Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 300: Difficult brothers (fourth more)

  Chapter 300 Difficult brothers (fourth more)

   "Is this... also the answer to the battle you saw in advance?"

  Looking at this battle scene that could not be called a "battle" at all, Jane Cerf seemed to have received some mental shock, and asked with a rather difficult tone.

  I tried my best and tried my best to deliberately design a series of powerful traps, even with the help of a great advantage, a terrorist opponent that could not be solved.

  In the hands of this stranger who suddenly appeared, but could not last a second, he was defeated.

  Such an overly strong contrast makes Jane Cerf very unacceptable.


  Adrian raised his eyebrows when he looked at Jane Cerf who suddenly asked questions.

   "The fruits of you and me are the same type of Superman."

  "The thorn fruit is actually quite useful."

  For some reason, I suddenly felt a terrorist attack.

  Jane Cerf couldn’t help but stepped back.

  If facing Charlotte Irving, he still has the courage to fight, and even hopes to get his "championship prize" back.

  But this time.

  The [Squeezed Fruit], which symbolizes the ownership of the food contest champion, is quietly placed in the hands of the stranger who suddenly appeared.

  Jane Cerf's heart can't raise the slightest idea of ​​fighting, the only idea in his mind is "run away"!

  ‘Everything about me... seems to be seen through! ’

   shook his head, Adrian stopped paying attention to the helpless champion chef.

  If it weren't for this person's ability and appearance, he couldn't help but think of a certain vehicle assassin, and he didn't even have the intention of molesting him at the moment.

   "Rumi, isolate a room in the fortress of Jiancheng, just like the last time."

  Adrian raised his arm and threw the wooden box in the air.

   "By the way, put this devil fruit together with my previous collection."

   "Oh! No problem!"

  The reply from the little assistant of the caring space came from the void.

  Along with a faint ripple, Rumi used his fruit ability to collect Charlotte Irving, who fell unconscious on the ground, and the squeezed fruit in mid-air into the castle.

  Adrian did not plan to be here to deal with Charlotte Owen, the scorched minister of Totland.

  As a person with the ability to heat fruits, it is a rare experimental material.

  It’s time to let the Shanks Devil Fruit Maker again!

  I remember that Shanks owed him a fruit last time. I don’t know if he will continue to increase his debt this time.

   By the way, there is a transpiring fruit on it!


  There seems to be a thorny fruit here?

   Adrian's gaze slowly drifted towards Jan Cerf.


  "I’m Jane Cerf Jiangst, sir! Personality is male, female-loving, no bad habits, no evil behavior!"

  Jane Cerf's legs are close together, his waist is straight, and he answers questions respectfully and loudly.

  "You are a great gentleman, and all of us here will never forget all of your generous actions today!"

  Too clever to start...

  Adrian's fingers move slightly.

  Forget it, the thorn fruit is really useless.

   Adrian's figure was imaginary for a moment, and disappeared directly into a messy tunnel under the full view of everyone.

  Wait for the murderous man to disappear.

  Jane Cerf instantly squatted up, and at the same time a lot of sweat broke out on his forehead, and he couldn't help gasping for breath.

  ‘Really almost dead! I won't die like this for no reason! ! ’

  Resume after a while.

  Jane Cerf recalled the other group of people that still existed in the tunnel, it was the host of the Sinoxia Food Contest and the judges.

  Slowly walked towards the group of ordinary people who had survived the disaster, Jane Cerf’s pale face once again raised a fake smile.

   "Well, everyone, you have also seen it. The champion prize that belongs to me, but I haven't even touched it, was taken away by the generous gentleman just now."

   "I don't know...will the competition be reissued?"


  Above the corridor, in the final ring of the food contest.

  The battle between Shanks and Charlotte Dafu is still going on.

  Ping-pong on both sides, playing well or not.

  Due to the sudden outbreak of fighting, the melon-eaters who fled in all directions.

   Seeing the big villain who originally intervened in the game and tried to take away the food contest champion and the championship prize, he was stopped by an unknown straw hat boy.

  The originally panicked psychological emotions slowly calmed down.

  With the passage of time, the hearts of the people who eat melon are more of a state of watching the excitement.

  In fact, food contests and military duels can be seamlessly connected!


  For their own safety, these people who eat melons still know to keep a safe distance.

  At this moment, the soldiers of the Sinosia Kingdom who received the order of the riots are also rushing toward this side.

   Adrian's figure quietly appeared in the corner of the final ring.

  Looking at Shanks and Charlotte Dafu who were still battling, he couldn't help but yawned boredly.

  The sparring between two men has no sense of beauty at all.

  For Adrian, there is no attraction.

  If two beauties are fighting...

   Adrian thinks he can carry peanuts and melon seeds and eight-treasure porridge, squatting in the corner for a day and night!

  ‘I like watching women fight the most! ’


   "Shanks, if you continue to fight like this, I will go straight away."

  A faint but clear and familiar voice suddenly reached Shanks’ ears.

   Shanks, who had been engrossed in the battle with Charlotte Dafu, couldn't help but break out.

  Such a subtle opportunity was keenly noticed by Charlotte Daifuku.

  He held the giant sword with his right hand consistently, and slashed Shanks’ deadwood knife heavily, slashing the latter a few steps away.

   caught off guard, suddenly undergoing a majestic force, Shanks couldn't help his blood surge, his cheeks flushed.

