Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 299: Get stolen

   Chapter 299

   Secretly typed the draft.

   Adrian is not ready to continue watching the theater above the hotel rooftop.

  He stretched out his hand and patted Love's little head a few times.

   "Love, ready to go into the castle."

  The little fox raised his head a little nervously, and said in a tangled tone: "Adrian Sama, do we really need to help Shanks?"

  Adrian suddenly turned into rubbing.

   "Why, does Love want to perform in person? Then I'm a little bit looking forward to it."


  Love stomped angrily. It was clear that Adrian Sama knew what she meant, but he always wanted to tease her like this, so angry!

   "Well, Love, trust Shanks, just like you trust your own cooking."

   Adrian comforted casually when he stopped.

   "With that kid's ability, he will never be defeated by the wretched man in the blue cotton-padded jacket."

  The so-called blue cotton-padded jacket wretched man naturally refers to Charlotte Dafu.

   "But, but..."

   Love is still a bit tangled.

   Adrian said again: "If Shanks is defeated, doesn't it mean that I have a bad vision?"

  This kind of seemingly unreasonable, but in fact really unreasonable words made Love at ease.

   "Shanks! Come on!"

  Lastly glanced at Shanks, who was still being beaten by Charlotte Dafu, and Love secretly cheered on him in his heart.

  With a faint ripple in the void, Love was incorporated into the Fortress of Fortress by Rumi using his abilities.

  Red light bloomed in Adrian's eyes, the domineering color of seeing and hearing turned on instantly, and then the faint familiar breath was locked in, and his figure suddenly disappeared on the hotel rooftop.

  Below the food contest ring.

  Amidst a brightly lit wide corridor.

  The tall Charlotte Owen was standing above the passage. His three-bladed golden orange hair like a flame could reach the ceiling of the passage, like a hard wall blocking the passage tightly.

   "Hand over the wooden box containing the devil fruit!"

Charlotte Owen grinned grimly, and while his right fist was clenched, a scarlet glow burst from the surface of the dark brown glove in his hand, and the air in the tunnel became anxious. a bit.

   "Brother Dafu must still be waiting for my smooth news!"

  Originally hiding under the ring, the host, judges, and participating chefs who thought they were safe, all looked desperate.

  When it comes to professional ability, they are confident that they can definitely outperform each other.

   But in terms of the level of force, they are not enough for the opponent to punch when they are stacked together!

  At that time, due to the shortest distance and the almost instinctive professionalism, at this moment, it was Mr. Host who held the wooden box loaded with [Squeezed Fruit] in his hand.

  But the host at this moment, but he seems to be holding a bunch of hot potato, his face is bitter.

   Just when the host is about to hand over the [squeeze fruit] to save his life.

  An inexplicable frivolous voice came from behind Charlotte Irving.

   "Master, I'm here to deliver tequila, let me pass it!"

  Charlotte Owen quickly stretched out his left hand, grabbed the host’s slender arm, and took the wooden box quite rudely.

  If it weren’t for being too close, Charlotte Irving was afraid of destroying the [squeezing fruit] and inconvenient to activate the fruit ability. It is estimated that the host’s arm would turn into a half-melted candle!

  But this is the case. The host's original sound and complete right hand is now lifelessly pulled beside his side, and it has obviously been broken and dislocated by the huge force of Charlotte Irving.


  Charlotte Owen guarded the wooden box with his left hand, turned around, and looked behind him.

   "Oh, the prize that belonged to me has been taken away..."

  The original frivolous and teasing voice suddenly became unscrupulous.

   "If this is the case, then there is nothing I can do! Let's leave now!"

  "Aren’t you the chef who won the championship just now?"

  Charlotte Irving frowned, focusing on Jane Cerf who was about to run away.

   "Unexpectedly, you managed to escape from Brother Dafu!"

   "Escape? What a black humor!"

  Jane Cerf frowned.

   "And actually added ‘Unexpectedly’? Isn’t it too despising people?!"

  Charlotte Irving, who has a grumpy temper and a radical personality, doesn't have the intention of starting a boring fight with Jane Cerf.

  He protected his left palm, while clenching his right fist, the hot red light appeared on his right forearm again, scorching the surrounding air.

