but it quenches thirst".

  But he was really reluctant to feed Shanks this golden leek crookedly.

  Adrian has also been looking forward to "Golden Leek Shanks".

   can evolve into "Top Swordsman Shanks".

  "Emperor of the Sea·Shanks".

  Even "Overlord Territory·Shanks"!

  That is to release the full potential of this golden leek!

  The current Shanks, at best, is just a young man.

    Thank you very much "Reader 20201027194049535765028" for the reward of 100 starting coins!

     Fourth shift, there is no fifth shift today.

    1, Spring Queen’s City and Happy Street are not actually in the same place, at least the author has not found evidence that they are in the same place.

     But...Who makes the names of these two places so rich in spring?

     so much so that many fan fictions put these two places together, and this book will also make such a setting.

    2, Little Moen Isaac is not a character made up by the author, the Roger Pirates does exist in this character, and he does wear a rapier.

     As for his identity characteristics, he has not yet fully revealed his identity. It is only judging from the rapier and name. It should be swayed between the swordsman and the scientist, so this book is set as a scientist.



  (End of this chapter)

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