Countless powerful people in the pirate world were watching the duel between the four figures on the Sabaodia Islands.

On Kraikana Island, Hawkeye stared at the huge screen in the castle, watching the fierce fighting on the Sabaodia Islands in real time.

There was a figure among them that made him feel quite familiar.

That was Vice Admiral Louis who had just fought with him not long ago! The boy from Windmill Village!

He had not forgotten the internal injuries caused by the opponent.

The extremely fast body movements and the domineering fists were vivid in his mind.

What surprised Hawkeye was that in addition to the figure of Louis, the blood-red figure seemed to be even more weird and swift, and was 40% to 50% stronger than Vice Admiral Louis.

Who exactly is this red figure?

Hawkeye frowned and fell into deep thought.......

The four emperors' territories in the New World.

Red-haired Shanks, Big Mom Charlotte Linlin, Kaido the Beast, and Whitebeard Newgate are all watching this great duel that has shocked the world.

For them, once this battle is over, the world will change dramatically.

Because these four figures are all top masters, as long as one of them is alive, they can break the current situation of the pirate world, especially the blood-red figure and the gray-and-white figure.

At this time, the news agency server bugs were overloaded to the point of almost crashing. If Morgans hadn't prepared in advance and prepared dozens of server bugs, I'm afraid the entire news agency's server would have crashed due to too many visitors.

At this moment, Ace, who was rushing to Banaro Island, was also watching the live broadcast on the ship with a solemn expression, because it can be seen from the picture that these four figures are all top masters.

And from the previous news, Luffy happened to be going to Sabaody Island.

Now that there is such a big commotion in the Sabaody Islands, he, as a brother, will inevitably worry. After all, from childhood to adulthood, Luffy has never been a worry-free person, always causing trouble everywhere.

He pulled out two life cards, one for Luffy and one for Louis.

What surprised him was that when the blood-red figure on the screen collided violently with the other three figures, Louis' life card suddenly burned rapidly. Could it be that Louis was also in the Sabaodia Islands at this time? That gray-and-white figure was the elder brother?!

Ace couldn't help but stare at the gray-and-white figure!

He was shocked!......

"Hehehe, this is getting more and more interesting!"

On Banaro Island, Blackbeard Teach was laughing and saying

"The whole world looks like it's going to shake violently!"

Blackbeard was waiting for this moment.

Lafitte and Badgers also laughed with the captain. The world was gradually becoming crazy, and only with madness could the Blackbeard Pirates stand out from the crowd of pirates.

Their power attributes and methods have determined their style of doing things.

Now that the world is about to change, Blackbeard feels that it is time to take action.......

Sabaodia Archipelago, Outlaw Zone

The stronger pirates and navy around have all arrived at the Outlaw Zone.

However, the air in the Outlaw Zone was filled with thick dust, and they still couldn't see the four figures in the center. They only felt that the gas fluctuations caused by the strong aura were enough to stun them.

But since they could come here, they naturally wouldn't be too weak.

They could still withstand this strong aura fluctuation.

The Red Earl's eyes became even more scarlet, because he used his observation Haki to detect the auras of many pirates around him, and they obviously just came here.

The more people came, the more blood he sucked, so his upgrade speed would naturally become faster.

In his eyes, these pirates and navy were just ants, and he could naturally control them.

Clang, lang, lang!

Boom, boom, boom!

Louis smashed the Red Earl's abdomen with the power of the 100% Supreme Taijutsu. Kizaru and Rayleigh were like the two guardians beside Louis, preventing Louis from being hit by the Red Earl's surprise attack.

It has to be said that the Red Earl's observation Haki is extremely strong!

Before Louis' fist arrived, the Red Earl had already moved sideways to Louis.

The Red Earl was about to fight back but was stopped by Rayleigh and Kizaru.

"No matter how strong your Observation Haki is, if the three of us cooperate perfectly without any flaws, even the best Observation Haki will be completely useless to us."

The Red Earl sneered:

"Then you still underestimate my observation Haki."

As he said that, the Red Earl flashed behind Louis with a ghostly body, and his speed was much faster than before. Fortunately, at this time, Zhan Taowan and Da Kuma suddenly stood up and blocked the Red Earl's fatal thrust.

The battle has entered a white-hot stage! Louis, Rayleigh and Kizaru already had wounds of varying sizes, especially Louis. Coupled with the previous injuries, he has become quite pale and exhausted!

But he has chosen to fight to the end!

Because no matter what, the opponent will put him to death. In this case, it is better to fight hard!

Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope.

Zhan Taowan and Da Kuma also participated in the battle.

Facing Rayleigh, Zhan Taowan and Da Kuma did not make any offensive intentions, and they also saw the situation clearly.

They naturally had only one enemy, the man in a red robe not far in front of them.

"Why are you here? Zhan Tao Wan?"Kizaru looked at Zhan Tao Wan and Da Xiong.

"Just now, Admiral Akainu notified us that we would issue a demon-killing order to the entire Sabaodia Archipelago!"

Demon-killing order?"

Louis, Kizaru and Rayleigh were all shocked. This meant that this island would soon disappear in the long river of history.

While they were thinking, the Red Earl accumulated about 100% of the power of the Supreme Physical Technique in his ten long nails as sharp as needles in a short period of time.

Just by lightly swiping in the air, he could cut a hole in the void!

He pounced on Louis and the others swiftly.

Louis could only use the high-level armed color domineering plus 70% of the power of the Supreme Physical Technique to block.

With a bang, Louis knelt on one knee, and a big hole was also formed on the ground.

Kizaru and Rayleigh came out to rescue him immediately. The Tianyun Congjian and the iron sword stabbed at the vital parts of the Red Earl.......

The Red Earl took ten steps back.

At this moment, Colonel Smoker, Colonel Hina, and Colonel Dashiki all came over. They had already distinguished the four figures and recognized three of them.

They also joined the battle!

While taking a breath, Colonel Hina had ordered the navy to hand out the meat supplements to each combat member present, including Rayleigh.

"Everyone, eat this barbecue. It can quickly heal your wounds and restore your strength!"

Kizaru, Rayleigh, Zhan Taomaru and Da Kuma quickly took the barbecue and felt very strange.

Barbecue can actually have such an effect?

Could it be that this barbecue was made by a devil fruit user?

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