  As a person with the ability to heat fruits, Charlotte Irving can create terrifying heat at will, and transfer it to any object in contact to heat it at the same time.

  I have to say that this is a superhuman demon fruit with great potential!

  If developed properly, even if compared to natural fruits, the power is a bit more terrifying!

   "What Brother Dafu didn't do, let me help him complete it!"

  Charlotte Owen roared, her legs slammed on the floor of the aisle, leaving two melting potholes like footprints on the masonry floor, and her huge figure quickly rushed towards Jancef.

  At the same time, Charlotte Owen raised his scorching fire fist the size of a casserole, and slammed into Jan Cerf's position.

   "Hot Fist!"

   "It's over! I'm dead! It turns out to be the hot man I hate the most!"

   grumbled mercilessly on his mouth, but Jan Cerf's figure suddenly fell forward several angles.

   seems to be hit and killed directly by Charlotte Irving’s hot fist.

  In the air, there was a faint smell of burnt protein.

  In just one second, he became Jane Cerf with a high-temperature perm, with his fluffy curly forehead hair, and his figure quickly receded back.

  There seemed to be an invisible arm in the void, which was pulling him back and flying back.

  In fact, there is not much difference!

  A thick layer of lavender thorns has already been laid on the dimly lit floor.

  This is the preparation that Jane Cerf made in advance before he reminded Charlotte Irving.

  At this moment, it was a thick and strong lavender thorn that bound Jane Cerf’s right ankle and pulled him back suddenly!

  As a Superman and Thorns Fruit Ability, it is only a trivial thing to achieve this level!

  Charlotte Owen missed a punch and slowly landed on the ground.

  At the same time, his legs burst into scorching light, burning the lavender thorns near the floor under his feet, turning them into masses of twisted ashes.

   "High temperature, but the natural enemy of plants!"

   "Yes, high temperature is the natural enemy of plants."

  Jane Cerf touched his forehead with a little distress. In fact, he doesn't really like exploding heads, let alone exploding only the first half of the hair.

  It looks like a steak is stuck on the head!

   "But, are there only my plants?"

  Stomped on thorns!

  Jane Cerf slammed his foot on the ground.

  Along with his movements, the lavender thorns that had been on the floor instantly became crazy.

These lavender thorns danced like golden snakes in the air, and in a moment of breathing, they successfully transformed into layers of barbed giant nets, like catching prey, and quickly pounced towards Charlotte, who was surrounded by thorns in the center. Te Owen.

  The focus of the attack-

  It is Charlotte Irving who holds the left hand of the [Squeezing Fruit] wooden box!

   "Even though it is a treasure of the sea, the devil fruit is also a kind of ‘plant’!"

  Jane Cerf’s voice is hidden behind the giant net of lavender thorns, with a slight sense of narrowness.

  "What choice will you make now?"

  Faced with such an airtight attack.

  Charlotte Irving doesn’t dodge, he just smiles grinningly.

  In the eyes of a reckless man, where is the airtightness? !

  Charlotte Owen's left forearm suddenly appeared a layer of tough and armed domineering, and at the same time he clenched his left fist, and strictly protected the wooden box containing the [squeezed fruit].

  The next moment.

Charlotte Irving used his abilities again, his right fist once again turned into a hot orange light. This time, the terrifying high temperature erupted through the use of his abilities, and even the surrounding air was scorched and waved into one. The roaring hot wind.

   "Hot Air Punch!"

  Charlotte Owen’s legs bend slightly, and then a terrifying force erupts, pushing him into the air.

  At the same time, he slammed his right fist again and again. Under the rendering of the hot air and white wind, the right hand that originally exuded orange light turned into a fuzzy white light.

  The howling gust of wind, engulfed in the terrifying high temperature enough to evaporate water vapor, suddenly hammered towards the lavender thorn net surrounded from the front of the body.

  In the face of such a terrifying high temperature, the seemingly tenacious purple thorny net broke into an army in an instant, and was blasted out of a huge hole large enough to accommodate adults.

   "This is not enough! Hot Air Punch!"

  Charlotte Owen was still unsatisfied. In mid-air, he slammed twice again, and this time successfully blasted the remaining thorny net to pieces.