  However, there is no tension in his heart, only happiness!

  If you continue to fight, will you be able to escape from Adrian's clutches? !

  Then I can play for another three days and three nights! !

Do not!

  You can hold on for ten days and ten nights! !

   However, the next sentence in his ear made Shanks' complexion suddenly change, and cold sweat broke out.

   "At that time, I will bring your bones back to Brayford Village and tell the villagers about your accidental death."

   didn't notice the slightest unusual Charlotte Taifook, but thought that the straw hat kid on the opposite side was tired from the long battle, which led to a trance.

   "Then go to hell! Straw hat boy!"

  Turning the knife and thrusting it down into the ground, Charlotte Dafu stretched out her hand again, rubbing her lower abdomen frantically.

   Accompanied by a harsh creaking sound.

  A puff of strong light blue smoke once again burst out of Charlotte Daifuku’s golden belt, and quickly turned into the shape of a smoke demon.

  The smoke demon grabbed the naga on the floor, and a brutal and **** smile appeared on his horrible face. He waved his long knife and once again slashed at the "old acquaintance" who had not seen it for a while.

  The angry Shanks concentrated all the gloomy anger that had been accumulated in his heart for this period of time on the smoke demon in front of him.

  I can’t help the white ghost!

  Can't do you blue devil?

  Shanks holding the famous knife "Withered Wood", his eyes suddenly condensed, and the invisible and powerful aura suddenly burst out, and at the same time entered a state of explosion.

  Charlotte Daifuku’s pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle.

   Domineering? !

  This straw hat boy actually has the same abilities as his mother and Kata Kuri brother!

  It is simply unforgivable! !

  Charlotte Daifuku manipulates the Smoke Demon and sends out the strongest moves he has mastered towards Shanks.

  The giant sword drew a dazzling light in the air, carrying a terrifying aura of slashing everything, and slammed down towards Shanks’ position.

   "Majin Severe!"

  Shanks' eyes suddenly flashed a scarlet light, and the force under his feet exploded. The speed was significantly higher than just before, and he successfully avoided this powerful slash.

  Boom! !

The final arena, which was already a mess, was completely split into two halves under the power of this terrifying move by the devil. Cut into two pieces together, and the cut is extremely smooth.

   Take advantage of the gap between the attack of the smoke demon.

  Shanks quickly swung the famous knife ‘Dead Wood’ and cut out several flying slashes, and the crescent-shaped white sword aura slashed towards Charlotte Dafu in the air.

   jingle bells!

Charlotte Taifook had to stop rubbing his lower abdomen with the wretched moves, covering his arms and domineering, and blasting several punches towards the flying slashing attack. The sharp flying slashing attack fell like raindrops. It was originally The shattered ring ground once again exploded bursts of rubble and smoke.

  Shanks rushed towards Charlotte Dafu, in the shape of a swift cheetah, and the distance between the two narrowed in the blink of an eye.

  The alternate use of fruit and swordsmanship is your fatal flaw!

  The red light in Shanks’s eyes gave a clear insight into Charlotte Dafu’s physical movements.

  The opponent's fighting style and fighting habits have been passed through the previous battle, and Shanks has all been remembered one by one.

  Charlotte Daifuku's counterattack action in the next moment is as obvious as the lights in the night.

The dark and strong armed color instantly covered the body of the sword. Shanks held the'withered wood', and the famous sword drew a stern white arc in the air. The angle was unusually tricky to avoid Charlotte Dafu's fist. The blocking posture took away a large piece of flesh and blood from his ribs.

  Blood spurted out!

  Charlotte Dafu covered his ribs with his right hand, and because of the unbearable pain, he kept sweating on his forehead.

   "I won't be defeated by a kid like you!"

  Charlotte Dafu raised his left hand, clenched his teeth, and also covered the surface of his fist bones with armed domineering, and slammed down downwards, as if he was about to hammer Shanks into flesh.

   Shanks relied on his short stature, with his legs slightly bent, and an acceleration, he went straight under the armpits of Charlotte Dafu's raised arms!

next moment.

  Shanks quickly turned around and made another slap in the face!

  A powerful swordsmanship slash, a heavy bombardment on Charlotte Daifuku's back, opening a huge wound, and at the same time slashing his huge and strong body to the front.

  And the direction of the drop point is exactly where Adrian is standing at this time!

  Charlotte Dafu, who had been seriously injured, crashed and fell on the broken ring.

  He hadn't recovered from the battle of the rabbits and flocks, and suddenly realized that there was an extra figure in front of him.

  Supporting the ground with both arms, looking up with difficulty, Charlotte Dafu’s pupils reflected the specific appearance.

   "Bai You——"

  Dream Phantom·Slumbering Curse.

  After a while, Minister Bean, who was in a deep coma, followed in the footsteps of his younger brother and was taken into the stronghold of Jiancheng and turned into experimental materials to be slaughtered.

   "It's pretty fast, right?"

  Shanks walked over triumphantly.

   Defeating Charlotte Daifuku, the "novice monster" with fruit ability and not weak swordsmanship, obviously made Shanks' mental state much more excited.

   "I hope your luck in a while will be on the rise as it is now."

  Adrian smiled and patted Shanks on the shoulder.

   "Otherwise, you will owe me three Devil Fruits."

   1.3w words.

     The fourth and later one is a bit outrageous...



  (End of this chapter)

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