One after another, the lavender thorns broke into small pieces. They were in mid-air before they fell to the ground. The terrifying high temperature brought by the fist of the hot wind evaporated all the water vapor in the body, turning them into sections of black dry branches, smashing them down. on the ground.

  Papa Papa——

  The sound of falling and shattering one after another came from the place where the dry branches of thorns fell.


  Charlotte Owen’s huge body slammed heavily on the corridor floor, making a terrifying roar.

  Faced with the attack of the thorny net that looked like a net of heaven and earth, with nowhere to hide.

  Charlotte Irving was unscathed except for a little physical effort!

   "Wow... you deserve to be a hot man!"

   Seeing this scene, Jane Cerf couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

   "But I'm sorry...I've done a little subtotal again."

  The voice just fell.

On the ceiling of the corridor, a large sea urchin-shaped sphere made of lavender thorns suddenly landed, and the surface was shining with extremely cold and sharp light, and it suddenly hit the top of Charlotte Owen below.

at the same time.

On the wall around the corridor, the lavender thorns condensed into a spider web shape, I don’t know when it was pulled to its limit. A sea urchin-shaped thorn ball the size of a human head, like a meteor hammer, is densely facing Charlotte. · Shot in Irving's direction.

  This time a series of attacks are more powerful and powerful than the giant thorny net just now!

  The main target of the attack.

   is still Charlotte Irving’s left hand that holds the weakness of [Squeeze Fruit]!

  At this critical moment.

  Charlotte Irving’s pupils shrank tightly to a point.

  The next moment, he bent his legs, raised his right fist, and on the brown glove, a hot orange light suddenly lit up.

   "Hot Fist!"

   wrapped in fists with terrifying high temperature fluctuations, slammed to the top of the head, and successfully hit the huge sea urchin thorn ball that almost hit the head.

  As if poking into a layer of newspaper, Charlotte Irving’s right hand pierced straight through the sphere of the giant sea urchin thornball.

next moment.

The light on Charlotte Owen’s right fist was a bit more intense, instantly heating the surrounding air to its limit, and a number of flowing high-temperature air columns suddenly formed in the mid-air, faintly emitting orange-red light, as if directional tracking In general, one by one attacks the sea urchin-shaped thorn ball that hits from all directions.

   "Hot Air· Thousands of Passengers!"

  The high-temperature air stream knocked down the sea urchin-shaped thorn **** one by one, and even the thorn **** that came from behind did not escape the perception of Charlotte Irving, and were flexibly intercepted in the air.

   "Sure enough, it's still useless!"

  Jane Cerf sighed.

   "It looks like we have to start a tactical retreat..."

  "Aren't you evading battle?"

  Jane Cerf wanted to answer subconsciously.

   "'Although I, Janserf Jiangst, will escape tactically, I never escape from battle'?"

  Jane Cerf replied subconsciously: "I, Jane Cerf...what?!"

   "Nothing, I just saw your answer in advance."

  Adrian walked easily past Jancerf's sluggish figure, and walked slowly to Charlotte Owen.

"You are!!!"

  Originally, when facing Jan Cerf, she was so arrogant and arrogant that she was so arrogant as Charlotte Irving. At this time, she was as if she had seen some terrifying predator at the top of the food chain, and she was so terrified that she screamed.

  Jane Cerf could even clearly see that this hot hunk started to shiver like a coward.

   "Yes, it's me."

  A white ghost slowly drilled out of Adrian's fingertips. He tilted his head, looked at Charlotte Irving, and persuaded him kindly.

   "Don't make any moves, anyway, I won."

"damn it!"

  Charlotte Irving roared.

   "Why are you here!!"

  The next moment, Charlotte Irving's right fist once again burst into bright light, like a fearless warrior, rushing directly to Adrian.

   "High fever——"

  Dream Phantom·Slumbering Curse.

  Step on!

  Step on.

  Step on...


  Charlotte Irving’s huge body, like a jade pillar pushing a golden mountain, crashed onto the floor.

  Adrian raised his palm and gently took the wooden box that had fallen from the air.

   "Well, people get stolen goods and get them."

  (End of this chapter)

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